This book presents methods and approaches used to identify the true author of a doubtful document or text excerpt. It provides a broad introduction to all text categorization problems (like authorship attribution, psychological traits of the author, detecting fake news, etc.) grounded in stylistic features. Specifically, machine learning models as valuable tools for verifying hypotheses or revealing significant patterns hidden in datasets are presented in detail. Stylometry is a multi-disciplinary field combining linguistics with both statistics and computer science.
The content is divided into three parts. The first, which consists of the first three chapters, offers a general introduction to stylometry, its potential applications and limitations. Further, it introduces the ongoing example used to illustrate the concepts discussed throughout the remainder of the book. The four chapters of the second part are more devoted to computer science with a focus on machine learningmodels. Their main aim is to explain machine learning models for solving stylometric problems. Several general strategies used to identify, extract, select, and represent stylistic markers are explained. As deep learning represents an active field of research, information on neural network models and word embeddings applied to stylometry is provided, as well as a general introduction to the deep learning approach to solving stylometric questions. In turn, the third part illustrates the application of the previously discussed approaches in real cases: an authorship attribution problem, seeking to discover the secret hand behind the nom de plume Elena Ferrante, an Italian writer known worldwide for her My Brilliant Friend's saga; author profiling in order to identify whether a set of tweets were generated by a bot or a human being and in this second case, whether it is a man or a woman; and an exploration of stylistic variations over time using US political speeches covering a period ofca. 230 years.
A solutions-based approach is adopted throughout the book, and explanations are supported by examples written in R. To complement the main content and discussions on stylometric models and techniques, examples and datasets are freely available at the author's Github website. -
This book offers a unique and focused study of the use of ultrasound during the first trimester, a critical time in a fetus' development. It includes basic examination guidelines as well as cutting-edge ultrasound modalities, including Doppler and three-dimensional ultrasound, for the period immediately preceding conception through early embryology. Beginning with a discussion of the safety and efficacy of diagnostic ultrasound and the use of this modality for the evaluation and treatment of infertility, recognized experts in the field explore conditions that may interfere with normal conception or development, including maternal diseases that would benefit from early scanning, elements of teratology, multiple gestations, ectopic pregnancy, gestational trophoblastic disease, fetal anomalies and invasive procedures in the first trimester. Numerous illustrations and figures are provided to serve as aids for understanding key concepts. First-Trimester Ultrasound is a valuable resource for many, in or after training, in obstetrics and gynecology, radiology, emergency medicine, family medicine and genetics.
Recent Progress and Modern Challenges in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science
Roderick Melnik, Roman Makarov
- Springer
- 5 Septembre 2017
- 9781493969692
This volume is an excellent resource for professionals in various areas of applications of mathematics, modeling, and computational science. It focuses on recent progress and modern challenges in these areas. The volume provides a balance between fundamental theoretical and applied developments, emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of modern trends and detailing state-of-the-art achievements in Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Computational Science. The chapters have been authored by international experts in their respective fields, making this book ideal for researchers in academia, practitioners, and graduate students. It can also serve as a reference in the diverse selected areas of applied mathematics, modelling, and computational sciences, and is ideal for interdisciplinary collaborations.
This book summarizes the geological knowledge accumulated on Afar in the last 60 years, demonstrating that it is, and will remain, a real "hot spot" for geological and geophysical research. It provides insights into the Earth processes along diverging plate boundaries, the study of both the continental and oceanic lithosphere and underlying asthenosphere, and margins and transitions including magmatic, volcanic, tectonic, sedimentary, hydrothermal and geodynamic processes.
The Afar triangle is a geological depression that developed where the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and East African Rift Valley meet. It is considered to be one of the Earth system's most important mantle plumes. In 1967, when the first expedition was organized, there was little information on the geology of the area, and even geographic base maps were lacking. However, the first satellite photographs from the Apollo and Gemini space missions offered a complete picture of the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden region, providing a new vision of the Afar triangle.
