Christoph Meinel
This book summarizes the results of Design Thinking Research carried out at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA and Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany. The authors offer readers a closer look at Design Thinking with its processes of innovations and methods. The contents of the articles range from how to design ideas, methods and technologies via creativity experiments and wicked problem solutions, to creative collaboration in the real world and the connectivity of designers and engineers. But the topics go beyond this in their detailed exploration of design thinking and its use in IT systems engineering fields and even from a management perspective. The authors show how these methods and strategies work in companies, introduce new technologies and their functions and demonstrate how Design Thinking can influence as diverse a topic area as marriage. Furthermore, we see how special design thinking use functions in solving wicked problems in complex fields. Thinking and creating innovations are basically and inherently human - so is Design Thinking. Due to this, Design Thinking is not only a factual matter or a result of special courses nor of being gifted or trained: it's a way of dealing with our environment and improving techniques, technologies and life.
Smart Micro-Grid Systems Security and Privacy
Anne V. D. M. Kayem, Stephen D. Wolthusen
- Springer
- 27 Août 2018
- 9783319914275
This book is centered on Smart grids and micro-grids, as a cost-effective method of ensuring fair and equitable access to power in urban areas. It also considers scenarios where deploying smart grids can be both cost-prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging. Deploying smart microgrids instead, offers a reliable power solution but, as is the case in smart grids, a key issue is guaranteeing usability, trust, and reliability while protecting against energy theft.
This book considers aspects such as state estimation, capacity planning, demand forecasting, price signals, and demand management with respect to energy theft. Straight-forward approaches to provoking energy theft on smart grids and micro-grids include mis-recordings power consumption/generation information and exposures of personally identifiable information or sensitive information. Attack models based on mis-recorded generation and/or consumption data and exposure of personally identifiable information, are also studied. In each case, countermeasures are proposed to circumvent the power theft attacks raised.
Researchers in Smart Micro-grids security, cyber-physical systems, and critical infrastructure will want to purchase this book as a reference. Professionals, Researchers, Academics and students working in security general and Security of Critical Infrastructure, Privacy, and Data Sharing will also want to purchase this book as a reference.
Extensive research conducted by the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA, and the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany, has yielded valuable insights on why and how design thinking works. Researchers have identified metrics, developed models, and conducted studies, which are featured in this book, and in the previous volumes of this series.Offering readers a closer look at design thinking, and its innovation processes and methods, this volume covers topics ranging from understanding success factors of design thinking to exploring the potential that lies in the use of digital technologies. Furthermore, readers learn how special-purpose design thinking can be used to solve thorny problems in complex fields, such as the health sector or software development.Thinking and devising innovations are inherently human activities - so is design thinking. Accordingly, design thinking is not merely the result of special courses or of being gifted or trained: it is a way of dealing with our environment and improving techniques, technologies and life. As such, the research outcomes compiled in this book should increase knowledge and provide inspiration to all seeking to drive innovation - be they experienced design thinkers or newcomers.
This book summarizes the results of Design Thinking Research carried out at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA, and Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany.The authors offer readers a closer look at Design Thinking with its processes of innovations and methods. The contents of the articles range from how to design ideas, methods, and technologies via creativity experiments and wicked problem solutions, to creative collaboration in the real world and the connectivity of designers and engineers. But the topics go beyond this in their detailed exploration of design thinking and its use in IT systems engineering fields and even from a management perspective.The authors show how these methods and strategies work in companies, introduce new technologies and their functions and demonstrate how Design Thinking can influence as diverse a topic area as marriage. Furthermore, we see how special design thinking use functions in solving wicked problems in complex fields.Thinking and creating innovations are basically and inherently human - so is Design Thinking. Due to this, Design Thinking is not only a factual matter or a result of special courses nor of being gifted or trained: it's a way of dealing with our environment and improving techniques, technologies and life.
"Everybody loves an innovation, an idea that sells." But how do we arrive at such ideas that sell? And is it possible to learn how to become an innovator? Over the years Design Thinking - a program originally developed in the engineering department of Stanford University and offered by the two D-schools at the Hasso Plattner Institutes in Stanford and in Potsdam - has proved to be really successful in educating innovators. It blends an end-user focus with multidisciplinary collaboration and iterative improvement to produce innovative products, systems, and services. Design Thinking creates a vibrant interactive environment that promotes learning through rapid conceptual prototyping. In 2008, the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program was initiated, a venture that encourages multidisciplinary teams to investigate various phenomena of innovation in its technical, business, and human aspects. The researchers are guided by two general questions: 1. What are people really thinking and doing when they are engaged in creative design innovation? How can new frameworks, tools, systems, and methods augment, capture, and reuse successful practices? 2. What is the impact on technology, business, and human performance when design thinking is practiced? How do the tools, systems, and methods really work to get the innovation you want when you want it? How do they fail? In this book, the researchers take a system's view that begins with a demand for deep, evidence-based understanding of design thinking phenomena. They continue with an exploration of tools which can help improve the adaptive expertise needed for design thinking. The final part of the book concerns design thinking in information technology and its relevance for business process modeling and agile software development, i.e. real world creation and deployment of products, services, and enterprise systems.
This book discusses how the methods and mindsets of design thinking empower large organizations to create groundbreaking innovations. Arguing that innovations must effectively tackle so-called "wicked problems," it shows how design thinking enables managers and innovators to create the organizational spaces and practices needed for breakthrough innovations. Design thinking equips actors with the tools and methods for harnessing the creative tensions inherent in pluralist, often conflicting disciplinary approaches. This, however, requires the transformation of contemporary organizational cultures away from monolithic, integrated models (or identities) toward more pluralist, dynamic and flexible institutional identities. Based on real-world cases from a wide range of organizations around the globe, the book offers managers and innovators practical guidance on initiating and managing the cultural transformations required for effective innovation.
