- Bookelis (20)
- Springer (11)
- Wiley-Blackwell (5)
- Saga Egmont (3)
- Fayard (2)
- NENA (2)
- Palgrave Macmillan (2)
- Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (1)
- Cahiers de théâtre Jeu inc. (1)
- Delcourt (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Robert Laffont) (1)
- Jean-Claude Gawsewitch (1)
- L'Astre Bleu Edition (1)
- Les Éditions Cap-aux-Diamants inc. (1)
- Livre de Poche Jeunesse (1)
- Pyramyd (1)
- Tourbillon (1)
Les enfants du Nouveau Monde
- Livre de Poche Jeunesse
- Historique
- 19 Mars 2008
- 9782013233163
Nantes, 1720. La Bretagne menace de faire sécession. Dans ce contexte d'effervescence, Jean de Couëdic, quatorze ans, est enfermé dans un cachot de la prison de Nantes pour s'être opposé à un soldat du roi. Là, il fait la connaissance de la fille adoptive du geôlier. Un soir, ils s'évadent tous les deux et rejoignent à la nage un bateau anglais en partance pour l'Amérique.
Qui a fait mon livre ?
Baumann-A-S+ Balicev
- Tourbillon
- Mes Premiers Exploradocs
- 24 Juin 2010
- 9782848015422
Qui a fait mon livre ? Auteur : Anne-Sophie Baumann Illustrateur : Didier
Balicevic Un nouveau titre dans la collection Mon premier exploradoc, les
documentaires pour les enfants de 6 à 9 ans. De l'objet livre à la maison
d'édition qui a pensé le sujet du livre, en passant par la fabrication de la
pâte à papier, les petits sauront tout sur la fabrication du livre qu'ils ont
entre les mains.
Alors qu'il tenait ses rêves à portée de main, Bilal voit tout s'écrouler suite au vol d'un supermarché qui l'obligera à faire des choix décisifs.
En ce tranquille dimanche matin, Bilal savoure sa réussite : enfin riche, il tient ses rêves à portée de main.
Tandis que le quartier se réveille lentement, les conversations s'entremêlent par les fenêtres ouvertes. Entre incrédulité et admiration, la nouvelle se répand : le supermarché a été braqué.
D'abord entouré des siens et protégé par la loi du silence, Bilal est loin d'imaginer à quel point ce vol va bouleverser l'ordre des choses. Entre les victimes qui crient justice, les policiers qui se rapprochent, et la cité qui réclame son dû, le jeune homme va devoir faire des choix. Et en assumer les conséquences.
Au fil des pages, se dévoile la face cachée d'un fait divers.
Découvrez, dans les pages de ce roman à suspense, comment chaque fait divers recèle une part d'ombre bien cachée.
L'agent de sécurité était l'un des derniers à son poste de travail. Il se concentrait sur sa tâche, les yeux rivés aux écrans de contrôle qui affichaient en alternance le parking, les rayons de vente et la zone de stockage à l'arrière du magasin. Il suivait inlassablement du regard la danse aléatoire des images vaguement colorées et un peu floues.
Deux hommes avaient pourtant échappé à sa vigilance. Ils avaient traversé la réserve et se trouvaient désormais hors du champ des caméras.
Les intrus, plaqués contre le mur du couloir, étaient parfaitement silencieux. Ils portaient des cagoules et des gants. Évidemment, ils avaient chaud, étouffés par un blouson et trois couches de pantalons. Ils échangeaient parfois un bref coup d'oeil pour se réconforter ; la présence de l'autre interdisait de renoncer. Ils luttaient contre la peur qui s'insinuait, déguisée en frissons douloureux ou en crampes glacées. Grâce aux cagoules, les rictus qui défiguraient leur visage restaient invisibles, préservant leur fierté. Les doigts crispés sur la crosse, ces individus tenaient fébrilement des Sig Sauer identiques à ceux utilisés par la police, sous la réserve qu'il s'agissait de copies bulgares. Même s'ils n'avaient pas l'intention de s'en servir, les pistolets étaient chargés pour parer à toute éventualité. Avec eux régnait un sentiment de puissance qui donnait l'illusion d'écarter la peur.
