Palgrave Pivot
The Personal World of the Language Learner
Cristina Ros I Sole
- Palgrave Pivot
- 21 Novembre 2016
- 9781137528537
This book presents a radical turn in Second Language Acquisition research by introducing a conceptual paradigm that challenges rationalist, instrumental and empiricist approaches to language learning theory. It argues for a shift in focus from measuring the effectiveness of language learning processes to humanising the language learning experience. This new paradigm explores the force of affect, the imagination and creativity and their roles in assembling language learners' intimate worlds. 'The personal' is reclaimed and acts as driving force for language learning and the sphere in which learners engage both their minds and bodies in a constant socialization of feelings and emotions. The author provides examples from real language learners using a variety of modern languages to provide insights on the kind of personal worlds that languages compel us to inhabit. This book will be of interest to those working with language learning and language education theory, language teachers, and researchers and students who are interested in issues of identity and intercultural communication in language learning.
Higher Education Consumer Choice
J. Hemsley-Brown, I. Oplatka
- Palgrave Pivot
- 12 Novembre 2015
- 9781137497208
Higher Education Consumer Choice provides a comprehensive and highly focused critical analysis of research on HE consumer choice behaviour in the UK and around the world. Ideal for students, scholars and marketing practitioners interested in consumer choice and behaviour in higher education markets, the book explores the background and context to research on HE choice including globalization, changing supply and demand, fees and costs, and concerns about social disadvantage. Focusing on personal factors that influence consumer choice, group aspects of consumer behaviour such as cultural and ethnic differences, as well as theoretical and research models, this book is designed to stimulate new debate and criticism of HE consumer choice.
Islamophobia, Victimisation and the Veil
I. Zempi, N. Chakraborti
- Palgrave Pivot
- 3 Juillet 2014
- 9781137356154
This book examines the experiences of veiled Muslim women as victims of Islamophobia, and the impact of this victimisation upon women, their families and wider Muslim communities. It proposes a more effective approach to engaging with these victims; one which recognises their multiple vulnerabilities and their distinct cultural and religious needs.
Smallholders and the Non-Farm Transition in Latin America
I. Harbaugh
- Palgrave Pivot
- 1 Septembre 2014
- 9781137487162
Smallholders and the Non-Farm Transition in Latin America explores the drivers of agricultural displacement in Latin America and argues that government support is essential to help small farmers gain the skills, financial capital, and opportunities needed to transition to a profitable alternative in the non-farm sector.
Indigenous Feminist Narratives
I. Dulfano, Isabel Dulfano
- Palgrave Pivot
- 29 Avril 2015
- 9781137531315
This book analyzes the literary representation of Indigenous women in Latin American letters from colonization to the twentieth century, arguing that contemporary theorization of Indigenous feminism deconstructs denigratory imagery and offers a (re)signification, (re)semantization and reinvigoration of what it means to be an Indigenous woman.
Religious Liberties for Corporations?
D. Gans, I. Shapiro, Ralf Norrman
- Palgrave Pivot
- 7 Novembre 2014
- 9781137479709
An expanded version of a series of debates between the authors, this book examines the nature of corporate rights, especially with respect to religious liberty, in the context of the controversial Hobby Lobby case from the Supreme Court's 2013-14 term.
The Crisis-Prone Society: A Brief Guide to Managing the Beliefs that Drive Risk in Business
I. Mitroff, C. Alpaslan
- Palgrave Pivot
- 8 Juillet 2014
- 9781137454836
The Crisis-Prone Society offers preventative measures that can be taken by business professionals and scholars alike to alleviate the growing potential for crises today. These measures are distilled by close analysis of our recent social history of disasters.
Social franchising represents a third generation form of franchising development, after trade-name and business-format franchising. At the intersection of social enterprise and micro finance literatures, this book reviews a variety of social franchising formats across a number of developing countries.
National Policy in a Global Economy
I. Budge, S. Birch
- Palgrave Pivot
- 21 Novembre 2014
- 9781137473059
This study offers an analysis of the UK's current economic policy options and a plan for improving life for ordinary citizens via a sensible and realistic understanding of governments' limited ability to manage economic performance. It provides a manifesto which political parties could immediately adopt to make life better for all.
Everybody's Business: Reclaiming True Management Skills in Business Higher Education
I. Mitroff, C. Alpaslan, E. S. O'Connor
- Palgrave Pivot
- 14 Février 2014
- 9781137412058
Everybody's Business is a succinct analysis of the factors that led to the founding of American business schools and why they are the way they are. Mitroff, Alpaslan, and O'Connor consider why current business schools do not give students the knowledge and the tools they need to deal with today's complex, messy problems and systems.
