- Springer (8)
- Palgrave Macmillan (7)
- Wiley (7)
- Editions L'Harmattan (3)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions du Scorpion) (3)
- Wiley-Blackwell (3)
- Bookmark (2)
- Gateway (2)
- Headline (2)
- Wiley-VCH (2)
- Bayard Jeunesse (1)
- Buchet Chastel (1)
- Coédition NENA/Editions Toumaï (1)
- Jossey-Bass (1)
- La Découverte (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Les Éditions du Net (1)
- Metonymy Press (1)
- Panini (1)
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers (1)
- Polity (1)
- Seuil (1)
- Slingshot Books LLC (1)
- Timber Press (1)
- Versant Sud Jeunesse (1)
- Wiley-IEEE Press (1)
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press (1)
- Éditions du remue-ménage (1)
Cet exécrable corps : dissection de la grossophobie internalisée
San Eli
- Éditions du remue-ménage
- 7 Mars 2023
- 9782890918290
"Les grosses n'ont simplement pas le luxe de passer pour des hystériques; dans l'imaginaire collectif, nous sommes déjà paresseuses, apathiques et stupides, en plus de manger comme des porcs. Au lieu de crier, j'écris. Mes voisines apprécient sans doute la délicatesse. Je canalise mon aversion dans chaque touche enfoncée, dans chaque lettre et chaque virgule qui défilent devant moi. Je me prends pour une autrice en écrivant sur ce que je connais le mieux: la haine."
Malgré les beaux discours sur la diversité corporelle et l'acceptation de soi, rien ne semble entamer la grossophobie ambiante. Dans Cet exécrable corps, Eli San explore son dégoût instinctif envers son propre corps. D'un ton acerbe, vulnérable et parfois indulgent, ce livre parle de capitalisme, de haine de soi et d'injonction à la minceur, mais surtout, de la difficulté d'être emprisonnée dans un corps que tout nous pousse à haïr. -
L'étrange voyage de Clover Elkin Tome 1
Eli Brown
- Bayard Jeunesse
- Littérature 13 ans et +
- 22 Mars 2023
- 9791036355042
États-Unis, XIXe siècle.
Clover Elkin, treize ans, a toujours été fascinée par les "curiosités", ces étranges objets aux propriétés magiques qui peuplent le monde. Sa passion n'est pas du goût de son père, qui les tient pour responsables de la mort de sa femme.
Juste avant de se faire assassiner, pourtant, il avoue à sa fille avoir conservé une curiosité, et l'enjoint de la protéger. Avec pour seul indice les mystérieuses dernières paroles de son père, Clover n'a d'autre choix que de se lancer dans une aventure périlleuse. Sa quête la plongera dans des secrets de famille inavoués et la mettra sur la route d'une terrifiante sorcière. Mais l'aventure qui l'attend pourrait bien bouleverser sa vie autant que le cours de l'Histoire... -
Une petite fille quitte la banlieue parisienne pour emménager dans un petit village, accompagnée de ses soeurs et ses parents. Désormais, la nature l'entoure, à perte de vue.
Elle s'étonne de ce monde où tout est à découvrir. Les papillons et chauves-souris virevoltent la nuit. Hérons et ragondins voisinent la rivière qui charrie anguilles et poissons-chats. Quand les eaux en crue envahissent la route, son père l'emmène à l'école en tracteur. Les arbres creux deviennent des châteaux, et le petit chien se transforme en vrai loup.
L'imagination de l'enfance se mêle aux événements réels dans ce projet autobiographique d'Elis Wilk. Plutôt qu'une idéalisation bucolique, elle livre un récit intime, juste et nuancé. La poésie imprègne tout le livre, pour mieux évoquer la force des sensations.
Sélection Pépites de Montreuil 2023 - Prix IBBY de l'album 2023 -
X-Men - l'ère de l'apocalypse Tome 2
Scott Lobdell, Chris Bachalo
- Panini
- Marvel Gold
- 5 Décembre 2012
- 9782809427240
Nous poursuivons la réédition à prix réduit de l'Ère d'Apocalypse, l'une des sagas les plus marquantes de l'univers mutant parue dans les années 90. Le professeur Xavier a été assassiné dans le passé et par un effet de domino, le présent a été modifié.