Blogosphere and its Exploration
Justus Broß, Philipp Berger, Patrick Hennig
- Springer
- 20 Mars 2015
- 9783662444092
This book represents an attempt to fully review the phenomenon of the blogosphere. The intention is to provide a reliable guide to understanding and analyzing the world of the unimaginable number of diverse blogs, each consisting of innumerable posts, which in their entirety form the blogosphere. We go on to answer the questions of how to grasp the complexity of the blogosphere and extract useful knowledge from it. In setting out to write this book, our central aim was to increase the reader's awareness and understanding of the blogosphere phenomenon, including its structure and characteristics. This can be achieved through a better understanding of individual blogs and their particular technical characteristics, as well as a deeper knowledge of how a single blog is embedded and interconnected within the entire blogosphere. The shape and form of the blogosphere can be described using the analogy of different continents. In our description the defining features and characteristics of the continents are illustrated by paradigmatic example blogs. Following on from the structural analysis we provide details of the available methods and describe the complex challenge of automatically retrieving information from the abundance of data contained in the blogosphere. Finally, we present our blog search platform, called BLOGINTELLIGENCE and describe all the tools and features we have developed during the last couple of years to explore the blogosphere.
Wer noch nie über Blockchain gehrt hat, würde bestimmt das Buch gerade nicht in der Hand halten. Das Thema ist heiß diskutiert und hat bereits viele Befürworter sowie Gegner. In diesem Buch erwartet Sie eine klare und verständliche Erklärung der Blockchain-Technologie mit ausführlichen Erläuterungen zu deren Entstehung, Technik und Umsetzung. Damit mchten wir die Debatte um Blockchain-Hype versachlichen und Ihnen die Entscheidung überlassen, ob Blockchain für Sie tatsächlich ein Hype oder eine Innovation ist.
Wie funktioniert die wichtigste Technologie unserer Zeit Internet und WWW? Die Autoren erklären in einfacher Sprache und in kurzen Abschnitten die einzelnen technischen Bausteine und Organisationsstrukturen, die hinter der grßten Innovation der Gegenwart stehen. Damit leisten sie einen Beitrag zur digitalen Aufklärung: Nur wer weiß, wie die Technologien funktionieren, die unseren Alltag bestimmen, kann souverän mit ihnen umgehen. Obwohl die Digitalisierung das tägliche Leben prägt, bleiben die Technologien, die hinter Internet und WWW stehen, vielen verschlossenen. Das Buch liefert den Schlüssel zum Verständnis der gewaltigen Entwicklungen unserer Zeit.
Die Bildung braucht neue Wege, um Individuen und Gesellschaften auf die Vielzahl von veränderten Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert vorzubereiten. In unserer heutigen Zeit - die durch Digitalisierung, zunehmende Geschwindigkeit und Komplexität geprägt ist - hat sich Design Thinking als ein leistungsfähiger Ansatz für menschenzentrierte Innovation etabliert, der helfen kann, komplizierte Probleme anzugehen und Veränderungen in allen Lebensbereichen zu steuern. Design-Thinking-Formate vermitteln nicht nur Fähigkeiten, die den Menschen bei der Erweiterung ihres "Werkzeugkastens" zugutekommen, sondern sie schaffen auch affektive und kognitive Ergebnisse.
In diesem von Christoph Meinel und Timm Krohn herausgegebenen Buch wird detailliert dargestellt, warum und wie Design Thinking in der Bildung von Nutzen sein kann. Das Buch fasst Erfahrungen, Ansätze und Reflexionen zum Design Thinking in der Ausbildung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven von renommierten Design Thinking-Experten aus dem Netzwerk des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts und seiner School of Design Thinking zusammen.Damit ist es für Menschen interessant, die in unterschiedlichsten Bildungskontexten arbeiten oder sich für diese interessieren. -
Education needs new ways to prepare individuals and societies for the multitude of changing challenges in the twenty-first century. In today's world-characterized by digitization, increasing speed, and complexity-design thinking has established itself as a powerful approach to human-centered innovation that can help address complicated problems and guide change in all areas of life. Design thinking formats not only teach skills that benefit people as they expand their "toolbox," but also create affective and cognitive outcomes.
This book includes experiences, approaches, and reflections on design thinking in education from different perspectives of renowned design thinking experts from the network of the Hasso Plattner Institute and its School of Design Thinking. Using real-world examples, the book provides insights into requirements and protocols that design thinking practitioners can apply to transform their academic or professional ecosystem. It will be of interestfor readers who work in or are interested in a wide variety of educational contexts. -
Das globale Internet ist ein offenes Netz, das heißt nicht begrenzt und für jedermann zugänglich. Allerdings hat diese Offenheit ihren Preis: Es gibt keine zentrale Kontrolle, die z.B. Unbefugten Einblick in die Kommunikation und damit in die Privatsphäre anderer Internetnutzer verwehren würde. Um dennoch einen ausreichenden Schutz der Vertraulichkeit und Privatsphäre zu gewährleisten, müssen in eigener Verantwortung Techniken und Tools aus der Kryptografie eingesetzt werden, die Nachrichten verschlüsseln oder deren Unversehrtheit sicherstellen helfen. Die Autoren zeigen unterschiedliche Wege auf, wie der Schutz der Privatsphäre im Internet wiederhergestellt werden kann.