Ces hommes guettaient le moindre son, le plus petit mouvement. Même les odeurs étaient suspectes. Ils se taisaient, à l'affût. Le silence, pourtant témoin de leur tranquillité, pouvait à tout moment révéler une menace. Complice involontaire, il les oppressait davantage.
A Companion to Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover
Katherine A.S. Sibley
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 22 Juillet 2014
- 9781118834473
With the analysis of the best scholars on this era, 29 essays demonstrate how academics then and now have addressed the political, economic, diplomatic, cultural, ethnic, and social history of the presidents of the Republican Era of 1921-1933 - Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. This is the first historiographical treatment of a long-neglected period, ranging from early treatments to the most recent scholarship Features review essays on the era, including the legacy of progressivism in an age of "normalcy", the history of American foreign relations after World War I, and race relations in the 1920s, as well as coverage of the three presidential elections and a thorough treatment of the causes and consequences of the Great Depression An introduction by the editor provides an overview of the issues, background and historical problems of the time, and the personalities at play
Language and Muslim Immigrant Childhoods
Inmaculada M? Garc?A-S?Nchez
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 2 Avril 2014
- 9781118323892
Language and Muslim Immigrant Childhoods Documenting the everyday lives of Moroccan immigrant children in Spain, this in-depth study considers how its subjects navigate the social and political landscapes of family, neighborhood peer groups, and the institutions of their adopted country. García-Sánchez compels us to rethink theories of language and racialization by offering a linguistic anthropological approach that illuminates the politics of childhood in Spain's growing communities of migrants. The author demonstrates that these Moroccan children walk a tightrope between sameness and difference, simultaneously participating in the cultural life of their immigrant community and that of a "host" society that is deeply ambivalent about contemporary migratory trends. The author evaluates the contemporary state of research on immigrant children and explores the dialectical relations between young Moroccan immigrants' everyday social interactions, and the broader cultural logic and socio-political discourses arising from integration and inclusion of the Muslim communities. Her work focuses in particular on children's modes of communication with teachers, peers, family members, friends, doctors, and religious figures in a society where Muslim immigrants are subject to increasing state surveillance. The project underscores the central relevance of studying immigrant children's day-to-day experience and linguistic praxis in tracing how the forces at work in transnational, diasporic settings have an impact on their sense of belonging, charting the links between the immediate contexts of their daily lives and their emerging processes of identification.
C'est un souffle rendu texte qu'As Malick Ndiaye nous propose ici. En le suivant dans sa pérégrination tangéroise, on halète, on suspend son souffle, on respire aussi. L'atmosphère peut n'être pas respirable dans les villes réputées « à atmosphère ». Le nom de « Tanger » est un nom qu'on ne fait pas répéter, mais avec lequel on se plaît, à l'évocation de la ville qu'il désigne, à se laisser bercer et à rêver. Mais, comme l'on sait, il y a loin du rêve à la réalité. On peut se demander si le discours officiel ne tire sa force que de ce qu'il masque : amitié légendaire entre le Maroc et le Sénégal, contacts séculaires, etc. Ce n'est pas de ce côté historique et politique que s'oriente l'essai d'As Malick Ndiaye. Il ose aborder la difficile question des mentalités et de la conscience collective à partir de quelques flashs saisis à Tanger lors de son séjour estival.
Ils se disent être nos "Dieux"
Mais ces dieux-là n'ont rien d'humains
Enlèvements, meurtres, mutilations.
Les dieux chercheraient-ils à asservir l'humanité ?
