- Max Milo Editions (7)
- Editions L'Harmattan (4)
- Baraka Books (2)
- Cinebook (2)
- Le Manuscrit (2)
- Les Éditions du Net (2)
- Odile Jacob (2)
- Bd Music (1)
- Bruylant (1)
- Casterman (1)
- Editions Campus Ouvert (1)
- FV Éditions (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Messene) (1)
- Hermann (1)
- Inra (1)
- Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques (1)
- Presses des Mines (1)
- Éditions ATMA internationales (1)
Alix senator Tome 1 : aquilae cruoris
Valérie Mangin, Thierry Démarez
- Casterman
- 16 Mai 2018
- 9782203165625
- 12 avant Jésus-Christ. Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, grand pontife de Rome, et Agrippa, successeur désigné du puissant empereur Auguste, sont mystérieusement assassinés par des aigles qui leur déchirent les entrailles. Alarmé par ces événements, Auguste charge son vieil ami le sénateur Alix Gracchus d'enquêter discrètement. Une enquête qui conduira Alix, assisté de ses fils Titus et Khephren (le propre rejeton d'Enak, qu'Alix a adopté après la disparition de celui-ci) sur la piste de l'énigmatique maître des oiseaux. Pourtant, le danger persiste à se rapprocher encore de l'empereur en personne, de plus en plus près. Et Alix va finalement découvrir que le plus dangereux des rapaces se niche au coeur même de Rome, là où nul ne pouvait le soupçonner... Un nouvel arc narratif s'ouvre pour le célébrissime personnage créé par Jacques Martin : devenu sénateur de Rome alors qu'il aborde l'âge mûr, Alix vit de nouvelles et trépidantes aventures imaginées par Valérie Mangin, et somptueusement mises en images par Thierry Démarez. Un événement !
Aus Paris nach Bergen-Belsen 1944-1945 ; gesammelte Erinnerungen eines deportierten Kindes
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- Témoignages de la Shoah
- 1 Janvier 2020
- 9782304025071
Jacques Saurel, Jahrgang 1933, hätte ohne weiteres das gleiche Schicksal erleiden knnen wie zahlreiche Kinder von Eltern, die in der Zwischenkriegszeit aus Polen nach Frankreich ausgewandert waren: Auschwitz und die Gaskammer. Seinem Vater verdankt er es, zunächst nicht behelligt worden zu sein: Dieser hatte sich freiwillig zum Militärdienst verpflichtet, war in Kriegsgefangenschaft geraten und deswegen - wie auch seine Familie - durch die Genfer Konvention geschützt. So wurden Jacques, seine ältere Schwester (die jüngste war versteckt) und sein kleiner Bruder drei Monate lang in Drancy interniert und dann mit ihrer Mutter in das Sternlager von Bergen-Belsen deportiert.
Après "Et un ciel dans un pétale de rose" (2013), "Risées de sable" (2015) et "Un tout autre versant" (2016), Maria Zaki et Jacques Herman, continuent dans ce recueil à transcender leurs visions personnelles du monde pour nous livrer leur expérience poétique formée par leurs souffles conjugués.
This book is about the economics and management of the process of innovation: a key for growth and wealth.
This book does not target a new theoretical contribution but presents the results of applied field research over a long period of time and in many different geographical and sectoral contexts as well as different size of organizations. This is based on the authors' long academic experience as professors, senior researchers and lecturers in Europe, China and in The United States with focus in the field of economics and management of technology and innovation at bachelor, master and doctoral levels.
Has the US strategy in Ukraine reached an impasse? What is the Russian conduct of military operations? When will the Ukrainian counter-offensive take place? Does Western weaponry really make a difference in Ukraine? Who are the winners of this war? What changes in the world are we witnessing since February 24, 2022? What is the reality of the losses on the Ukrainian and Russian sides? Can Western industry compete with Russian industry in Ukraine? Why is a negotiated solution not being sought? How is our perception of the con?it serving Ukraine?
To answer these questions and many others, Jacques Baud relies on information from Western intelligence services and American documents that were leaked in April 2023. After the best-sellers Putin, Game Master? and Operation Z, both works praised world-wide, Baud returns to the war in Ukraine by analyzing the facts and nothing but the facts. Whether one is for or against the position of Ukraine, one must nevertheless deal with the field of operations and to analyze what is happening there. This is the only way to find a path to peace-because peace will not come by relying on illusions.