Apocalypse règne sur la Terre, les humains sont pourchassés et Magnéto est à la tête des rares mutants qui osent s'opposer au tyran.
Parmi les moments forts de ce deuxième tome, on se souvient du formidable Generation Next de Scott Lobdell et Chris Bachalo (avec la jeune génération de mutants, menée par Colossus), et d'Amazing X-Men, signé Fabian Nicieza et Andy Kubert.
Erev est une fresque monumentale, à ce jour entièrement inédite en français, qui retrace l'histoire de la famille Boïar, du début du XXe siècle à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, puis à la création d'Israël. On y suit trois générations à travers les destins d'une galerie de personnages tour à tour confrontés au tzarisme, au stalinisme et au nazisme. Décimés par les violents soubresauts de l'histoire, les Boiars se battent sans relâche pour leur survie.
Témoignage historique et littéraire essentiel sur la culture des Juifs d'Europe de l'Est, cette saga met en lumière la ferveur intellectuelle et les passions qui animaient les communautés rurales et urbaines de cette région de Polésie à la veille de l'Holocauste.
L'ampleur et le détail de cette fresque, les aspects peu connus de la vie communautaire qu'elle dévoile, en particulier le portrait qui est livré de l'intelligentsia de l'entre-deux guerres, en font un texte tout à fait à part dans la littérature yiddish. L'extermination tragique des Juifs d'Europe y est retranscrite dans une langue exaltée, pétrie de réalisme magique, et d'un lyrisme bouleversant.
Eli Chekhtman achè -
Le député Roman Charsguard a survécu à l'Afghanistan, où il a perdu son meilleur ami, son maître K-9, James. Roman était un chien militaire jusqu'à il y a deux ans, lorsqu'il a développé la capacité de se transformer en humain. Ce n'est pas facile d'apprendre à être un homme.
Il a trouvé un endroit où vivre à Mad Creek, un paradis pour le monde secret des Canithropes. Trouver une raison de vivre a été plus difficile. Enfin, jusqu'à ce qu'un homme pénètre dans le bureau du Sheriff et commence à créer des problèmes.
Matt Barclay est malchanceux. On lui a d'abord tiré dessus lors d'un raid contre la drogue, puis envoyé comme enquêteur de la DEA à Mad Creek, une petite ville située dans les montagnes californiennes. Le travail de Matt consiste à surveiller les fermes de drogue illégales, mais personne dans la ville ne le veut.
Et puis il y a Roman, l'ancienne baby-sitter de Matt. C'est le type le plus sexy que Matt ait jamais vu, même s'il est un peu bizarre. Si la ville ne le tue pas, la frustration sexuelle pourrait bien le faire.
La ville compte sur Roman pour empêcher Matt d'en apprendre sur les Canithrope, Matt compte sur Roman pour être son partenaire de travail et lui dire la vérité, et Roman essayant de naviguer entre l'amour, le sexe et de nombreuses émotions humaines désordonnées.
Qui à dit que c'était si compliqué de marcher comme un homme? -
Mad creek Tome 3 ; comment briller comme une étoile
Eli Easton
- Bookmark
- 15 Juillet 2019
- 9782375747933
Le Dr Jason Kunik travaille sur le plus stupéfiant des projets de génétique : la cartographie du génome d'une nouvelle espèce, les Éveillés - des chiens qui peuvent prendre une apparence humaine. Le problème est que personne ne sait que les Éveillés existent et Jason ne peut les trahir en publiant ses recherches. Quand il déménage à Mad Creek afin de poursuivre ses recherches dans une ville remplie de ces créatures, il ne veut que la paix, la tranquillité et pouvoir se plonger dans son travail. Peut-être que s'il comprend comment la mutation est activée, il pourra faire taire à jamais le chien qui est en lui.
Milo est un chien réconfortant les malades en unité de soins palliatifs et il a perdu beaucoup de patients bien-aimés dans sa vie. Il comprend instinctivement la maladie et la douleur à un niveau spirituel que peu de gens atteignent. Quand il acquiert la capacité de se transformer en homme, il pense qu'il a enfin tout ce qu'il a toujours voulu. Mais être un homme n'est pas la même chose que d'être aimé et se réfugier à Mad Creek n'est pas la même chose que de trouver un foyer.