Après avoir affronté les démons du Vatican, l'archéologue Chris Lesage et l'agent secret Tania Anderson se retrouvent pris dans une sombre machination mettant à mal certaines vérités sur nos origines, bousculant ainsi les thèses officielles concernant l'évolution du genre humain. -
JEU Revue de théâtre. No. 157, 2015.4
Patricia Belzil, Christian Saint-Pierre, Raymond Marius Boucher, Raymond Bertin, Emile Proulx-Cloutier, Andreane Roy, As
- Cahiers de théâtre Jeu inc.
- Jeu
- 17 Décembre 2015
- 9782924356128
Dirigé par Raymond Bertin, le dossier de ce numéro est consacré au vivre ensemble. La récurrence de ce néologisme, au goût du jour, à la fois progressiste et conservateur, nous a amenés à nous interroger sur sa signification au théâtre. Les textes portent notamment sur Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette et Émile Proulx-Cloutier, le Théâtre du Futur, Lara Kramer et Thomas Ostermeier. Hors dossier, il est entre autres question du concepteur sonore Antoine Bédard, de la chorégraphe Dada Masilo et du metteur en scène David Bobée.
Cap-aux-Diamants. No. 126, Été 2016
Yves Beauregard, Karine Pepin, Isabelle Tanguay, Lorraine Gadoury, Robert Larin, Joelle Therien, Yves Drolet, Alain As
- Les Éditions Cap-aux-Diamants inc.
- Cap-aux-Diamants
- 20 Septembre 2016
- 9782924353158
Lorsqu'on songe à la noblesse, cela évoque chez nous le Régime français alors qu'un groupe d'individus trônait au sommet de l'ordre social. Mais la noblesse a traversé la frontière temporelle de l'Ancien Régime et a perduré bien au-delà, malgré son lent déclin. De la Nouvelle-France au début du XXe siècle, en passant par la Conquête, les collaborateurs de ce numéro sur la noblesse proposent d'explorer les caractéristiques distinctives de ce groupe en suivant comment il s'est adapté aux divers changements sociaux traversés. Proposant un panorama des recherches présentées lors de la journée d'étude intitulée « Nouveaux regards sur l'histoire de la noblesse canadienne » qui s'est tenue le 17 mars 2015 à l'Université de Sherbrooke, les articles d'Isabelle Tanguay, Lorraine Gaboury, Karine Pépin, Robert Larin, Joëlle Thérien et Yves Drolet nous font redécouvrir cette facette de l'histoire tout en nous amenant à comprendre ses transformations sur le long terme.
Thermal Protection Modeling of Hypersonic Flying Apparatus
A.S. Yakimov
- Springer
- 31 Mars 2018
- 9783319782171
This book is devoted to studies of unsteady heat and mass exchange processes taking into account thermochemical destruction of thermal protective materials, research of transpiration cooling systems, thermal protection of composite materials exposed to low-energy disturbances, as well as the numerical solution of heat and mass transfer of the exchange. It proposes several mathematical models of passive and active thermal protection systems with regard to factors such as surface ablation, surface roughness, phase transition of a liquid in porous materials, rotation of the body around its longitudinal axis, and exposure to low-energy disturbances. The author studies the possibilities to control thermochemical destruction and heat mass exchange processes in transpiration cooling systems exposed to low-energy disturbances. The numerical analysis of the heat and mass exchange process in carbon plastics under repeated impulse action is also presented. The numerical solutions of problems arecompared with the known experimental data. The book is intended for specialists in the field of thermal protection and heat mass exchange, as well as graduate and undergraduates in physics and mathematics.
Using a series of case studies, the book demonstrates the power of dynamic analysis as applied to the fossil record. The book considers how we think about certain types of paleontological questions and shows how to answer them. The analytical tools presented here will have wide application to other fields of knowledge; as such the book represents a major contribution to the deployment of modern scientific method as it builds on author's previous book, Dynamic Paleontology. Students and seasoned professionals alike will find this book to be of great utility for refining their approach to their ongoing and future research projects.