Jacques Baud was a member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and a former head of the United Nations peace operations doctrine. In NATO, he was involved in programs in Ukraine, including after the Mayan revolution in 2014 and 2017. In addition to his major works on the con?it in Ukraine, he is the author of several books on intelligence, war, and terrorism, including Governing by Fake News, Defeating Jihadist Terrorism, and The Navalny Affair, all published by Max Milo. -
The russian art of war : Hw the west led Ukraine to defeat
Jacques Baud
- Max Milo Editions
- 17 Janvier 2024
- 9782315013081
Why did Ukraine lose the war against Russia? How do the two sides think and conduct their operations? What mistakes were made on both sides? How did the West contribute to Ukraine's defeat
To answer these questions and many others, Jacques Baud draws on official information, American, Western and Russian documents that analyse Russian (and Soviet) strategies and tactics over the last 50 years. He explains how Russia understands and conducts war, and shows how our ignorance of this reality has pushed Ukraine towards defeat.
Following on from the bestsellers Putin, the master of the game, Operation Z and Ukraine between war and peace, whose analytical work has been acclaimed the world over and whose books have been translated in several countries (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Russia, and soon Italy and Spain), the author returns to the war in Ukraine and more specifically to Russian operational art over the last two years, during the Second World War and the war in Afghanistan.
Jacques Baud was a member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of the United Nations peace operations doctrine. During the Cold War, he worked on Soviet military art and the war in Afghanistan. Within NATO, he was involved in programmes in Ukraine, particularly after the Maïdan revolution between 2014 and 2017. In addition to his major works on the conflict in Ukraine, he is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, including Governing by fake news, Defeating jihadist terrorism and The Navalny affair, all published by Max Milo. -
The navalny case : Conspiracy to serve foreign policy
Jacques Baud
- Max Milo Editions
- 4 Juillet 2023
- 9782315011599
Was Navalny deliberately poisoned? Does the evidence we have justify sanctions against Russia? Was the recording with the KGB agent a set-up? Is Navalny really the "main opponent of Vladimir Putin"? Does his film about "Putin's Palace" reflect reality?
This book is the first investigation of the Navalny case. It is based on official American, British, Russian, French and German documents. Written by an ex-agent of the Swiss secret service who fought for ten years against the Soviet Union, this account highlights a new way of practicing foreign policy: passionate, disordered, without hindsight or constructive purpose. The immediate application of sanctions while the facts remain unclear removes all space for diplomacy.
The Western unison around this affair and the censorship against dissenting voices reveal a disturbing evolution of society and its growing vulnerability to manipulation. We create realities out of our prejudices: this is the definition of conspiracy, which has become the main weapon of Western countries. We do what we reproach the autocrats for.
Jacques Baud, a colonel in the Swiss army, is an expert in chemical and nuclear weapons, and trained in counter-terrorism and counter-guerrilla warfare. In the service of the United Nations, he was head of doctrine for peacekeeping operations in New York, and engaged in Africa. At NATO, he led the fight against the proliferation of small arms. -
«As you like it», de William Shakespeare
Jean-Jacques Chardin
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Messene)
- Prépa Capes-Agrégation
- 12 Novembre 2015
- 9782402042727
Histoire de haine, puis histoire d'amour sur fond de pastorale, « As You Like It » est une comédie des contraires. Contraires d'abord séparés, selon les oppositions traditionnelles du monde vert et de la Cour, de la nature et de la culture, de la mélancolie et de l'amour, puis contraires subtilement rapprochés par une construction en catoptrique qui superpose les personnages et tisse entre eux des jeux de reflets, enfin contraires réunifiés dans la totalité androgynique de l'échange amoureux. « As You Like It » tient à la fois du mythe et de sa mise à distance, de l'artifice théâtral et du discours sur le réel et articule une dialectique du même et du différent. Au coeur de ces paradoxes, le Fou, Touchstone, pierre angulaire et miroir de tout l'édifice, dont l'esprit railleur et la langue ambivalente introduisent une géométrie de la perspective qui multiplie les images en les diffractant et conduit à des retournements et des inversions du sens. Comme toutes les pièces de Shakespeare, « As You Like It » refuse l'univocité d'un sens unique et totalisant, et s'offre plutôt comme l'expression d'une esthétique du renversement. C'est ainsi qu'« As You Like It » présente, en les soumettant au regard critique, les grands discours de son époque sur la pastorale, l'identité, l'amour, le temps ou encore le langage. La pièce condense et revisite à la fois l'épistémè de la Renaissance, tout en se démarquant des conceptions traditionnelles du théâtre mimétique pour proposer, par le truchement d'une revendication de l'artifice, de nous faire regarder le monde autrement. Car « As You Like It », qui est à prendre comme il nous plaira, est aussi une école du regard distancié.