Quand une maladie mystérieuse frappe Mad Creek et menace tous les Éveillés de la ville, le scientifique et le chien doivent découvrir ce que c'est et comment l'arrêter. Au passage, ils pourraient découvrir que l'amour véritable est possible, si vous regardez les étoiles briller. -
Judgment, Decision-making and Success in Sport
Henning Plessner, Markus Raab
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 26 Août 2011
- 9781119976936
Judgment, Decision-Making and Success in Sport presents a thorough overview and assessment of the study of Judgment and Decision-Making (JDM) in sports psychology, and represents an important source of information for those interested in the possible causes and reasons for success and failure in sport. The only book to apply the principles of JDM to sport Applies theory to practice by looking at problems of athletes, coaches, and referees and providing recommendations for dealing with them Offers an overview of current JDM research Useful for psychologists, physical education teachers, sports scientists, and researchers in this field
Incorporating a broad range of contemporary scholarship, A History of Victorian Literature presents an overview of the literature produced in Great Britain between 1830 and 1900, with fresh consideration of both major figures and some of the era's less familiar authors. Part of the Blackwell Histories of Literature series, the book describes the development of the Victorian literary movement and places it within its cultural, social and political context. A wide-ranging narrative overview of literature in Great Britain between 1830 and 1900, capturing the extraordinary variety of literary output produced during this era Analyzes the development of all literary forms during this period - the novel, poetry, drama, autobiography and critical prose - in conjunction with major developments in social and intellectual history Considers the ways in which writers engaged with new forms of social responsibility in their work, as Britain transformed into the world's first industrial economy Offers a fresh perspective on the work of both major figures and some of the era's less familiar authors Winner of a Choice Outstanding Academic Title award, 2009
From Room to Room
Eli Mandel
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press
- Laurier Poetry
- 27 Septembre 2011
- 9781554588183
The career of Eli Mandel (1922-1992) was one of the most prolific and distinguished in all of Canadian literature, yet in recent years his work has gone unsung compared with that of such peers as Margaret Atwood, Leonard Cohen, Robert Kroetsch, Irving Layton, and P.K. Page. Though he was a critic, anthologist, and editor of national prominence, Mandel's legacy resides most securely in his poetry, which earned many accolades. From Room to Room: The Poetry of Eli Mandel presents thirty-five of Mandel's best poems written over four decades, from the 1950s to the 1980s. The selection covers the most prominent themes in Mandel's work, including his Russian-Jewish heritage, his Saskatchewan upbringing, his interest in classical and biblical archetypes, and his concern for the political and social issues of his time. The book also highlights the way in which Mandel's work bridged the formal attributes of modernist poetry with contemporary, sometimes experimental, poetics. Complete with a scholarly introduction by Peter Webb and a literary afterword by Andrew Stubbs, From Room to Room makes a worthy addition to the Laurier Poetry Series, which presents affordable editions of contemporary Canadian poetry for use in the classroom and the enjoyment of anyone wishing to read some of the finest poetry Canada has to offer.
Bounds and Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials for Varying Weights
Doron S. Lubinsky
- Springer
- 13 Février 2018
- 9783319729473
This book establishes bounds and asymptotics under almost minimal conditions on the varying weights, and applies them to universality limits and entropy integrals. Orthogonal polynomials associated with varying weights play a key role in analyzing random matrices and other topics.
This book will be of use to a wide community of mathematicians, physicists, and statisticians dealing with techniques of potential theory, orthogonal polynomials, approximation theory, as well as random matrices. -
This book provides engineers and scientists with practical fundamentals for turbomachinery design. It presents a detailed analysis of existing procedures for the analysis of rotor and structure dynamics, while keeping mathematical equations to a minimum. Specific terminologies are used for rotors and structures, respectively, allowing the readers to clearly distinguish between the two. Further, the book describes the essential concepts needed to understand rotor failure modes due to lateral and torsional oscillations. It guides the reader from simple single-degree-of-freedom models to the most complex multi-degree-of-freedom systems, and provides useful information concerning steel pedestal stiffness degradation and other structural issues. Fluid-film bearing types and their dynamical behavior are extensively covered and discussed in the context of various turbomachinery applications. The book also discusses shaft alignment and rotor balancing from a practical point of view, providing readers with essential information to help them solve practical problems. As the main body of the book focuses on the diagnostics and description of case studies addressing the most pressing practical issues, together with their successful solutions, it offers a valuable reference guide, helping field engineers manage day-to-day issues with turbomachinery.