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Stress Tolerance in Plants
A.S. Raghavendra, K.V. Madhava Rao, K. Janardhan Reddy
- Springer
- 16 Janvier 2006
- 9781402042256
Increasing agricultural productivity to meet the demands of growing population is a challenging task. Abiotic stresses are among the major limiting factors on agriculture. The knowledge and research programmes on the physiology and molecular biology of stress tolerance are certainly helpful to counter act this negative effect to a great extent. The present literature deals in detail mostly with plant responses to different abiotic stresses. There have been extensive studies, in the past few decades, on the physiology and biochemistry of plant responses to abiotic stress conditions, in the laboratory as well as in the field. However, the interest has shifted to molecular biology of stress tolerance, modes of installing tolerance mechanisms in crop plants. Microarray technology, functional genomics, development of high throughput proteomics would benefit and guide the physiologists, molecular biologists and biotechnologists to enhance stress tolerance in plants. We therefore, felt very strongly that there is an immediate and urgent need for a textbook on this important topic. This book would be an ideal source of scientific information to the postgraduate students, research workers, faculty and scientists involved in agriculture, plant sciences, molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology and related areas. We would like to thank the authors for their interest and cooperation in this exciting venture. We are grateful to Jacco Flipsen and Noeline Gibson of Springer for their continuous support and technical advice in bringing out the book. K. V. Madhava Rao A. S. Raghavendra September 2005. K.
This authoritative but highly accessible book presents the reader with a powerful framework for understanding the critical role of the energy return on investment (EROI) in the survival and well-being of individuals, ecosystems, businesses, economies and nations. Growth and development are fundamental and ubiquitous processes at all scales, from individuals to food crops to national economies. While we are all familiar with the concepts of economic growth and living standards as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), we often take for granted the energy use that underpins GDP and our expectations for year-on-year growth. In this book, you will learn how these measures of "progress" are completely dependent on the balance that can be achieved between energy costs (inputs) and gains. Nothing is made or moved without an energy surplus, and it is the EROI of available energy sources more than any other single factor that determines the shape of civilization.
Nearly all politics and economics assume that policy and market forces are the levers upon which future outcomes will hinge. However, this book presents many examples of historical and current events that can be explained much more clearly from an energetic perspective. In addition, a future scenario is developed that gives a central place to EROI in assessing the potential of governmental and private initiatives to substitute so-called renewable energy sources for diminishing stocks of fossil fuels. When cheap fossil fuels are no longer available in the abundance needed to mask economic problems and power business as usual, it will be EROI more than the plethora of "green" technologies that creates the boundary conditions for a sustainable future. -
This volume explores more than two centuries of literature on the First Ladies, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama, providing the first historiographical overview of these important women in U.S. history.
Underlines the growing scholarly appreciation of the First Ladies and the evolution of the position since the 18th century Explores the impact of these women not only on White House responsibilities, but on elections, presidential policies, social causes, and in shaping their husbands' legacies Brings the First Ladies into crisp historiographical focus, assessing how these women and their contributions have been perceived both in popular literature and scholarly debate Provides concise biographical treatments for each First Lady -
Information : les images du format eBook étant compressées, j'invite le lecteur exigeant à se tourner vers la version papier « LES ARCANES DE MARS » qui réunit les quatre volets avec une qualité visuelle supérieure.
Série de petits ouvrages visuels couleurs qui lèvent le voile sur les arcanes de Mars.
La prise de vue du rover Opportunity qui s'intitule « PHOTOJOURNAL » PIA19820 a été postée sur le site de la NASA le 25 septembre 2015. Il s'agit du panorama Hinners Point.
Le lieu se situe à Marathon Valley, au bord ouest du cratère Endeavour et ce qu'il nous révèle est d'autant plus incroyable, qu'il se trouve conforté par d'autres prises de vue venant cette fois du rover Curiosity.
