24 images. No. 189, Décembre 2018
Cedric Laval, Ralph Elawani, Marc Mercier, Apolline Caron-Ottavi, Charlotte Selb, Sylvain Lavallee, Jacques Kermabon
- 24/30 I/S
- 14 Février 2019
- 9782924348352
« Auteurs vampirisés par le cinéma, films obsédés par la littérature, cinéastes/écrivains, écrivains/cinéastes, ce ne sont que quelques pistes abordées dans ce numéro... » En effet, le numéro d'hiver de la revue 24 images propose un dossier aux multiples angles et prises de vues, sur les affinités entre le cinéma et la littérature, loin d'une simple compilation de cas de figure d'adaptations plus ou moins heureuses. De l'influence de la littérature sur les cinéastes et vice-versa, aux auteurs jugés inadaptables ou trop adaptés, les collaborateurs et collaboratrices de 24 images donnent à réfléchir et présentent du même pas un index de 40 adaptations à (re)découvrir. Retrouvez aussi au sommaire, la série Sharp Objects, le jeu vidéo The Sexy Brutale dérivé du même concept que Le jour de la marmotte, une recension de Décadrages de Robert Lévesque et plusieurs commentaires critiques de films récemment sortis.
La condition terrestre : habiter la Terre en communs
Sophie Gosselin
- Seuil
- Anthropocène
- 21 Octobre 2022
- 9782021439342
L'espace-temps du politique change : la Terre et la multiplicité des êtres qui la composent font irruption dans les affaires humaines en réagissant aux assauts continus d'un front de modernisation mené par l'État-Capital. La condition moderne, portée par des droits anthropocentrés et des mesures politiques gouvernées par l'exploitation systématique des ressources naturelles et la mise au travail de tous les êtres, s'effondre.
En menant une vaste enquête à travers le monde, ce livre ouvre un autre chemin : penser et habiter notre condition terrestre. Des montagnes andines de Bolivie à la rivière Whanganui de Nouvelle-Zélande, de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes en France à l'archipel des îles de Kanaky-Nouvelle Calédonie, du fleuve Elwha aux États-Unis à la rébellion des zapatistes du Chiapas mexicain, les auteurs explorent les processus cosmopolitiques et les inventions institutionnelles qui redonnent à des communautés d'habitant-e-s les moyens d'habiter la Terre.
C'est alors tout le paysage politique de la modernité qui se déplace : l'individu devient personne relationnelle, la démocratie citoyenne et représentative devient l'assemblée multispécifique d'habitants, les peuples nationaux se transforment en peuples-rivières, peuples-montagnes ou peuples-archipels, la souveraineté de l'État se partage pour tenir compte des perspectives décoloniales, interspécifiques et écoféministes. Ces réinventions nous engagent à réhabiter autrement nos relations, nos affects, nos imaginaires afin de vivre une Terre en communs : une Terre faite de plusieurs mondes.Sophie Gosselin, agrégée et docteure en philosophie, et David gé Bartoli, philosophe et écrivain, ont co-écrit Le Toucher du monde, techniques du naturer (éditions Dehors, 2019). Ils sont membres fondateurs de la revue, Revue des livres, des idées et des écologies, et de l'université Pour la Terre de Tours. -
Les coulisses du pouvoir - t08 - les predateurs
- Casterman
- 30 Juin 2008
- 9782203392694
Caine et Burkinshaw poursuivent leur enquête sur la mort d'un administrateur de sociétés immobilières, John Atkins. Alors qu'un autre protagoniste du monde de l'immobilier, Mac Bain, vient de décéder de mort violente, les policiers remontent la piste de plusieurs sociétés au sein desquelles étaient impliqués les deux hommes...
Les aventures de Boro, reporter photographe : la dame de Berlin Tome 3
- Casterman
- Ligne Rouge
- 17 Novembre 2008
- 9782203392687
1933. Alors que le chancelier Adolf Hitler vient d'accéder au pouvoir en Allemagne, Boro, grâce aux photos du chef du parti nazi réalisées à Berlin, réalise enfin son rêve : travailler comme photographe professionnel. Un travail qui le conduit à croiser de nouveau la route des activistes qui font la promotion des idées d'extrême droite sur tout le continent. Bientôt, Boro découvre qu'une organisation secrète, Parsifal, structure clandestinement les dangereux projets de ces militants nationalistes partout en Europe. Il identifie même, inopinément, l'homme de l'ombre qui dirige Parsifal : rien moins que l'un des familiers de sa bien aimée cousine l'actrice Maryika Vremler, là-bas, dans la capitale du Reich. Le photographe, dès lors, n'hésite plus. Convaincu à juste titre que Maryika est en grand danger, Boro fonce à Berlin en dépit des risques qu'il y court lui-même, et enlève la jeune femme alors que le piège nazi allait se refermer sur elle. Une folle course-poursuite s'engage. Troisième et dernier volume de La Dame de Berlin, le premier cycle de l'adaptation en bande dessinée du best-seller de Franck et Vautrin. Un sans-faute.