Unorthodox success principles from a billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist Eli Broad's embrace of "unreasonable thinking" has helped him build two Fortune 500 companies, amass personal billions, and use his wealth to create a new approach to philanthropy. He has helped to fund scientific research institutes, K-12 education reform, and some of the world's greatest contemporary art museums. By contrast, "reasonable" people come up with all the reasons something new and different can't be done, because, after all, no one else has done it that way. This book shares the "unreasonable" principles-from negotiating to risk-taking, from investing to hiring-that have made Eli Broad such a success. Broad helped to create the Frank Gehry-designed Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Broad Contemporary Art Museum at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and The Broad, a new museum being built in downtown Los Angeles His investing approach to philanthropy has led to the creation of scientific and medical research centers in the fields of genomic medicine and stem cell research At his alma mater, Michigan State University, he endowed a full-time M.B.A. program, and he and his wife have funded a new contemporary art museum on campus to serve the broader region Eli Broad is the founder of two Fortune 500 companies: KB Home and SunAmerica If you're stuck doing what reasonable people do-and not getting anywhere-let Eli Broad show you how to be unreasonable, and see how far your next endeavor can go.
Tropical Diseases in Travelers Covering all the major tropical diseases that present a health risk to travelers, this book is an invaluable resource for all practitioners who encounter the post travel patient. With emphasis on clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment, it is the first book to summarize the knowledge of post travel presentations in the otherwise non-immune and non-endemic population and will aid clinicians to evaluate travelers' symptoms. The book is divided into three parts. The first is an overview of key aspects of travel medicine; the second contains a detailed discussion of multiple viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. The third part provides a syndromic approach to patients with common travel complaints such as diarrhea, fever and respiratory infections. It also includes useful appendices with lists of anti-parasitic drugs and available diagnostic tests.
A text and general reference on the design and analysis of radar signals
As radar technology evolves to encompass a growing spectrum of applications in military, aerospace, automotive, and other sectors, innovations in digital signal processing have risen to meet the demand. Presenting a long overdue, up-to-date, dedicated resource on radar signals, the authors fill a critical gap in radar technology literature.
Radar Signals features in-depth coverage of the most prevalent classical and modern radar signals used today, as well as new signal concepts developed in recent years. Inclusion of key MATLAB software codes throughout the book demonstrates how they dramatically simplify the process of describing and analyzing complex signals. Topics covered include:
* Matched filter and ambiguity function concepts
* Basic radar signals, with both analytical and numerical analysis
* Frequency modulated and phase-coded pulses
* Complete discussion of band-limiting schemes
* Coherent LFM pulse trains-the most popular radar signal
* Diversity in pulse trains, including stepped frequency pulses
* Continuous-wave signals
* Multicarrier phase-coded signals
Combining lucid explanation, preferred signal tables, MATLAB codes, and problem sets in each chapter, Radar Signals is an essential reference for professionals-and a systematic tutorial for any seeking to broaden their knowledge base in this dynamic field. -
Bringing a unique joint practitioner and academic perspective to the topic, this is the only available text on private equity truly international in focus. Examples are drawn from Europe the Middle East, Africa and America with major case studies from a wide range of business sectors, from the prestigious collection of the London Business School's Coller Institute of Private Equity. Much more than a simple case book, however, International Private Equity provides a valuable overview of the private equity industry and uses the studies to exemplify all stages of the deal process, and to illustrate such key topics as investing in emerging markets; each chapter guides the reader with an authoritative narrative on the topic treated. Covering all the main aspects of the private equity model, the book includes treatment of fund raising, fund structuring, fund performance measurement, private equity valuation, due diligence, modeling of leveraged buyout transactions, and harvesting of private equity investments.