En fait, ces découvertes, si elles sont réelles, convergent vers une éventuelle implication de blindés militaires sur Mars.
La possibilité que nous voyions les vestiges d'un conflit armé issu d'un programme spatial secret est telle, que le présent ouvrage tente d'y apporter, si ce n'est une réponse claire, du moins visuelle. Pour ce faire, comme toujours, il se constitue essentiellement d'images couleurs.
Série de petits ouvrages visuels qui lèvent le voile sur « LES ARCANES DE MARS » -
Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer
Mack Roach Iii, Hans Geinitz, Nicholas Van As
- Springer
- 18 Novembre 2014
- 9783642370991
Today, the arsenal of "high-precision" or "targeted" radiotherapy includes a variety of techniques and approaches that, like the pieces of a puzzle, need to be put together to provide the prostate cancer patient with high-level optimized radiation treatment. This book examines in detail the role of these innovative radiation techniques in the management of prostate cancer. In addition, a variety of current controversies regarding treatment are carefully explored, including whether prophylactic treatment of the pelvic lymphatics is essential, the magnitude of the effect of dose escalation, whether a benefit accrues from hypofractionation, and what evidence exists for the superiority of protons or heavy ions. Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer: Innovative Techniques and Current Controversies is intended for both radiation oncologists and urologists with an interest in the up-to-date capabilities of modern radiation oncology for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Using a series of case studies, the book demonstrates the power of dynamic analysis as applied to the fossil record. Written in an engaging and informative style, Dynamic Paleontology outlines the best application of quantitative and other tools to critical problems in the paleontological sciences including such topics as analysis of the Cambrian Explosion and the question regarding the presence of life on Mars. The book considers how we think about certain types questions and shows how we can refine our approach to analysis right from the beginning of any particular research effort. The analytical tools presented here will have wide application to other fields of knowledge; as such the book represents a major contribution to our deployment of modern scientific method.
Diabetes in Old Age
Trisha Dunning, Alan J. Sinclair, Medha Munshi, Leocadio RodrÍ, Guez MaÑ, As
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 13 Février 2017
- 9781118954607
This new edition of the popular and market-leading Diabetes in Old Age features up-to-date and comprehensive information about the key aspects of managing older people with diabetes, predominantly type 2 diabetes.
With a strong evidence-based focus throughout, the entire range of issues surrounding diabetes and its many complications are covered, each with a clear focus on how they relate directly to the older patient. Varying approaches to optimizing diabetes care in the community, primary care and secondary care health care arenas are presented, and the importance of comprehensive functional assessment is emphasized. Coverage of areas unique to an ageing population of older people with diabetes such as falls management, frailty and sarcopenia, and cognitive dysfunction form a key cornerstone of the book. In every chapter, best practice points and key learning outcomes are provided, as well as published evidence bases for each major conclusion.
Diabetes in Old Age, 4th edition is essential reading for diabetologists and endocrinologists, diabetes specialist nurses, primary care physicians, general physicians and geriatricians, podiatrists and dieticians with an interest in diabetes, as well as all health professionals engaged in the delivery of diabetes care to older people. -
Information : les images du format eBook étant compressées, j'invite le lecteur exigeant à se tourner vers la version papier « LES ARCANES DE MARS » qui réunit les quatre volets avec une qualité visuelle supérieure.
Série de petits ouvrages visuels couleurs qui lèvent le voile sur les arcanes de Mars.
L'Espace ne pouvant faire l'objet d'aucune appropriation nationale, quels qu'en fût les moyens, le Traité sur l'Espace relatif à son l'utilisation fut signé en 1967. Mais en 2015, sous la pression du lobbying d'un groupe d'entreprises issu de l'industrie minière spatiale, le président des États-Unis Barack Obama a promulgué le « Space Act », un texte de loi allant à l'encontre du Traité sur l'Espace de 1967 en autorisant l'exploitation minière des corps célestes, ce qui inclue les planètes du système solaire.