This lively guide to Quebec history tells the fascinating story of the settlement of the St. Lawrence River Valley over nearly 500 years. But it also tells of the Montreal and Quebec-based explorers and traders who travelled, mapped, and inhabited most of North America, and embrothered the peoples they met.
Combining vast research and great story telling, Jacques Lacoursière and Robin Philpot connect everyday life to the events that emerged as historical turning points in the life of a people. They thus shedding new light on Quebec's 450-year history-and the historical forces that lie behind its two recent efforts to gain independence. -
For the first time, Jacques Parizeau shares his views on Quebec's recent history and its future. As chief economics advisor to Quebec premiers in the 1960s, Jacques Parizeau was instrumental in bringing about Quebe's Quiet Revolution. As René Lévesque's Finance Minister from 1976 through 1984, he showed that sovereigntists could govern Quebec and ensure economic viability. As Premier, he brought Quebec close to sovereignty in the 1995 referendum. In 2010, he still represents an idea shared by millions in Quebec. Drawing on his rich experience in public service and teaching, Jacques Parizeau explains how the idea of an independent Quebec took root and evolved. He examines Quebec's current economic, political, social and cultural situation, and reviews options for future development. No stones are left unturned. Why become independent? What is the role of the State and how should it be administered in a globalized economy. What are the challenges in the 21st century? What about the financial crisis? And the environment? And above all what challenges face Quebec sovereigntists and their English Canadian counterparts?
Eine schne Frau...Ein Mann blind vor Liebe...und eine teuflische Geschichte über die Paradoxien der Lust.
The testament of the shadows ; Martin Luther portrayed in the last supper by Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Danièle Séraphin
- Hermann
- 22 Février 2013
- 9791037033666
Martin Luther portrayed in The last supper by Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Ten years of effects-based approach in EU competition law state of play and perspectives
Denis Waelbroeck
- Bruylant
- 10 Décembre 2012
- 9782802738824
One of the key components of the modernization of competition rules has been a radical departure from the previous «form-based» enforcement to a so-called «effects-based» approach. Taking stock of ten years of experience under this new policy, the present book analyses the changes brought about, as well as the practical problems encountered in its day-to-day application, be it by competition law enforcers, judges or practitioners. This book compiles the reports prepared for the 2011 Annual Conference of the Global Competition Law Centre (“GCLC”). Each and every chapter of this volume formulates concrete proposals as to how the system can be clarified or even improved. The focus is not only on the enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, but also in the file of merger control. Attempts are made to define more precisely the boundaries between anticompetitive object and effect, and to develop adequate safe harbours and presumptions. This book also casts a closer look at the analytical framework, possible theories of harm, evidence and defences. Overall the objective is to reconcile as best as possible law and economics, and to see how the goal to achieve the “right decision” in terms of economic outcome can be combined with the legitimate need for legal certainty.