The book describes the unique geological features that make Afar the only place in the world where an oceanic plate boundary with all its successive steps of development can be observed in the open air. It also presents the Afar triangle as one of the cradles of first, now extinct hominids. The Middle Awash area contains sites of several fossil discoveries, such as the well-known Lucy.
The hydrothermal processes in Afar provide conditions suitable for the study of the most primitive forms of life (archaebacterial) and it is also one of the few places where significant quantities of telluric energy are available at the surface for geothermal development. Further, the area has economically interesting mineral deposits and illustrates a number of current climate change issues.
In addition to providing geological information, the book shows that Afar is an area where an individual human population developed with its own language and culture, and which adapted to the rugged landscape and extremely dry and hot climate. It is a valuable resource for scientists and students, and also serves the needs of the Afar nation, currently split in three different countries as a result of recent historical events.
This book, richly illustrated in full colour, is a comprehensive guide to the use of local anaesthesia in dentistry that will meet the needs of both students and dental practitioners. It provides the reader with ample background information on the origin of pain and the pharmacology of anaesthetics, and describes the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve in detail. Subsequent chapters cover key are as such as general practical aspects, local anesthaesia in the upper and the lower jaw, the use of local anaesthetics in children, local and systematic complications, and the prevention of side effects. Patients at particular risk of adverse effects are identified and attention drawn to significant legal aspects. This second edition has been completely revised, with more attention to safety, environment, and sterility. Additional injection techniques have been included, and a new chapter is devoted to microprocessor-assisted administration of anaesthetics. Throughout, care has been taken to ensure that the information is clearly presented and the text is easy to read.
Offshore drilling and constructions require exact knowledge of the geophysical properties of the seabed and sub-seabed, as unexpected objects can slow down or halt projects. This book presents the state-of-the-art in acoustic exploration of the seabed and sub-seabed, from initial designs in the 1980s to commercial contracting and operation of the Acoustic CorerTM in the last decade. The Acoustic CorerTM is a high-definition commercial acoustic sub-bottom imaging system, producing an "acoustic core" within which sub-seabed sedimentary characteristics and discrete buried objects larger than 0.5 m can be identified and mapped. It makes use of the innovative JYG-cross design, inspired by seismic reflection and uses Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) multi-angle scattering in and within the seabed to deliver unprecedented imagery. This book was written by the inventor of these concepts, a known specialist in seabed acoustics, with help from an experienced academic and author. It is intended first and foremost as a "how-to" guide for offshore industries looking at techniques to make the installation of different types of structures safe and efficient.
This book is aimed to bring the reader into the heart of the action of any health professional consulted for a patient with a neurogenic bladder (NB). Extensive textbooks of the NB exist but there is a lack of an actual practical guide for diagnosis and management of patients suffering from NB. This book provides a single source of information on consultation in neurourology. The text covers both urinary incontinence and retention resulting from NB dysfunction. The book also discusses complications of NB which include urinary tract infections, hydronephrosis, renal failure or autonomic dysreflexia. Sections address these clinical issues faced by physicians. This book provides a useful guide with comprehensive and practical instructions for all practitioners dealing with NB in their day-to-day clinical practice. It will serve as a valuable resource for those with a special interest in NB. The book reviews new data about diagnostic and management options. It also provides a conciseyet comprehensive summary of the current NB guidelines from different societies. All chapters include the most up to date scientific and clinical information with the relevant level of clinical evidence and grade of recommendation.
The authors give an overview of atomic diffusion as applied to all types of stars, showing where it plays an essential role and how it can be implemented in modelling. Part I describes the tools that are required to include atomic diffusion in models of stellar interiors and atmospheres. An important role is played by the gradient of partial radiative pressure, or radiative acceleration, which is usually neglected in stellar evolution. In Part II, the authors systematically review the contribution of atomic diffusion to each evolutionary step. The dominant effects of atomic diffusion are accompanied by more subtle effects on a large number of structural properties throughout evolution. The goal of this book is to provide the means for the astrophysicist or graduate student to evaluate the importance of atomic diffusion in a given star. A fundamental physical process, atomic diffusion can significantly affect the superficial abundances of stars and/or their evolution. This guide includes all the information needed to take proper account of atomic diffusion's impact.