Le « Space Act » ne pourrait être qu'une normalisation d'une situation bien antérieure. C'est ce qui semble apparaître si on se base sur les différents clichés mis à disposition par la NASA. Il en ressort que certaines prises de vue pourraient valider le fait même que des industries minières exploitent les ressources minières de la planète Mars depuis fort longtemps. -
Mathematical Aspects of Network Routing Optimization
Panos M. Pardalos, Carlos A.S. Oliveira
- Springer
- 26 Août 2011
- 9781461403111
Before the appearance of broadband links and wireless systems, networks have been used to connect people in new ways. Now, the modern world is connected through large-scale, computational networked systems such as the Internet. Because of the ever-advancing technology of networking, efficient algorithms have become increasingly necessary to solve some of the problems developing in this area."Mathematical Aspects of Network Routing Optimization" focuses on computational issues arising from the process of optimizing network routes, such as quality of the resulting links and their reliability. Algorithms are a cornerstone for the understanding of the protocols underlying multicast routing. The main objective in the text is to derive efficient algorithms, with or without guarantee of approximation. Notes have been provided for basic topics such as graph theory and linear programming to assist those who are not fully acquainted with the mathematical topics presented throughout the book."Mathematical Aspects of Network Routing Optimization" provides a thorough introduction to the subject of algorithms for network routing, and focuses especially on multicast and wireless ad hoc systems. This book is designed for graduate students, researchers, and professionals interested in understanding the algorithmic and mathematical ideas behind routing in computer networks. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers in the area of network algorithms.
Methods to Study Litter Decomposition
Manuel A.S. Graca, Felix Barlocher, Mark O. Gessner
- Springer
- 30 Juillet 2020
- 9783030305154
This edited volume is an extensive collection of methods for investigating plant litter dynamics in ecosystems. Particular emphasis is placed on litter decomposition in streams and rivers. The presented methods range from analyses of chemical and physical litter properties to the taxonomic and functional characterization of microbial decomposers, both fungi and bacteria, assessments of litter-consuming invertebrates, and procedures to determine litter dynamics at the stream ecosystem level. Several chapters addressing general topics of data analysis are also included. This second edition of the book has been greatly expanded. Its now 63 chapters cover both well-established and recently elaborated techniques, some of which have not yet been applied to decomposing litter in streams. Modern molecular techniques ranging from next-generation sequencing to proteomics receive special attention among the 20 chapters that are entirely new. Numerous methods on characterizing litter consumers have also been added to fill an evident gap of the first edition. However, the basic original concept and all of the previous chapters have been retained, although most of them have been thoroughly updated. Typical contributions provide step-by-step protocols that are preceded by brief reviews of the ecological significance and the principles underlying the method. Where available, short compilations of published data have been added in overview tables to provide background information on the range of results to expect. Useful hints, a discussion of potential weaknesses, and key references are provided at the end. Hands-on material useful to implement several of the presented methods (e.g. computer code, calculation sheets) is available online. The book is written for students embarking on studies of plant litter dynamics and for established researchers wishing to expand the scope of their methodological toolbox to study litter decomposition and themicrobial decomposers and invertebrates involved in the process. The primary intended audience is aquatic ecologists, since many of the methods presented in the book focus on streams and stream organisms. However, the great majority of the protocols can be easily adapted or even directly applied to coastal and terrestrial ecosystems. Consequently, they should be of equal interest to scientists investigating plant litter dynamics in habitats such as mangroves and salt-marshes, terrestrial grasslands and forests.