From Paris to Bergen-Belsen : memories of a deported child
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- Témoignages de la Shoah
- 1 Janvier 2020
- 9782304034431
Born in 1933, Jacques Saurel might well have known the fate of so many children of Jewish parents who emigrated from Poland between the wars: Auschwitz and the gas chamber. He owed it to his father that he initially had no problems with the authorities. As a volunteer for military service and then a prisoner of war, his father protected Jacques and his family under the Geneva Convention. But the Nazis were looking for hostages to deport. Thus, in early February 1944, Jacques, his oldest sister (the younger one was in hiding) and his little brother were detained with their mother for three months in the Drancy internment camp, before being deported to the _x001A_Star Camp_x001A_, Bergen-Belsen. It
Ses admirateurs l'avaient surnommé « prince of darkness » ; pourtant rarement un musicien de jazz avait mené une carrière artistique aussi lumineuse et aussi pleine que celle de Miles Davis : pur produit du bebop naissant au milieu des années quarante, le trompettiste allait infléchir sa trajectoire vers un jazz plus « cool » à la fin de ces mêmes années, pour revenir vers les racines profondes du jazz (le blues) au début des années cinquante ; racines dont il s'éloignera pour négocier en tête le virage de la modalité quelques années plus tard, avant de prendre le train de l'électricité à la fin des sixties, puis enfin de s'affirmer comme le leader incontesté d'un certain jazz-rock qui lui vaudra un statut d'authentique d'icône auprès du grand public. Ces deux CD ont pour ambition de donner un coup de projecteur sur une période essentielle de sa vie artistique, celle de l'accession à la maturité : chacun des titres sélectionnés est un joyau exemplaire de la manière unique dont Miles, à cette époque, domine et pétrit la matière sonore pour créer un univers musical à nul autre pareil.
Women peace and conflicts in traditional african society ; understanding the contradicitons related to violence against women in Central Africa
Jean-jacques Purisi sadiki
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296933880
Africa remains the region in the world where conflicts and massive violations of human rights, and in particular violence against women, have remained the highest world-wide, since the Second World War. This book analyses the strength and the importance of women in the corridors of power and their role in mechanisms for conflict resolution, prevention and transformation in the past, particularly in the Great Lakes region before the arrival of Europeans on the continent.
A presentation of the most fundamental features of the biology of the mammary gland, a unique model of an organ capable of an abundant synthesis of proteins: endocrinology of lactation, role of prolactin, genetics and protein synthesis, immunology and the mammary gland, nutrition and dairy products. Readership: students, teachers, researchers, health and agriculture professionals. Lactation Biology was first published in French in 1993. The English version is not merely a translation: it has been updated by the author. The French version of this book, Biologie de la lactation, is available on our website.La version française de ce titre, Biologie de la lactation, est disponible sur notre site.
"This story essentially tells of the financial crises that the markets always end up inflicting on those who have abused their innovations, their excesses and the lax atmosphere. Dealing with these crises - in often inventive ways - has taken up much more energy than their prevention or any substantive reforms. I had the privilege of being involved in some of these `ways out of crisis'. I lived through their dramatic intensity and was, sometimes, able to contribute to pragmatic solutions which helped to steady the ship. This was true, for example, of the Latin American crisis, negotiation of the IMF adjustment programmes and aiding the transition of the Eastern European countries. But the picture is still dark. The 2007-2008 crisis, with its trail of unemployment and recession, is an extreme example of what excess debt can do. And quantitative easing policies, implemented to minimize the effects of the `great recession' despite its origins in the abuse of debt, plunge an observer like myself into an abyss of questions and doubts."From the collapse of Bretton Woods to that of Lehman Brothers, a first-hand account of fifty years of financial crises by a participant on the front lines of finance and currency. The memoirs of an exceptional, influential man who worked alongside Jacques Delors, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Raymond Barre, Paul Volcker, and many others. Jacques de Larosière spent his entire career at the head of financial institutions: he was first Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (1978-1987) before becoming Governor of the Banque de France (1987-1993), then president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1993-1998). He is currently Advisor to the president of BNP-Paribas.
Did you say free trade ? the economic partnership agreement European Union - West Africa
Jacques Berthelot
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 21 Septembre 2018
- 9782336851402
The headlong rush of the European Union (EU) in Free Trade Agreements reaches the paroxysm of absurdity when it imposes them on West Africa, whose per capita GDP is 21 times lower than its own. This Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) would make West Africa lose 76% of its customs revenue on its imports from the EU and lead to a sharp rise in unemployment due to the loss of competitiveness of its companies including the informal sectors.The latter will be worsened by the premature signing, with support from the EU, of the Continental Free Trade Area by 13 of 16 West African States, all this based on a number of untruths from the European Commission, as identified in this book.