Mathematical Aspects.- Theory and Applications of Fractal Tops.- Splines, Fractal Functions, and Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces.- Hlderian random functions.- Fractal Stationary Density in Coupled Maps.- Physics.- A Network of Fractal Force Chains and Their Effect in Granular Materials under Compression.- Percolation and permeability of three dimensional fracture networks with a power law size distribution.- Acoustic diffraction patterns from fractal to urban structures: applications to the Sierpinski triangle and to a neoclassical urban facade.- Turbulent ? ? model of flute-like musical instrument sound production.- Chemical Engineering.- A simple discrete stochastic model for laser-induced jet-chemical etching.- Invariant structures and multifractal measures in 2d mixing systems.- Finance.- Long range dependence in financial markets.- Financial Modelling by Multiscale Fractional Brownian Motion.- Internet Traffic.- Limiting Fractal Random Processes in Heavy-Tailed Systems.- A non-parametric test for self-similarity and stationarity in network traffic.- Image Processing.- Continuous evolution of functions and measures toward fixed points of contraction mappings.- Various Mathematical Approaches to Extract Information from Textures of Increasing Complexities.- Fractal Inverse Problem: Approximation Formulation and Differential Methods.
This groundbreaking text takes current knowledge of the basal ganglia far from well-known motor-based models to a more inclusive understanding of deep-brain structure and function. Synthesizing diverse perspectives from across the brain-behavioral sciences, it tours the neuroanatomy and circuitry of the basal ganglia, linking their organization to their controlling functions in core cognitive, behavioral, and motor areas, both normative and disordered. Interactions between the basal ganglia and major structures of the brain are identified in their contributions to a diverse range of processes, from language processing to decision-making, emotion to visual perception, motivation to intent. And the basal ganglia are intimately involved in the mechanisms of dysfunction, as evinced by chapters on dyskinesia, Parkinson's disease, neuropsychiatric conditions, and addictions. Included in the coverage: Limbic-basal ganglia circuits:parallel and integrative aspects.
Dopamine and its actions in the basal ganglia system.
Cerebellar-basal ganglia interactions.
The basal ganglia contribution to controlled and automatic processing.
The basal ganglia and decision making in neuropsychiatric disorders.
The circuitry underlying the reinstatement of cocaine seeking: modulation by deep brain stimulation.
The basal ganglia and hierarchical control in voluntary behavior.
Its breadth and depth of scholarship and data should make The Basal Ganglia a work of great interest to cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, neurologists, neuropsychiatrists, and speech-language pathologists. -
S. E. BAILEY Department of Human Evolution Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Deutscher Platz 6 D-04103 Leipzig, Germany and Center for the Study of Human Origins, Department of Anthropology, New York University, 25 Waverly Place New York, NY 10003, USA sbailey@nyu. edu J. -J. HUBLIN Department of Human Evolution Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Deutscher Platz 6 D-04103 Leipzig, Germany hublin@eva. mpg. de When faced with choosing a topic to as teeth represent, by far, the most abundant be the focus of the first symposium material documenting different species of in Human Evolution at the Max Planck extinct non-human primates and hominins. As Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in such, much of what we know about non- Leipzig, a paleoanthropological perspective human primate and hominin evolution is based of dental anthropology was a natural choice. on teeth. Teeth make up a disproportionate number Teeth have been a focus of interest for of the fossils discovered. They represent physical anthropologists over many gen- strongly mineralized organs of compact shape, ations. Teeth provide a multitude of which allow better preservation in geological information about humans - including deposits and archaeological sites than any cultural treatment, pathology, morphological other part of the skeleton. As a result, variation, and development. The presence of since the discoveries of the first fossils of culturally induced wear (toothpick grooves, extinct species, vertebrate paleontology has for example) reveals something about what been built primarily on analyses of teeth.
