Charlotte Gill
4 produits trouvés
Des prières inspirées par les 150 psaumes contenus dans la Bible.
Ces psaumes ont été traduits librement et quelque peu paraphrasés. Un élagage a été opéré pour leur conférer un ton actuel, contemporain, accordé aux mentalités et aux sensibilités modernes. -
What Works in Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation
David P. Farrington, David Weisburd, Charlotte Gill
- Springer
- 14 Avril 2016
- 9781493934775
This ambitious volume brings together and assesses all major systematic reviews of the effectiveness of criminological interventions, to draw broad conclusions about what works in policing, corrections, developmental prevention, situational prevention, drug abuse treatments, sentencing and deterrence, and communities.Systematic reviews aim to minimize any possible bias in drawing conclusions by stating explicit criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies, by conducting extensive and wide-ranging searches for possibly eligible studies, and by making all stages of the review explicit and transparent so that the methods can be checked and replicated. Over a decade ago, a concerted effort was made by members of the criminology community, including the Editors and contributors of this volume, to bring the practice of systematic reviews to the study of Criminology, providing replicable, evidence-based data to answer key questions about the study of crime causation, detection, and prevention. Now, the pioneers in this effort present a comprehensive stock-taking of what has been learned in the past decade of systematic reviews in criminology. Much has been discovered about the effectiveness of (for example) boot camps, "hot spots" policing, closed-circuit television surveillance, neighborhood watch, anti-bullying programs in schools, early parenting programs, drug treatment programs, and other key topics.This volume will be of interest to researchers in criminology and criminal justice, as well as in related fields such as public health and forensic science, with important implications for policy-makers and practitioners.Decisively showing that the "nothing works" era is over, this volume takes stock of what we know, and still need to know, to prevent crime. I plan to keep this book close at hand and to use it often!
Francis T. Cullen, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati At a time when there is a broad commitment to bringing science to the front lines of practice, this book should be on the reading list of both policymakers and scholars.Laurie O. Robinson, Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law Society, George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General of the U.S. Department of Justice
Innovations in Community-Based Crime Prevention
Charlotte Gill, Robert J. Stokes
- Springer
- 30 Juillet 2020
- 9783030436353
This book explores multi-year community-based crime prevention initiatives in the United States, from their design and implementation, through 5-year follow ups. It provides an overview of programs of various sizes, affecting diverse communities from urban to rural environments, larger and smaller populations, with a range of site-specific problems. The research is based on a United States federally-funded program called the Byrne Criminal Justice Initiative (BJCI) which began in 2012, and has funded programs in 65 communities, across 28 states and 61 cities. This book serves to document the process, challenges, and lessons learned from the design and implementation of this innovative program. It covers researcher-practitioner partnerships, crime prevention planning processes, programming implementation, and issues related to sustainability of community-policing initiatives that transcend institutional barriers and leadership turnover. Through researcher partnerships at each site, it provides a rich dataset for understanding and comparing the social and economic problems that contribute to criminality, as well as the conditions where prosocial behavior and collective efficacy thrive. It also examines the future of this federally-funded program going forward in a new Presidential administration. This work will be of interest to researchers in criminology and criminal justice, particularly with an interest in translational/applied criminology and crime prevention, as well as related fields such as public policy, urban planning, and sociology.
Voix et Images. Vol. 42 No. 3, Printemps-Été 2017
Micheline Cambron, Mylene Bedard, Guillaume Pinson, Vincent Lambert, Louis-Serge Gill, Lucie Robert, Charlotte Biron, Pa
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- 12 Octobre 2017
- 9782924587126
Dans le numéro printemps-été de Voix et Images, Micheline Cambron et Mylène Bédard proposent un dossier consacré à un corpus peu étudié dans une perspective littéraire : les genres médiatiques de 1860 à 1900. Guillaume Pinson s'y intéresse à la mondialisation de la presse francophone à travers l'étude du reportage, alors que Vincent Lambert étudie la visée et les postures de quatre chroniqueurs phares. Mylène Bédard, quant à elle, interroge la frontière entre roman-feuilleton et fait divers à travers la figure du féminin dans Le Pionnier de Sherbrooke, puis Louis-Serge Gill étudie le caractère multiforme de la critique littéraire par le biais de la réception du Pèlerin de Sainte-Anne de Pamphile Le May, et Lucie Robert discute des enjeux commerciaux et poétiques soulevés par la critique théâtrale. Enfin, Charlotte Biron, prenant appui sur le récit du tour de monde qu'ont effectué Lorenzo Prince et Auguste Marion en 1901, tisse des liens entre reportage, récit d'aventures et développement des transports.