Multimodal Perception and Secure State Estimation for Robotic Mobility Platforms
Badong Chen, Xinghua Liu, Rui Jiang
- Wiley-IEEE Press
- 26 Août 2022
- 9781119876038
Multimodal Perception and Secure State Estimation for Robotic Mobility Platforms Enables readers to understand important new trends in multimodal perception for mobile robotics This book provides a novel perspective on secure state estimation and multimodal perception for robotic mobility platforms such as autonomous vehicles. It thoroughly evaluates filter-based secure dynamic pose estimation approaches for autonomous vehicles over multiple attack signals and shows that they outperform conventional Kalman filtered results. As a modern learning resource, it contains extensive simulative and experimental results that have been successfully implemented on various models and real platforms. To aid in reader comprehension, detailed and illustrative examples on algorithm implementation and performance evaluation are also presented. Written by four qualified authors in the field, sample topics covered in the book include: Secure state estimation that focuses on system robustness under cyber-attacks Multi-sensor fusion that helps improve system performance based on the complementary characteristics of different sensors A geometric pose estimation framework to incorporate measurements and constraints into a unified fusion scheme, which has been validated using public and self-collected data How to achieve real-time road-constrained and heading-assisted pose estimation This book will appeal to graduate-level students and professionals in the fields of ground vehicle pose estimation and perception who are looking for modern and updated insight into key concepts related to the field of robotic mobility platforms.
Regional Analysis of Time-Fractional Diffusion Processes
Yangquan Chen, Chunhai Kou
- Springer
- 8 Janvier 2018
- 9783319728964
This monograph provides an accessible introduction to the regional analysis of fractional diffusion processes. It begins with background coverage of fractional calculus, functional analysis, distributed parameter systems and relevant basic control theory. New research problems are then defined in terms of their actuation and sensing policies within the regional analysis framework. The results presented provide insight into the control-theoretic analysis of fractional-order systems for use in real-life applications such as hard-disk drives, sleep stage identification and classification, and unmanned aerial vehicle control. The results can also be extended to complex fractional-order distributed-parameter systems and various open questions with potential for further investigation are discussed. For instance, the problem of fractional order distributed-parameter systems with mobile actuators/sensors, optimal parameter identification, optimal locations/trajectory of actuators/sensors and regional actuation/sensing configurations are of great interest. The book's use of illustrations and consistent examples throughout helps readers to understand the significance of the proposed fractional models and methodologies and to enhance their comprehension. The applications treated in the book run the gamut from environmental science to national security. Academics and graduate students working with cyber-physical and distributed systems or interested in the applications of fractional calculus will find this book to be an instructive source of state-of-the-art results and inspiration for further research.
Emerging Technologies for STEAM Education
J. Michael Spector, Dirk Ifenthaler
- Springer
- 9 Septembre 2015
- 9783319025735
This theory-to-practice guide offers leading-edge ideas for wide-scale curriculum reform in sciences, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics--the STEAM subjects. Chapters emphasize the critical importance of current and emerging digital technologies in bringing STEM education up to speed and implementing changes to curricula at the classroom level. Of particular interest are the diverse ways of integrating the liberal arts into STEM course content in mutually reshaping humanities education and scientific education. This framework and its many instructive examples are geared to ensure that both educators and students can become innovative thinkers and effective problem-solvers in a knowledge-based society. Included in the coverage: Reconceptualizing a college science learning experience in the new digital era.Using mobile devices to support formal, informal, and semi-formal learning.Change of attitudes, self-concept, and team dynamics in engineering education.The language arts as foundational for science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.Can K-12 math teachers train students to make valid logical reasoning?Moving forward with STEAM education research. Emerging Technologies for STEAM Education equips educators, education researchers, administrators, and education policymakers with curricular and pedagogical strategies for making STEAM education the bedrock of accessible, relevant learning in keeping with today's digital advances.
