Bernard S. Mayer
- Jossey-Bass
- 20 Janvier 2012
- 9781118178249
The Dynamics of Conflict When it was published in 2000, Bernie Mayer's The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution quickly became one of the seminal works in the conflict resolution field. The book bridged the gap between abstract theoretical approaches and practical handbooks and became an immensely valuable and accessible resource for experienced and novice practitioners, as well as for professors and students of conflict management who needed a deep yet practical view of conflict and methods for dealing with it. The Dynamics of Conflict is the second edition of Mayer's classic book. While building on the strengths of the first edition, this thoroughly revised and updated book keeps pace with the most current trends and research in the field and explores four key concepts: interactional dynamics, system dynamics, culture and conflict, and conflict engagement. Like the first edition, the focus of the new edition is on the ways we can productively think about conflict and conflict intervention, rather than on specific techniques and processes. Mayer presents ideas about conflict as a set of conceptual tools that build on one another and contribute to a multifaceted view of conflict and conflict intervention but that also stand on their own. Filled with illustrative examples, the book draws from the author's thirty years of experience with interpersonal, family, community, organizational, labor management, environmental, public policy, and international disputes and includes instances of conflicts that have been in the news. In addition, this vital resource contains information on the most important work that has been done in the past decade on culture, systems, and conflict engagement and shows how conflict concepts apply to new technologies such as online communication and conflict resolution efforts on the Web. In the concluding chapter Mayer explores how conflict intervention efforts fit into more general values about peace, democracy, and social justice, and the personal impact that conflict work as a field has on conflict specialists.
Bernard J. Healey, Tina Marie Evans
- Jossey-Bass
- 11 Décembre 2014
- 9781118450147
A comprehensive guide to the structure, synergy, and challenges in U.S. health care delivery Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges offers new insights into the most important sectors of the United States' health care industry and the many challenges the future holds. Designed to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the system, this textbook covers the many facets of health care delivery and details the interaction of health, environments, organizations, populations, and the health professions. Written by authors with decades of experience teaching and working in health care administration and management, the book examines the current state and changing face of health care delivery in the United States. Each chapter includes learning objectives and discussion questions that help guide and engage deeper consideration of the issues at hand, providing a comprehensive approach for students. Cases studies demonstrating innovations in the delivery of health care services are also presented. Health care administration requires a thorough understanding of the multiple systems that define and shape the delivery of health care in the United States. At the same time, it is important for students to gain an appreciation of the dilemma confronting policy makers, providers, and patients in the struggle to balance cost, quality, and access. Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges is an in-depth examination of the major health care issues and policy changes that have had an impact on the U.S. health care delivery system. Includes information on U.S. health care delivery, from care to cost, and the forces of change Focuses on major industry players, including providers, insurers, and facilities Highlights challenges facing health care delivery in the future, including physician shortages, quality care, and the chronic disease epidemic The U.S. health care system is undergoing major reform, and the effects will ripple across every sector of the industry. Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges gives students a complete introduction to understanding the issues and ramifications.
Introduction to Occupational Health in Public Health Practice
Bernard J. Healey, Kenneth T. Walker
- Jossey-Bass
- 20 Août 2009
- 9780470504055
Introduction to Occupational Health in Public Health Practice Bernard J. Healey and Kenneth T. Walker Introduction to Occupational Health in Public Health Practice Introduction to Occupational Health in Public Health Practice uses concepts of prevention, epidemiology, toxicology, disparities, preparedness, disease management, and health promotion to explain the underlying causes of occupational illness and injury and to provide a methodology to develop cost-effective programs that prevent injury and keep workers safe. Students, health educators, employers, and other health care professionals will find that this essential resource provides them with the necessary skills to develop, implement, and evaluate occupational health programs and forge important links between public health and worker safety. Praise for Introduction to Occupational Health in Public Health Practice "Successful evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention efforts recognize that health choices and outcomes of individuals and communities are profoundly affected by their respective social and physical environments. This book is a great tool to identify opportunities and strategies to integrate and leverage efforts for the individual, family, workplace, and broader community."
?Robert S. Zimmerman, MPH, president of Public Health Matters LLC, former Secretary of Health, Pennsylvania "A timely and crucial book for all health care professionals."
?Mahmoud H. Fahmy, PhD, Professor of Education, Emeritus, Wilkes University -
Foundations of Health Care Management
Bernard J. Healey, Marc C. Marchese
- Jossey-Bass
- 9 Août 2012
- 9781118235195
Foundations of Health Care Management Leaders and managers throughout the health care system are facing ever more challenging changes in the way care is delivered, paid for, and evaluated. Foundations of Health Care Management: Principles and Methods offers an innovative, concise, reader-friendly introduction to health care management and administration. It addresses the need for new skills in managers of health care facilities and for those planning to enter health care management positions. The book covers such critical topics as leadership training, change management, conflict management techniques, culture building, quality improvement, and communications skills, as well as collaboration in the improvement of population health. Foundations of Health Care Management also concentrates on innovations and describes steps in the transition to more decentralized and creative approaches to the management of health care facilities. The book covers physician management from the physician's viewpoint, a valuable perspective for health care managers. The book serves important dual purposes for faculty and students by providing both insights into the health care field as well as foundational content on essential management and leadership competencies. A full set of support materials is available for instructors at the book's companion Web site.