Our societies are ageing. The Family is changing. Labour force behaviour is evolving. How is the organisation of family and collective solidarity adapting in this context of longer life spans, low fertility, and work that is simultaneously scarce and abundant?
The welfare states are currently facing three main challenges: ensure satisfactory living conditions for the elderly without increasing the cost burden on the active population, reduce social inequality, and maintain equity between successive generations.
In this book, researchers from different countries compare their experiences and offer contrasting views on the future of social protection. They consider the theoretical aspects of the intergenerational debate, relations between generations within the family, the living standards of elderly people, and the question of social time. -
Atomic Properties in Hot Plasmas
Claire Bauche-Arnoult, Olivier Peyrusse
- Springer
- 3 Août 2015
- 9783319181479
This book is devoted to the calculation of hot-plasma properties which generally requires a huge number of atomic data. It is the first book that combines information on the details of the basic atomic physics and its application to atomic spectroscopy with the use of the relevant statistical approaches. Information like energy levels, radiative rates, collisional and radiative cross-sections, etc., must be included in equilibrium or non-equilibrium models in order to describe both the atomic-population kinetics and the radiative properties. From the very large number of levels and transitions involved in complex ions, some statistical (global) properties emerge. The book presents a coherent set of concepts and compact formulas suitable for tractable and accurate calculations. The topics addressed are: radiative emission and absorption, and a dozen of other collisional and radiative processes; transition arrays between level ensembles (configurations, superconfigurations); effective temperatures of configurations, superconfigurations, and ions; charge-state distributions; radiative power losses and opacity. There are many numerical examples and comparisons with experiment presented throughout the book. The plasma properties described in this book are especially relevant to large nuclear fusion facilities such as the NIF (California) and the ITER (France), and to astrophysics.Methods relevant to the central-field configurational model are described in detail in the appendices: tensor-operator techniques, second-quantization formalism, statistical distribution moments, and the algebra of partition functions. Some extra tools are propensity laws, correlations, and fractals. These methods are applied to the analytical derivation of many properties, specially the global ones, through which the complexity is much reduced. The book is intended for graduate-level students, and for physicists working in the field.
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
Dimitris Sakellariou, Vasilios Lykousis
- Springer
- 14 Septembre 2007
- 9781402065125
Submarine mass movements and their consequences are of major concern for coastal communities and infrastructures but also for the exploitation and the development of seafloor resources. A tragic example of the vulnerability of coastal communities has been provided by the Indonesian tsunami of December 2004. Since 2005, as part of the scientific community efforts to minimize the impact of such natural disasters, the International Union of Geological Science (IUGS) and the United Nation, Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have sponsored an International Geoscience Program on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences (IGCP-511). One of the main objectives of IGCP-511 members is to hold bi-annual symposia on these types of marine and coastal geohazards. The first symposium of this series was held in Nice (2003) and the second in Oslo (2005). This 3rd Symposium on submarine Mass Movements and Their consequences provides an opportunity to review the state of the art in risk evaluation from submarine landslides, deposit characterization and its implication for coastal and offshore development. By bringing together professionals from the industry and academia with a range of different expertise, these proceedings hope to cover the full spectrum of aspects related to subaqueous mass movements and related consequences. The interdisciplinary views gathered in this book, arising from the conference, help identify future challenges, mitigation strategies and better management of the seafloor. To that effect, the Santorini is quite a unique venue for scientists and engineers interested in marine and coastal geohazards.
Common European Legal Thinking
Hermann-Josef Blanke, Pedro Cruz Villalon, Tonio Klein
- Springer
- 24 Septembre 2015
- 9783319193007
Common European Legal Thinking emanates from the existence of a shared European legal culture as especially reflected in the existence of a common European constitutional law. It denotes a body of individual constitutional principles - written and unwritten - that represent the common heritage of the constitutions of the Member States. Taking into account the two major European organisations, the Council of Europe and especially the European Union, the essays of this Festschrift discuss a range of constitutional principles, including the rule of law, democracy, and the exercise of political power in a multilevel system which recognises fundamental rights as directly applicable and supreme law. Other essays examine the value of pluralism, the commitment of private organisations to uphold public values, principles or rules, and the objectives and methods of a transnational science of administrative law. These articles highlight the fact that the Ius Publicum Europaeum Commune is "politically" in the making, which can often be seen in the shape of general legal principles. The publication recognises the role of Albrecht Weber as a forerunner of Common European Legal Thinking.