Sunlight readable transflective liquid crystal displays, used on devices from cell phones and portable media players, to GPS and even some desktop monitors, have become indispensable in our day-to-day lives. Transflective Liquid Crystal Displays is a methodical examination of this display technology, providing a useful reference to the fundamentals of the topic. Including thorough descriptions of the essential physics of transflective LCD technologies, the book also compares transflective LCD technology with alternatives, such as OLED displays, to enable display engineers to appropriately select the correct device for their particular application. Includes detailed descriptions of both pure transmissive and reflective LCDs, and the design considerations and performance of combining these into small mobile displays. Focuses on fundamental elements, such as double cell gap transflective LCDs, wide-viewing angle technology, light polarization and wide-view linear and circular polarizers, video rate display by colour sequential technologies, colour sciences and engineering, and backlights. Describes the latest LCD technologies, such as polymer-sustained surface alignment technology, and the possible trends which could be applied to transflective LCDs in the future. Its focus on the fundamentals of transflective liquid crystal displays makes this an ideal graduate text, while display engineers, scientists, developers and technicians working with this technology will also welcome this resource. The Society for Information Display (SID) is an international society, which has the aim of encouraging the development of all aspects of the field of information display. Complementary to the aims of the society, the Wiley-SID series is intended to explain the latest developments in information display technology at a professional level. The broad scope of the series addresses all facets of information displays from technical aspects through systems and prototypes to standards and ergonomics
Essential principles and practice of assay development The first comprehensive, integrated treatment of the subject, Assay Development: Fundamentals and Practices covers the essentials and techniques involved in carrying out an assay project in either a biotechnology/drug discovery setting or a platform setting. Rather than attempting comprehensive coverage of all assay development technologies, the book introduces the most widely used assay development technologies and illustrates the art of assay development through a few commonly encountered biological targets in assay development (e.g., proteases, kinases, ion channels, and G protein-coupled receptors). Just enough biological background for these biological targets is provided so that the reader can follow the logics of assay development. Chapters discuss: The basics of assay development, including foundational concepts and applications Commonly used instrumental methods for both biochemical assays and cell-based assays Assay strategies for protein binding and enzymatic activity Cell-based assays High-throughput screening An in-depth study of the now popular Caliper's off-chip kinase assay provides an instructive, real-world example of the assay development process.
Ultra-low-Cycle Fatigue Failure of Metal Structures under Strong Earthquakes
Liang-Jiu Jia
- Springer
- 2 Novembre 2018
- 9789811326615
This book presents experimental results and theoretical advances in the field of ultra-low-cycle fatigue failure of metal structures under strong earthquakes, where the dominant failure mechanism is ductile fracture. Studies on ultra-low-cycle fatigue failure of metal materials and structures have caught the interest of engineers and researchers from various disciplines, such as material, civil and mechanical engineering. Pursuing a holistic approach, the book establishes a fundamental framework for this topic, while also highlighting the importance of theoretical analysis and experimental results in the fracture evaluation of metal structures under seismic loading. Accordingly, it offers a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students interested in ultra-low-cycle fatigue, researchers investigating steel and aluminum structures, and structural engineers working on applications related to cyclic large plastic loading conditions.
Pneumatic conveying is one of the most popular methods of handling bulk powdered and granular materials in mining, chemical and agricultural industries. This 3rd edition of this successful book covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. It is unique in its blending of academic materials and good industrial design techniques. Each topic is covered in depth, with emphasis placed on the latest techniques, hardware systems and design and research methodology. Its comprehensive worked examples and table ensure that the reader need not consult any other reference material. In this 3rd edition new sections on simulation and modelling have been added, while the use of tomography as a tool for monitoring pneumatic conveying is also covered.
A Comparative Analysis of Policing Consumer Contracts in China and the EU
Jiangqiu Ge
- Springer
- 7 Février 2019
- 9789811329890
This book seeks to fill a gap in the existing literature by describing the formulation, interpretation and enforcement of the rules on consumer contracts in China and the EU, and by mapping key similarities and differences. The study addresses selected issues regarding consumer contracts: sources of law in the two jurisdictions are first discussed to set the scene. Afterwards, one preliminary issue - how to define the concept of a consumer contract - and two substantive topics - unfair terms and withdrawal rights - are dealt with. Apart from the descriptive analysis, the book also provides possible explanations for these comparative findings, and argues that the differences in consumer contract rules can be primarily attributed to a disparity of markets. The book offers a valuable resource, particularly for researchers and practitioners in the fields of private law and comparative law.
Structural Processing for Wireless Communications
Xiaoming Tao, Jianhua Lu
- Springer
- 3 Mars 2015
- 9783319157115
This brief presents an alternative viewpoint on processing technology for wireless communications based on recent research advances. As a lever in emerging processing technology, the structure perspective addresses the complexity and uncertainty issues found in current wireless applications. Likewise, this brief aims at providing a new prospective to the development of communication technology and information science, while stimulating new theories and technologies for wireless systems with ever-increasing complexity. Readers of this brief may range from graduate students to researchers in related fields.
