Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity
Ding-Zhu Du, Ker-I Ko
- Wiley-Interscience
- 5 Avril 2004
- 9780471464082
Automata and natural language theory are topics lying at the heart of computer science. Both are linked to computational complexity and together, these disciplines help define the parameters of what constitutes a computer, the structure of programs, which problems are solvable by computers, and a range of other crucial aspects of the practice of computer science. In this important volume, two respected authors/editors in the field offer accessible, practice-oriented coverage of these issues with an emphasis on refining core problem solving skills.
Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them)
Phillip I. Good, James W. Hardin
- Wiley-Interscience
- 23 Juin 2006
- 9780471998518
Praise for the First Edition of Common Errors in Statistics
" . . . let me recommend Common Errors to all those who interact with statistics, whatever their level of statistical understanding . . . "
--Stats 40
" . . . written . . . for the people who define good practice rather than seek to emulate it."
--Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
" . . . highly informative, enjoyable to read, and of potential use to a broad audience. It is a book that should be on the reference shelf of many statisticians and researchers."
--The American Statistician
" . . . I found this book the most easily readable statistics book ever. The credit for this certainly goes to Phillip Good."
A tried-and-true guide to the proper application of statistics
Now in a second edition, the highly readable Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them) lays a mathematically rigorous and readily accessible foundation for understanding statistical procedures, problems, and solutions. This handy field guide analyzes common mistakes, debunks popular myths, and helps readers to choose the best and most effective statistical technique for each of their tasks.
Written for both the newly minted academic and the professional who uses statistics in their work, the book covers creating a research plan, formulating a hypothesis, specifying sample size, checking assumptions, interpreting p-values and confidence intervals, building a model, data mining, Bayes' Theorem, the bootstrap, and many other topics. The Second Edition has been extensively revised to include:
* Additional charts and graphs
* Two new chapters, Interpreting Reports and Which Regression Method?
* New sections on practical versus statistical significance and nonuniqueness in multivariate regression
* Added material from the authors' online courses at
* New material on unbalanced designs, report interpretation, and alternative modeling methods
With a final emphasis on both finding solutions and the great value of statistics when applied in the proper context, this book is eminently useful to students and professionals in the fields of research, industry, medicine, and government. -
Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel
Phillip I. Good
- Wiley-Interscience
- 22 Juillet 2005
- 9780471741763
Learn statistical methods quickly and easily with the discovery method
With its emphasis on the discovery method, this publication encourages readers to discover solutions on their own rather than simply copy answers or apply a formula by rote. Readers quickly master and learn to apply statistical methods, such as bootstrap, decision trees, t-test, and permutations to better characterize, report, test, and classify their research findings. In addition to traditional methods, specialized methods are covered, allowing readers to select and apply the most effective method for their research, including:
* Tests and estimation procedures for one, two, and multiple samples
* Model building
* Multivariate analysis
* Complex experimental design
Throughout the text, Microsoft Office Excel(r) is used to illustrate new concepts and assist readers in completing exercises. An Excel Primer is included as an Appendix for readers who need to learn or brush up on their Excel skills.
Written in an informal, highly accessible style, this text is an excellent guide to descriptive statistics, estimation, testing hypotheses, and model building. All the pedagogical tools needed to facilitate quick learning are provided:
* More than 100 exercises scattered throughout the text stimulate readers' thinking and actively engage them in applying their newfound skills
* Companion FTP site provides access to all data sets discussed in the text
* An Instructor's Manual is available upon request from the publisher
* Dozens of thought-provoking questions in the final chapter assist readers in applying statistics to solve real-life problems
* Helpful appendices include an index to Excel and Excel add-in functions
This text serves as an excellent introduction to statistics for students in all disciplines. The accessible style and focus on real-life problem solving are perfectly suited to both students and practitioners. -
Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models
Thomas Mathew, Bimal K. Sinha, Andre I. Khuri
- Wiley-Interscience
- 9 Septembre 2011
- 9781118164853
An advanced discussion of linear models with mixed or random effects. In recent years a breakthrough has occurred in our ability to draw inferences from exact and optimum tests of variance component models, generating much research activity that relies on linear models with mixed and random effects. This volume covers the most important research of the past decade as well as the latest developments in hypothesis testing. It compiles all currently available results in the area of exact and optimum tests for variance component models and offers the only comprehensive treatment for these models at an advanced level. Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models: Combines analysis and testing in one self-contained volume. Describes analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures in balanced and unbalanced data situations. Examines methods for determining the effect of imbalance on data analysis. Explains exact and optimum tests and methods for their derivation. Summarizes test procedures for multivariate mixed and random models. Enables novice readers to skip the derivations and discussions on optimum tests. Offers plentiful examples and exercises, many of which are numerical in flavor. Provides solutions to selected exercises. Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models is an accessible reference for researchers in analysis of variance, experimental design, variance component analysis, and linear mixed models. It is also an important text for graduate students interested in mixed models.
The Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series provides inorganic chemistry with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Volume 52, Dithiolene Chemistry: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications continues this forum with a focus on dithiolene chemistry and a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers. Dithiolene complexes have a remarkable set of properties, a fact which has made them the object of intense study for new materials and sensors.
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method, Student Solutions Manual
Reuven Y. Rubinstein, Dirk P. Kroese, Thomas Taimre, Zdravko I. Botev
- Wiley-Interscience
- 20 Janvier 2012
- 9780470285305
This accessible new edition explores the major topics in Monte Carlo simulation Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method, Second Edition reflects the latest developments in the field and presents a fully updated and comprehensive account of the major topics that have emerged in Monte Carlo simulation since the publication of the classic First Edition over twenty-five years ago. While maintaining its accessible and intuitive approach, this revised edition features a wealth of up-to-date information that facilitates a deeper understanding of problem solving across a wide array of subject areas, such as engineering, statistics, computer science, mathematics, and the physical and life sciences. The book begins with a modernized introduction that addresses the basic concepts of probability, Markov processes, and convex optimization. Subsequent chapters discuss the dramatic changes that have occurred in the field of the Monte Carlo method, with coverage of many modern topics including: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Variance reduction techniques such as the transform likelihood ratio method and the screening method The score function method for sensitivity analysis The stochastic approximation method and the stochastic counter-part method for Monte Carlo optimization The cross-entropy method to rare events estimation and combinatorial optimization Application of Monte Carlo techniques for counting problems, with an emphasis on the parametric minimum cross-entropy method An extensive range of exercises is provided at the end of each chapter, with more difficult sections and exercises marked accordingly for advanced readers. A generous sampling of applied examples is positioned throughout the book, emphasizing various areas of application, and a detailed appendix presents an introduction to exponential families, a discussion of the computational complexity of stochastic programming problems, and sample MATLAB® programs. Requiring only a basic, introductory knowledge of probability and statistics, Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method, Second Edition is an excellent text for upper-undergraduate and beginning graduate courses in simulation and Monte Carlo techniques. The book also serves as a valuable reference for professionals who would like to achieve a more formal understanding of the Monte Carlo method.
This entry-level textbook, covering the area of tissue optics, is based on the lecture notes for a graduate course (Bio-optical Imaging) that has been taught six times by the authors at Texas A&M University. After the fundamentals of photon transport in biological tissues are established, various optical imaging techniques for biological tissues are covered. The imaging modalities include ballistic imaging, quasi-ballistic imaging (optical coherence tomography), diffusion imaging, and ultrasound-aided hybrid imaging. The basic physics and engineering of each imaging technique are emphasized. A solutions manual is available for instructors; to obtain a copy please email the editorial department at
A reference that describes all of the important syntheses and reactions of oxazoles and oxazolones published through the first quarter of l984. Emphasizes the use of oxazoles as synthetic reagents as well as presenting the more classical treatments of oxazole chemistry. Contains the only extensive list of tables of oxazole derivatives and the most complete list of spectroscopic properties of oxazoles. Offers the most detailed treatment of mesoionic oxazoles including syntheses, specroscopy and reactions.