Acute Coronary Syndrome covers the spectrum of clinical conditions ranging from unstable angina to non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and ST elevation myocardial infarction. These life-threatening disorders are a major cause of emergency medical care, hospitalization and mortality. Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes is designed to provide busy clinicians with a comprehensive guide to the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of these syndromes. It encompasses the latest technologies, including the use of biomarkers and non-invasive imaging procedures. For each condition, the reader is taken through all of the therapeutic options available; in each case the indications and contraindications are evaluated in the light of the latest clinical trials. Potential complications are dealt with in a similar fashion, permitting the reader to anticipate and manage problems as they arise. The authors also present evidence-based recommendations for long-term care of at-risk patients, encompassing pharmacologic therapies and lifestyle management. The book concludes with a comprehensive collection of appendices that include treatment algorithms, risk scores and a summary of the latest management guidelines. Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes is the most up to date and comprehensive evidence-based guide to managing acute coronary syndromes, in a compact and usable format. It will be of interest to busy specialist physicians in cardiovascular medicine, cardiac and vascular surgery, and critical care, as well as primary care physicians and hospitalists who care for patients with these syndromes.
This book describes the fundamental principles of electronic weighing, beginning with the theoretical background of the basic components and continuing with the theoretical formulas to calculate the weighing accuracy in different applications, including the influence on accuracy of external disturbing forces.
It also describes the layout and optimum composition of weighing systems for static weighing and batching, in-motion weighing, belt conveyor weighing and flow control, as well as counting and checkweighing scales.
Complete technical specifications are included, which, supplemented with relevant technical data, can serve as masters for procurment of the equipment for twelve typical industrial weighing applications.
Testing principles and procedures for test reports are detailed, covering all kinds of static weighing and batching systems, as well as belt conveyor scales and dosimeters.
Written for practitioners, this book will give engineers and managers in the chemical, iron and steel, pulp and paper and other industries an awareness of the basic technology, an appreciation of the range of its application, and an understanding of the performance that can be expected. -
"For a popular television series, Undercover Boss has an unusual knack for raising deep and weighty questions."
-Forbes On February 7, 2010 the CBS television series Undercover Boss USA premiered to a staggering 38.6 million viewers, the largest post-Super Bowl audience for a new series and the most-watched premiere episode of any reality series in the history of television. Now, for the first time, the bosses and employees featured on Undercover Boss share the lessons they learned as well as the formative experiences that resulted from being on the show. Show creators and executive producers Stephen Lambert and Eli Holzman reveal how they came up with the idea for the show, how they got a major network on board, and of course, how they found a dynamic, charismatic group of bosses willing to go undercover-on camera-in this thoroughly new experiment. Featuring all-new interviews and insights with the bosses and employees of the nine businesses featured on Season 1 of the show, as well producers' notes on what you didn't see behind the scenes, this book is a must-have for fans of the show everywhere. -
"Lebowitz and Omer have taken the latest and most relevant scientific research and synthesized it into an essential read for caregivers of anxious children. Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers provides an 'inside look' at the nuts and bolts of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for childhood anxiety?the treatment of choice among leading researchers and experts. The book is filled with analogies, examples, and practical advice that professionals and parents will refer back to over and over again."
?Candice A. Alfano, PhD; Director, Sleep and Anxiety Center for Kids (SACK) Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Houston PRACTICAL REAL-LIFE SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDREN LIVING WITH ANXIETY FOCUSING ON THE SPECIAL ROLE OF THE CAREGIVER IN ACHIEVING SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT Focusing on the treatment of childhood anxiety, both in one-on-one therapist to child treatment and within the family, Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers adopts an integrated approach presenting novel strategies to help mental health professionals and families create change and momentum in otherwise stagnant situations. This empowering guide offers practical, evidence-based, and theory-driven strategies for helping children to overcome anxiety, even if they resist treatment. Uniquely providing concrete advice for both the therapeutic and home environment, this insightful book covers: What to do when anxiety takes over the family School phobia and school refusal Working with highly dependent young adults Parental support and protection Creating and maintaining family boundaries A walk-through of The Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) Program Cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and emotion-based tools for treating anxiety Medication for childhood anxiety -
Iridium(III) in Optoelectronic and Photonics Applications
Eli Zysman-Colman
- Wiley
- 7 Mars 2017
- 9781119007159
The fundamental photophysical properties of iridium(III) materials make this class of materials the pre-eminent transition metal complex for use in optoelectronic applications. Iridium(III) in Optoelectronic and Photonics Applications represents the definitive account of photoactive iridium complexes and their use across a wide variety of applications. This two-volume set begins with an overview of the synthesis of these complexes and discusses their photophysical properties. The text highlights not only mononuclear complexes but also the properties of multinuclear and polymeric iridium-based materials and the assembly of iridium complexes into larger supramolecular architectures such as MOFs and soft materials. Chapters devoted to the use of these iridium-based materials in diverse optoelectronic applications follow, including: electroluminescent devices such as organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and light-emitting electrochemical cells (LEECs); electrochemiluminescence (ECL); bioimaging; sensing; light harvesting in the context of solar cell applications; in photoredox catalysis and as components for solar fuels. Although primarily targeting a chemistry audience, the wide applicability of these compounds transcends traditional disciplines, making this text also of use to physicists, materials scientists or biologists who have interests in these areas.