Emerging Concepts of Tumor Exosome-Mediated Cell-Cell Communication
Huang-Ge Zhang
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9781461436973
In multicellular organisms, communication between cells involves secretion of proteins that bind to receptors on neighboring cells. While this has been well documented, another mode of intercellular communication has recently become the subject of increasing interest: the release of exosomes. In cancer, tumor exosomes are involved in various aspects of pathogenesis, including proliferation, immunosuppression, and metastasis. Given the ability of exosomes to export unneeded endogenous molecules from cells, these structures hold great potential as anticancer therapeutic agents. They are also being studied as prognostic markers for cancer.
There are plenty of challenging and interesting problems open for investigation in the field of switched systems. Stability issues help to generate many complex nonlinear dynamic behaviors within switched systems. The authors present a thorough investigation of stability effects on three broad classes of switching mechanism: arbitrary switching where stability represents robustness to unpredictable and undesirable perturbation, constrained switching, including random (within a known stochastic distribution), dwell-time (with a known minimum duration for each subsystem) and autonomously-generated (with a pre-assigned mechanism) switching; and designed switching in which a measurable and freely-assigned switching mechanism contributes to stability by acting as a control input.For each of these classes this book propounds: detailed stability analysis and/or design, related robustness and performance issues, connections to other control problems and many motivating and illustrative examples.
Pains and Gains of Ethnic Multilingual Learners in China
Ge Wang
- Springer
- 18 Avril 2016
- 9789811006616
This book introduces an ethnographic case study of two English majors of ethnic minority at YUN, a local university of nationalities in southwest China. Drawing on the theories of post-structuralism and critical multiculturalism, this book mainly studies two female multilingual individuals in Yunnan, China. By scrutinizing university policies, curriculum, personal learning histories, and by discussing the unequal power relationship between national policies, school curricula, and ethnic multilingual learners,this book provides information at a micro-level on how the two ethnic minority students, who have acquired three languages (L1-native, L2-Mandarin Chinese, and L3-English), successfully navigate the Chinese higher education system as multilingual learners despite various tensions, difficulties, and challenges. How these students construct their multiple identities as well as significant factors affecting such identity construction is also discussed. This book will contribute to thescholarship of policy and practice in ethnic multilingual education in China by addressing the challenges for tertiary institutions and ethnic multilingual learners. The author also points out that multiculturalism as a discourse of education might help ease the tension of being an ethnic minority and a Chinese national, and reduce the danger of being assimilated or being marginalized.
Increasing demand for and awareness of the applications of nanotechnology in medicine has resulted in the emergence of a new fast-growing multidisciplinary area - nanomedicine. This book offers comprehensive knowledge of and diverse perspectives on nanomedicine through two independent volumes. It aims to bridge the gap between nanotechnology and medicine through contributions by world-renowned experts from wide range of backgrounds including academia, industry, professional consultancy, and government agencies.Each contribution integrates knowledge from a wide range of areas to present the fundamentals of new applications and products of nanomedicine, as well as an outlook for the future. This book can well serve as a reference and guide for students, academics, researchers, scientists, engineers, clinicians, government researchers, and healthcare professionals.
Given their key position in the process control industry, process monitoring techniques have been extensively investigated by industrial practitioners and academic control researchers. Multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) is one of the most popular data-based methods for process monitoring and is widely used in various industrial areas. Effective routines for process monitoring can help operators run industrial processes efficiently at the same time as maintaining high product quality. Multivariate Statistical Process Control reviews the developments and improvements that have been made to MSPC over the last decade, and goes on to propose a series of new MSPC-based approaches for complex process monitoring. These new methods are demonstrated in several case studies from the chemical, biological, and semiconductor industrial areas. Control and process engineers, and academic researchers in the process monitoring, process control and fault detection and isolation (FDI) disciplines will be interested in this book. It can also be used to provide supplementary material and industrial insight for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, and graduate engineers. Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering
Wei He, Bernard Voon Ee How, Yoo Sang Choo
- Springer
- 2 Octobre 2013
- 9781447153375
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering is a comprehensive treatment of marine mechanical systems (MMS) involved in processes of great importance such as oil drilling and mineral recovery. Ranging from nonlinear dynamic modeling and stability analysis of flexible riser systems, through advanced control design for an installation system with a single rigid payload attached by thrusters, to robust adaptive control for mooring systems, it is an authoritative reference on the dynamics and control of MMS. Readers will gain not only a complete picture of MMS at the system level, but also a better understanding of the technical considerations involved and solutions to problems that commonly arise from dealing with them. The text provides: · a complete framework of dynamical analysis and control design for marine mechanical systems;· new results on the dynamical analysis of riser, mooring and installation systems together with a general modeling method for a class of MMS;· a general method and strategy for realizing the control objectives of marine systems with guaranteed stability the effectiveness of which is illustrated by extensive numerical simulation; and · approximation-based control schemes using neural networks for installation of subsea structures with attached thrusters in the presence of time-varying environmental disturbances and parametric uncertainties.Most of the results presented are analytical with repeatable design algorithms with proven closed-loop stability and performance analysis of the proposed controllers is rigorous and detailed.Dynamicsand Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering is primarily intended for researchers and engineers in the system and control community, but graduate students studying control and marine engineering will also find it a useful resource as will practitioners working on the design, running or maintenance of offshore platforms.
Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines
Yu Shi, Rolf D. Reitz
- Springer
- 22 Juin 2011
- 9780857296191
Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines presents the state of the art of computational models and optimization methods for internal combustion engine development using multi-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools and genetic algorithms. Strategies to reduce computational cost and mesh dependency are discussed, as well as regression analysis methods. Several case studies are presented in a section devoted to applications, including assessments of:spark-ignition engines,dual-fuel engines,heavy duty and light duty diesel engines.Through regression analysis, optimization results are used to explain complex interactions between engine design parameters, such as nozzle design, injection timing, swirl, exhaust gas recirculation, bore size, and piston bowl shape.Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines demonstrates that the current multi-dimensional CFD tools are mature enough for practical development of internal combustion engines. It is written for researchers and designers in mechanical engineering and the automotive industry.
This volume covers the science of ALDH enzymes in relation to chronic disease processes and the future therapeutic potentials of targeting ALDH in these processes. It thoroughly reviews the roles of ALDH family in alcohol metabolism, as well as recent findings of their emerging roles in a variety of human pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, stroke, cancer, liver diseases and kidney diseases. Delicate contribution of ALDH enzymes in the therapeutics against chronic diseases is also discussed. It demonstrates the unique value of targeting genetic polymorphism in ALDH enzymes in personalized medicine. The book will appeal to scientists, physicians, graduate and professional students in the fields of ALDH enzymes, alcohol metabolism, cardiometabolic and other chronic diseases. Pharmaceutical and other companies developing new tools for cardiometabolic and chronic diseases treatment will also find this a valuable resource.
Assessment in Game-Based Learning
Dirk Ifenthaler, Deniz Eseryel
- Springer
- 13 Juin 2012
- 9781461435464
The capabilities and possibilities of emerging game-based learning technologies bring about a new perspective of learning and instruction. This, in turn, necessitates alternative ways to assess the kinds of learning that is taking place in the virtual worlds or informal settings. accordingly, aligning learning and assessment is the core for creating a favorable and effective learning environment. The edited volume will cover the current state of research, methodology, assessment, and technology of game-based learning. There will be contributions from international distinguished researchers which will present innovative work in the areas of educational psychology, educational diagnostics, educational technology, and learning sciences. The edited volume will be divided into four major parts.
Atlas of Environmental Risks Facing China Under Climate Change
Qiuhong Tang
- Springer
- 11 Juillet 2017
- 9789811041990
This atlas provides the most comprehensive and accurate overview of environmental risks relating to climate change vulnerability and adaptation in China. It addresses the agricultural, ecosystem and heat wave health risk posed by climate change and presents the projected environmental risks in the 21st century under climate change and socioeconomic scenarios. The detailed and concise risk assessments are mapped in grid units, allowing easy environmental risk assessment for specific locations. The atlas contributes significantly to the knowledge base for climate change adaptation in China and is a valuable resource for students and professionals in the fields of geographic sciences and climate change.
This book focuses on the modeling, optimization, and applications of 5G green mobile communication networks, aimed at improving energy efficiency and spectrum utilization in 5G systems. It offers a balance between theoretical analysis and engineering practice, providing in-depth studies of a number of major topics, such as energy consumption models, optimization, system design, implementation, and performance evaluation. It also discusses four aspects of green communication in detail: cellular networks, resource management, wireless transmissions and multi-media communications. Further, this unique book comprehensively and systematically discusses green optimization in wireless mobile communications. As such it is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in various fields, including telecommunications engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer engineering, particularly those interested in green communications.