Stochastic Dynamic Programming and the Control of Queueing Systems
Linn I. Sennott
- Wiley-Interscience
- 25 Septembre 2009
- 9780470317877
A path-breaking account of Markov decision processes-theory and computation
This book's clear presentation of theory, numerous chapter-end problems, and development of a unified method for the computation of optimal policies in both discrete and continuous time make it an excellent course text for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. Its comprehensive coverage of important recent advances in stochastic dynamic programming makes it a valuable working resource for operations research professionals, management scientists, engineers, and others.
Stochastic Dynamic Programming and the Control of Queueing Systems presents the theory of optimization under the finite horizon, infinite horizon discounted, and average cost criteria. It then shows how optimal rules of operation (policies) for each criterion may be numerically determined. A great wealth of examples from the application area of the control of queueing systems is presented. Nine numerical programs for the computation of optimal policies are fully explicated.
The Pascal source code for the programs is available for viewing and downloading on the Wiley Web site at The site contains a link to the author's own Web site and is also a place where readers may discuss developments on the programs or other aspects of the material. The source files are also available via ftp at
Stochastic Dynamic Programming and the Control of Queueing Systems features:
* Path-breaking advances in Markov decision process techniques, brought together for the first time in book form
* A theorem/proof format (proofs may be omitted without loss of continuity)
* Development of a unified method for the computation of optimal rules of system operation
* Numerous examples drawn mainly from the control of queueing systems
* Detailed discussions of nine numerical programs
* Helpful chapter-end problems
* Appendices with complete treatment of background material -
Analysis of Health Surveys
Edward L. Korn, Barry I. Graubard
- Wiley-Interscience
- 25 Janvier 2011
- 9781118030868
How to apply statistical methods to survey data--a guide toeffective analysis of health surveys.
With large health surveys becoming increasingly available forpublic use, researchers with little experience in survey methodsare often faced with analyzing data from surveys to addressscientific and programmatic questions. This practical book providesstatistical techniques for use in survey analysis, making healthsurveys accessible to statisticians, biostatisticians,epidemiologists, and health researchers. The authors clearlyexplain the theory and methods of survey analysis along withreal-world applications. They draw on their work at the NationalInstitutes of Health as well as up-to-date information from acrossthe literature to present:
* The sampling background necessary to understand health surveys.
* The application of such techniques as t-tests, linear regression,logistic regression, and survival analysis to survey data.
* The use of sample weights in survey data analysis.
* Dealing with complications in variance estimation in large healthsurveys.
* Applications involving cross-sectional, longitudinal, andmultiple cross-sectional surveys, and the use of surveys to performpopulation- based case-control analyses.
* Guidance on the correct use of statistical methods found insoftware packages.
* Extensive bibliography. -
This definitive reference consolidates current knowledge on dihydrogen bonding, emphasizing its role in organizing interactions in different chemical reactions and molecular aggregations. After an overview, it analyzes the differences between dihydrogen bonds, classical hydrogen bonds, and covalent bonds. It describes dihydrogen bonds as intermediates in intramolecular and intermolecular proton transfer reactions. It describes dihydrogen bonding in the solid-state, the gas phase, and in solution. This is the premier reference for physical chemists, biochemists, biophysicists, and chemical engineers.
Pharmacometrics is the science of interpreting and describing pharmacology in a quantitative fashion. The pharmaceutical industry is integrating pharmacometrics into its drug development program, but there is a lack of and need for experienced pharmacometricians since fewer and fewer academic programs exist to train them. Pharmacometrics: The Science of Quantitative Pharmacology lays out the science of pharmacometrics and its application to drug development, evaluation, and patient pharmacotherapy, providing a comprehensive set of tools for the training and development of pharmacometricians. Edited and written by key leaders in the field, this flagship text on pharmacometrics: Integrates theory and practice to let the reader apply principles and concepts. Provides a comprehensive set of tools for training and developing expertise in the pharmacometric field. Is unique in including computer code information with the examples. This volume is an invaluable resource for all pharmacometricians, statisticians, teachers, graduate and undergraduate students in academia, industry, and regulatory agencies.
Authored by a panel of experts in the field, this book focuses on hyperspectral image analysis, systems, and applications. With discussion of application-based projects and case studies, this professional reference will bring you up-to-date on this pervasive technology, wether you are working in the military and defense fields, or in remote sensing technology, geoscience, or agriculture.