Avenimen d'un ribage ; avènement d'un rivage
Jacques Guigou
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 10 Octobre 2019
- 9782140134319
"Avènement d'un rivage", vingtième ouvrage poétique de Jacques Guigou est ici traduit en provençal par Jean-Claude Forêt. La composition de la traduction est donnée en deux graphies : la graphie classique de l'occitan et la graphie mistralienne.
Operation Z : the hidden truth of the war in Ukraine revealed
Jacques Baud
- Max Milo Editions
- 30 Août 2022
- 9782315010868
Why did Putin launch Operation Z in Ukraine? Are Ukrainian forces using neo-Nazi volunteers? What are the forces involved and the reality of the military conflict for the past six months? What do we know about war crimes like Butcha? Have Western economic sanctions worked? Has the massive shipment of arms by the West had an effect on the conflict?
After the best-seller Putin: Master of the Game, whose analysis has been praised worldwide, Jacques Baud returns in this book to the root causes of the war in Ukraine and the reasons that pushed Vladimir Putin to intervene on February 24, 2022. Using information from intelligence services and official reports, he analyzes the course of the military actions and the way they were interpreted in the West. He explains the political and economic upheaval of the world order, as well as the long-term consequences of Western sanctions on our daily lives. It reveals how the conflict could have been avoided and what avenues were deliberately left open by the United States and Europe.
Colonial Jacques Baud is a former member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of Doctrine of the United Nations Peace Operations. Within NATO, he was involved in programs in Ukraine, including after the Maidan Revolution of 2014 and 2017. He is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, including Putin, Master of the Game? Governing by Fake News, and The Navalny Affair, all published by Max Milo. -
Governing by fake news : 30 years of fake news and its bloody consequences
Jacques Baud
- Max Milo Editions
- 22 Novembre 2022
- 9782315010721
What are Islamic State is seeking to create a civil war in France; that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons; that Vladimir Putin is trying to destabilise our democracies; that terrorism has struck France, not for what it does, but for what it is; that the genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 victims... Literally none, but these assertions are enough to establish the foreign policy of Western countries.
The author, a former agent of the Swiss strategic intelligence service, reviews the main contemporary conflicts that Western countries have managed with fake news over the last thirty years.
Jacques Baud, a colonel, chemical and nuclear weapons expert, trained in counter-terrorism and counter-guerrilla warfare, designed the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and its Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA). In the service of the United Nations, he served as Chief of Doctrine for Peacekeeping Operations in New York, and was engaged in Africa. In NATO, he led the fight against the proliferation of small arms. He is the author of several books on intelligence, asymmetric warfare and terrorism. -
Un cowboy qui tire plus vite que son ombre, son cheval un brin sarcastique, un quatuor de bandits à la bêtise légendaire - le Far West n'a jamais été aussi drôle ! Déjà 77 albums de Lucky Luke parus chez Cinebook.
Encore une fois, Luke est appelé au pénitencier, mais pour une fois les Daltons ne se sont pas échappés. En revanche, ils viennent d'apprendre qu'Emmet, leur cousin, dernier survivant du premier gang Dalton, a un fils - et qu'Averell a été choisi comme parrain ! Voila Lucky Luke obligé d'accompagner les bandits les plus bêtes de l'Ouest jusque chez le jeune garçon, dont Averell est temporairement chargé de l'éducation. Une tâche que ses frères voient comme une excellente opportunité pour s'enrichir... -
Book of abstracts
Matthieu Maziere
- Presses des Mines
- Sciences de la matière
- 19 Avril 2023
- 9782385424411
During the last decades material modelling has become a field of central scientific importance. With this conference we intend to continue a forum for discussions on a wide spectrum of aspects in the field of material modelling as initiated in 2009 in Dortmund with ICMM1.
Although there exist many workshops, meetings and colloquia on particular aspects, specific materials and particular applications, a coherent conference series dedicated to material modelling in all its various facets was called for. To this end, the aim of the conference series is to bring together researchers from various fields of material modelling to foster bridges between different disciplines including materials science, mechanics, physics, chemistry,... This provides an excellent opportunity for interaction between scientists working in different subareas of material mechanics.