Dietary Polyphenols
Francisco A . TomÁ, S-BarberÁ, N, Antonio GonzÁ, Lez-SarrÍ, As, RocÍ, O GarcÍ, A-Vil
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 20 Octobre 2020
- 9781119563716
Presents recent research on metabolism and the health effects of polyphenols Consumer interest in the health benefits of many phenolic compounds found in plant foods and derivatives has grown considerably in recent years, giving rise to an increased demand for functional foods. Although preclinical and observational studies have promoted the protective properties of polyphenols for a range of chronic diseases, evidence has shown that most dietary polyphenols have little bioavailability. Once ingested, most of them are metabolized by either the intestinal enzymes or by the gut microbiota and then undergo extensive phase-II metabolism reaching significant concentrations of conjugated metabolites. They remain in the systemic circulation and target systemic tissues where trigger biological effects. The polyphenol-derived metabolites produced in humans are dependent upon the composition of the gut microbiota and the subject genetics. Thus all the metabolites do not show the same biological activity in different individuals. To fully understand the health effects of polyphenols, further clinical investigations are required. Dietary Polyphenols describes the latest findings on the polyphenol metabolism and reviews the current evidence on their health effects and that of their bioavailable metabolites. Emphasizing the importance of interindividual variability and the critical role of gut microbiota, this authoritative volume features contributions from recognized experts in the field, exploring specific families of extractable and non-extractable phenolic compounds that exhibit potential health effects. Topics include structural diversity of polyphenols and distribution in foods, bioavailability and bioaccessibility of phenolics, metabolism, and gastrointestinal absorption of various metabolites and their health effects. This comprehensive volume: Discusses the bioavailability, bioaccessibility, pharmacokinetics studies, and microbial metabolism of different groups of phenolic compounds Examines the interaction between polyphenols and gut microbiota Describes analytical methods for identifying and quantifying polyphenols in foods and biological samples Reviews recent epidemiological and clinical intervention studies showing protective effects of polyphenols Dietary Polyphenols: Metabolism and Health Effects is an important resource for scientists working in the area of dietary polyphenols and health effects, microbiota, and their interaction with other nutritional compounds, and for health professionals, nutritionists, dieticians, and clinical researchers with interest in the role of polyphenols in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India
A.S. Bhalla, Dan Luo
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 4 Octobre 2017
- 9783319539379
This book, a second edition, includes new data from the 2010 Census of India and NSS reports on consumer expenditure (2011-12), health and education (2014) to examine poverty in China and India, and how it connects with minorities. Poverty has generally become less acute in both China and India, thanks to an impressively rapid growth especially between 2010 and 2015 when the rest of the world including the US and the EU slowed down following the economic recession of 2008. But the issues of income and non-income inequalities (especially malnutrition in India), marginalization and social exclusion remain as acute as ever in both countries. As well as the use of new primary material in every chapter, the book also critically examines new relevant studies and responds to global perspectives on minority issues. It canvasses a broad range of subjects from global terrorism and civil wars in Libya and Syria, to the Arab Spring and the emergence of Islamic fundamentalism and the Islamic State (ISIS).
Le « Captain Kaye » revendique avoir été emmené sur la Lune, au COL, Centre des Opérations Lunaires à bord d'un TR-3B, puis sur Mars avec un autre vaisseau spatial géant. Il affirme avoir servi sur Mars en tant que capitaine de l'US Marines affecté à la MDF, Mars Défense Force. Une armée d'hommes munis d'armures mécaniques dédiés à la protection de colons contre des attaques de martiens insectoïdes et autres espèces locales.
Mis à part leur bonne foi, que ce soit le « Captain Kaye » comme d'autres lanceurs d'alerte, ils n'apportent aucune preuve pour étayer leurs dires. Le « Captain Kaye » s'appuie aussi sur le fait qu'aux États-Unis le crime pour parjure est lourdement sanctionné.
Malgré tout, sans plus de preuves, devons-nous croire à ce genre de récit fantastique ?
Pourtant il semblerait bien que de telles preuves puissent se retrouver à travers des documents officiels ou déclassifiés, mais surtout par l'intermédiaire de clichés mis en ligne par des agences spatiales comme la NASA.