The United States today cries out for a robust, self-respecting, intellectually sophisticated left, yet the very idea of a left appears to have been discredited. In this brilliant new book, Eli Zaretsky rethinks the idea by examining three key moments in American history: the Civil War, the New Deal and the range of New Left movements in the 1960s and after including the civil rights movement, the women's movement and gay liberation.In each period, he argues, the active involvement of the left - especially its critical interaction with mainstream liberalism - proved indispensable. American liberalism, as represented by the Democratic Party, is necessarily spineless and ineffective without a left. Correspondingly, without a strong liberal center, the left becomes sectarian, authoritarian, and worse. Written in an accessible way for the general reader and the undergraduate student, this book provides a fresh perspective on American politics and political history. It has often been said that the idea of a left originated in the French Revolution and is distinctively European; Zaretsky argues, by contrast, that America has always had a vibrant and powerful left. And he shows that in those critical moments when the country returns to itself, it is on its left/liberal bases that it comes to feel most at home.
Eli Greenblat is a financial journalist who has followed the careers of Australia's young, talented moneymakers. This book is a fascinating insight into the investing strategies of a selection of money managers -- all extremely successful, all under 40 - and shares with readers the lifestyle this affords them. The group of Australian 'market wizards' includes: Roger Montgomery, managing director and founder of Clime Asset Management; Tom Elliott, managing director of MM&E Capital; Peter Constable, chief investment officer of MMC Asset Management; Michael Norster; Lawrence Gozlan; Gabriel Radzyminski; Karl Siegling; Campbell McComb; Peter Wilmshurst; Angus Gluskie and Atul Lele.
Unsupervised Information Extraction by Text Segmentation
Altigran S. Da Silva
- Springer
- 23 Octobre 2013
- 9783319025971
A new unsupervised approach to the problem of Information Extraction by Text Segmentation (IETS) is proposed, implemented and evaluated herein. The authors' approach relies on information available on pre-existing data to learn how to associate segments in the input string with attributes of a given domain relying on a very effective set of content-based features. The effectiveness of the content-based features is also exploited to directly learn from test data structure-based features, with no previous human-driven training, a feature unique to the presented approach. Based on the approach, a number of results are produced to address the IETS problem in an unsupervised fashion. In particular, the authors develop, implement and evaluate distinct IETS methods, namely ONDUX, JUDIE and iForm.ONDUX (On Demand Unsupervised Information Extraction) is an unsupervised probabilistic approach for IETS that relies on content-based features to bootstrap the learning of structure-based features. JUDIE (Joint Unsupervised Structure Discovery and Information Extraction) aims at automatically extracting several semi-structured data records in the form of continuous text and having no explicit delimiters between them. In comparison with other IETS methods, including ONDUX, JUDIE faces a task considerably harder that is, extracting information while simultaneously uncovering the underlying structure of the implicit records containing it. iForm applies the authors' approach to the task of Web form filling. It aims at extracting segments from a data-rich text given as input and associating these segments with fields from a target Web form.All of these methods were evaluated considering different experimental datasets, which are used to perform a large set of experiments in order to validate the presented approach and methods. These experiments indicate that the proposed approach yields high qualityresults when compared to state-of-the-art approaches and that it is able to properly support IETS methods in a number of real applications. The findings will prove valuable to practitioners in helping them to understand the current state-of-the-art in unsupervised information extraction techniques, as well as to graduate and undergraduate students of web data management.