Breakthrough Thinking for Nonprofit Organizations
Bernard Ross, Clare Segal
- Jossey-Bass
- 16 Janvier 2003
- 9780787969080
This groundbreaking book will help nonprofit managers think in newand creative ways about how they define and meet the challengesthey face--and how to rise above standard practices to lift theirorganizations to greater performance levels. Using examples of bestpractices from innovative organizations in both the corporate andnonprofit worlds, Breakthrough Thinking for NonprofitOrganizations offers a mix of "how-to" advice and case studiesthat will guide readers on a new road to creativity. This book willfundamentally change the way nonprofit professionals think abouthow they do their work--and usher in a new era fornonprofits.
2003 Terry McAdam Book Award Winner -
Find the roadmap to the heart of the conflict The Conflict Paradox is a guide to taking conflict to a more productive place. Written by one of the founders of the professional conflict management field and co-published with the American Bar Association, this book outlines seven major dilemmas that conflict practitioners face every day. Readers will find expert guidance toward getting to the heart of the conflict and will be challenged to adopt a new way to think about the choices disputants face,. They will also be offered practical tools and techniques for more successful intervention. Using stories, experiences, and reflective exercises to bring these concepts to life, the author provides actionable advice for overcoming roadblocks to effective conflict work. Disputants and interveners alike are often stymied by what appear to be unacceptable alternatives,. The Conflict Paradox offers a new way of understanding and working with these so that they become not obstacles but opportunities for helping people move through conflict successfully.. Examine the contradictions at the center of almost all conflicts Learn how to bring competition and cooperation, avoidance and engagement, optimism and realism together to make for more power conflict intervention Deal effectively with the tensions between emotions, and logic, principles and compromise, neutrality and advocacy, community and autonomy Discover the tools and techniques that make conflicts less of a hurdle to overcome and more of an opportunity to pursue Conflict is everywhere, and conflict intervention skills are valuable far beyond the professional and legal realms. With insight and creativity, solutions are almost always possible. For conflict interveners and disputants looking for an effective and creative approach to understanding and working with conflict , The Conflict Paradox provides a powerful and important roadmap for conflict intervention.
Winner of the 2009 CPR Award for Outstanding Book In this groundbreaking book, Bernard Mayer, a pioneer in the field of conflict resolution, offers a new paradigm for dealing with long-term disputes. Mayer explains that when dealing with enduring conflict, mediators and other conflict resolution specialists need to move past the idea of how quickly they can resolve the conflict. Instead, they should focus on how they can help people prepare to engage with an issue over time. Once their attention is directed away from a speedy resolution to a long-term approach, new avenues of intervention become apparent.
Winner of the 2009 CPR Award for Outstanding Book In this groundbreaking book, Bernard Mayer, a pioneer in the field of conflict resolution, offers a new paradigm for dealing with long-term disputes. Mayer explains that when dealing with enduring conflict, mediators and other conflict resolution specialists need to move past the idea of how quickly they can resolve the conflict. Instead, they should focus on how they can help people prepare to engage with an issue over time. Once their attention is directed away from a speedy resolution to a long-term approach, new avenues of intervention become apparent.
This empowering guide goes beyond observable techniques to offer a close look at the creative internal processes--both cognitive and psychological--that successful mediators and other conflict resolvers draw upon.
Transforming Public Health Practice
Bernard J. Healey, Cheryll D. Lesneski
- Jossey-Bass
- 24 Août 2011
- 9781118089934
This text provides students a foundation in public health practice and management, focusing on developing the knowledge and skills required by the real world of public health. The authors of Transforming Public Health Practice explain the drivers of change in public health practice, key success factors for public health programs, dealing with the chronic disease burden, the impact of national health policy on public health practice, and tools for understanding and managing population health. Transforming Public Health Practice covers core leadership and management skills, covering areas such as politics, workforce, partnership and collaboration, change management, outcomes orientation, opportunities for improvement, health equity, and future challenges. Case studies highlight innovations in health education, working with people with disabilities, partnerships in response to disease outbreaks, and health programs. Learning objectives, chapter summaries, key terms, and discussion questions enhance each chapter. A downloadable instructors' supplement is available on the companion Web site for the book.
In this thought-provoking, passionately written book, Bernard Mayer-an internationally acclaimed leader in the field-dares practitioners to ask the hard questions about alternative dispute resolution. What's wrong with conflict resolution? Why aren't more individuals and organizations using conflict resolution when they have a problem? Why doesn't the public know more about it? What are the limits of conflict resolution? When does conflict resolution work and when does it not? Offering a committed practitioner's critique of the profession of mediation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution, Beyond Neutrality focuses on the current crisis in the field of conflict resolution and offers a pragmatic response.