Attending water security is an important challenge and a major systemic risk humanity faces in the years to come. This is due to population increase, over-consumption of water, especially in agriculture, climate change and various forms of water pollution. The issue becomes more complicated in transboundary water catchments that cover almost half of the world's land surface, with about 60% of global river flow and 40% of the world's population. Also, in many parts of the planet, like Saharan Africa, population depends on groundwater resources located in transboundary aquifer systems. These facts illustrate the importance of the book's subject, which is the governance of transboundary waters, both surface and groundwater.The book is written by two distinguished scientists, who, having worked in various international institutions, like UNESCO, GEF, UNEP and at the European Commission, have both an extended expertise on how to bridge the gap between science and political decision-making, which is the main factor for an effective governance of water resources. What is new in the book is the integrated analysis of transboundary governance of both surface water and groundwater, as it occurs in reality. In current literature, groundwater is still often missing for the benefit of surface water or, on the contrary, it is treated separately from surface water. The most important feature of the book is to distinguish between the real and a "good" or an effective transboundary water governance and to provide practical tools, methodologies and examples for its implementation in the field. Published timely during 2018, the book will contribute to address successfully practical problems of governance of transboundary waters that represent a very important part of our precious fresh water resources.
Middle Ear Diseases
Salah Mansour, Karen Nicolas, Hassan Haidar
- Springer
- 27 Juillet 2018
- 9783319729626
This book covers the latest advances in disciplines related to the middle ear pathologies such as: the innovations in the understanding of its functional anatomy and their implications along with the breakthroughs in the physiopathology of its diseases and the most recent concepts of their pathogenesis.More adapted audiological investigative methods and the advanced imaging approaches for an accurate diagnostic work up and the best management of middle ear ailments are presented . As an up-to-date learning resource, based on demonstrated clinico-radiological correlations, this book is a highly valuable teaching tool, especially when contemplating proceeding in middle ear surgery. Middle Ear Diseases is a comprehensive work, aimed for trainees, board candidates and teachers in otolaryngology and otology to respond to every educational need in regard to the most common middle ear pathologies. It is also a useful update for more experienced professionals in this field, as well as radiologists, audiologists and speech therapists.
Smart Operation for Power Distribution Systems
Daniel Pinheiro Bernardon
- Springer
- 27 Juillet 2018
- 9783319939223
This book discusses the operation of electrical distribution systems, presenting contemporary concepts and applications with a focus on integration for smart operation and grids. The authors address the main concepts and techniques of active management of smart electrical distribution system operation, including state estimation, self healing, volt-var control, protection systems, operations planning, and commercial and emergency dispatch. From each topic, an overview of concepts are given together with examples related to the management of these systems, thus providing a valuable resource for the design, implementation and management of efficient and truly sustainable smart systems.
The book presents the outcomes of an innovative research programme in the history of science and implements a Text Act Theory which extends Speech Act Theory, in order to illustrate a new approach to texts and textual communicative acts. It examines assertives (absolute or conditional statements, forecasts, insurance, etc.), directives, declarations and enumerations, as well as different types of textual units allowing authors to perform these acts: algorithms, recipes, prescriptions, lexical templates for terminological studies and enumerative structures. The book relies on the study of a broad range of documents of the past dealing with various domains: mathematics, zoology, medicine, lexicography. The documents examined come from scholarly sources from different parts of the world, such as China, Europe, India, Mesopotamia and are written in a variety of European languages as well as Chinese, Cuneiform and Sanskrit. This approach proves fruitful in both history of science and Text Act Theory.