Demystifying the Meese-Rogoff Puzzle
I. Moosa, K. Burns
- Palgrave Pivot
- 17 Décembre 2014
- 9781137452481
For the past 30 years international monetary economists have believed that exchange rate models cannot outperform the random walk in out-of-sample forecasting as a result of the 1983 paper written by Richard Meese and Kenneth Rogoff.
Marking the culmination of their extensive research into the Meese-Rogoff puzzle, Moosa and Burns challenge the orthodoxy by demonstrating that the naïve random walk model can be outperformed by exchange rate models when forecasting accuracy is measured by metrics that do not rely exclusively on the magnitude of forecasting error. The authors present compelling evidence, supported by their own measure: the 'adjusted root mean square error', to finally solve the Meese-Rogoff puzzle and provide a new alternative.
Demystifying the Meese-Rogoff Puzzle will appeal to academics with an interest in exchange rate economics and international monetary economics. It will also be a useful resource for central banks and financial institutions. -
Business Strategies for a Messy World
I. Mitroff, V. Barabba
- Palgrave Pivot
- 22 Novembre 2013
- 9781137386403
Using current business examples and academic research, Tools for Systematic Problem-Solving educates managers and executives on how to systematically examine key assumptions to ensure survival and success for their organizations.
Rethinking the Education Mess: A Systems Approach to Education Reform
I. Mitroff, L. Hill, C. Alpaslan
- Palgrave Pivot
- 17 Octobre 2013
- 9781137386045
Using a form of systems thinking, this book analyzes K-12 education as a complex, "messy" system that must be tackled as a whole and provides a series of heuristics to help those involved in the education mess to improve the system as a whole.
Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: A "Sacred Synthesis"
I. Grigoriadis
- Palgrave Pivot
- 30 Octobre 2012
- 9781137301208
The first comparative study to examine the role of religion in the formation of Greek and Turkish nationalisms, this book argues that the shift to an increasingly religious paradigm in both countries can be explained in terms of the exigencies of consolidation and the need to appeal to grassroots elements and account for diversity.
European modernism underwent a massive change from 1930 to 1960, as war altered the cultural landscape. This account of artists and writers in France and England explores how modernism survived under authoritarianism, whether Fascism, National Socialism, or Stalinism, and how these artists endured by balancing complicity and resistance.
France Votes analyzes the French elections of 2012 in the context of a France and Europe in crisis. With regard to the economy, Irwin Wall describes the ways in which the country's adherence to the common currency in the Eurozone has stripped France of its freedom of manouver. France Votes shows how a European-wide economic crisis was reflected in political crisis at home and the rise of new political extremism combined with mass disaffection from politics altogether. The result of all of this, posits Wall, is that France has become a no-choice democracy.
The Polish Portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie
Robert I. Frost
- Palgrave Pivot
- 8 Mai 2022
- 9783030999360
This book is a study of an eighteenth-century portrait of a youth in Polish dress, owned by the National Portrait Gallery in London since 1922, but never publicly displayed. Two inscriptions claim that it is a portrait of Charles Edward Stuart, popularly known as `Bonnie Prince Charlie'. The Gallery has always doubted its authenticity and leading experts on Stuart portraiture have dismissed the identification. This study, by a historian of Poland-Lithuania, is the first detailed attempt to research the painting properly. Based on archival sources, it examines its provenance and the connections of its first known owner with the Kinlochmoidart MacDonalds, who fought for the Prince in the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion. It considers a considerable body of evidence to suggest that it is very possible that the portrait is indeed a genuine depiction of the Prince.
Transnational Performance, Identity and Mobility in Asia
Iris H. Tuan, Ivy I-Chu Chang
- Palgrave Pivot
- 27 Avril 2018
- 9789811071072
This pivot considers the history, methodology and practice of Asian theatre and investigates the role of Asian theatre and film in contemporary transnational Asian identities. It critically reviews the topics of transnationalism and intercultural political difference, arguing that the concept of Transnational Asian theatre or 'TransAsia' can promote cultural diversity and social transformation. The book notably offers an understanding of theatre as a cultural laboratory, a repository for diverse histories and a forum for intercultural dialogue, allowing for a better understanding of sociocultural patterns surrounding transnational Asian identity and mobility.