This book provides a survey on different kinds of Feistel ciphers, with their definitions and mathematical/computational properties. Feistel ciphers are widely used in cryptography in order to obtain pseudorandom permutations and secret-key block ciphers. In Part 1, we describe Feistel ciphers and their variants. We also give a brief story of these ciphers and basic security results. In Part 2, we describe generic attacks on Feistel ciphers. In Part 3, we give results on DES and specific Feistel ciphers. Part 4 is devoted to improved security results. We also give results on indifferentiability and indistinguishability.
Inherited Chorioretinal Dystrophies
Bernard Puech, Graham E. Holder
- Springer
- 19 Juillet 2014
- 9783540694663
This lavishly illustrated atlas provides indispensable information to clinicians, geneticists and visual scientists working with inherited retinal diseases. It is filled with high-quality images, up-to-date genetic information and comprehensive electrophysiology. The data for each individual disorder have been summarised in an accessible, reader-friendly format for easy reference. The illustrations include colour fundus photographs, fluorescein angiograms, OCT scans, electrophysiological studies and pedigrees. The editors and authors are well-known experts in the field and have drawn upon their extensive experience to produce this unique atlas.
Semi-Markov Risk Models for Finance, Insurance and Reliability
Raimondo Manca
- Springer
- 15 Mai 2007
- 9780387707303
This book aims to give a complete and self-contained presentation of semi- Markov models with finitely many states, in view of solving real life problems of risk management in three main fields: Finance, Insurance and Reliability providing a useful complement to our first book (Janssen and Manca (2006)) which gives a theoretical presentation of semi-Markov theory. However, to help assure the book is self-contained, the first three chapters provide a summary of the basic tools on semi-Markov theory that the reader will need to understand our presentation. For more details, we refer the reader to our first book (Janssen and Manca (2006)) whose notations, definitions and results have been used in these four first chapters. Nowadays, the potential for theoretical models to be used on real-life problems is severely limited if there are no good computer programs to process the relevant data. We therefore systematically propose the basic algorithms so that effective numerical results can be obtained. Another important feature of this book is its presentation of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous models. It is well known that the fundamental structure of many real-life problems is n- homogeneous in time, and the application of homogeneous models to such problems gives, in the best case, only approximated results or, in the worst case, nonsense results.
?This second edition ?provides a comprehensive view of consolidated and innovative concepts, in terms of both diagnosis and treatment. Written by leading international physicians and investigators, this book emphasizes the necessity of combining local and systemic treatments to achieve the objective of yielding higher cure rates and lower toxicities. Heavily updated from the previous edition, it highlights new surgery and radiotherapy techniques, disease awareness, patient quality of life, and comprehensive management.
Head-and-neck cancers are a complex clinical entity and their response to treatment is also known to vary markedly in function of host-related factors. Notwithstanding the impressive progresses observed in the field of imaging, head and neck cancers are often diagnosed at a late stage and the presence of locally advanced disease in a significant number of patients implies the use of aggressive treatments in order to both ensure local disease control and reduce distant metastasis risks.
In comparison with the first edition, Head and Neck Cancer, Second Edition provides a detailed update of innovative concepts in chemo- and bio-radiation, viral infection impact on tumor growth and response to treatment, and impact of tumor- and host-related factors on treatment outcome.
Column Generation is an insightful overview of the state of the art in integer programming column generation and its many applications. The volume begins with "A Primer in Column Generation" which outlines the theory and ideas necessary to solve large-scale practical problems, illustrated with a variety of examples. Other chapters follow this introduction on "Shortest Path Problems with Resource Constraints," "Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window," "Branch-and-Price Heuristics," "Cutting Stock Problems," each dealing with methodological aspects of the field. Three chapters deal with transportation applications: "Large-scale Models in the Airline Industry," "Robust Inventory Ship Routing by Column Generation," and "Ship Scheduling with Recurring Visits and Visit Separation Requirements." Production is the focus of another three chapters: "Combining Column Generation and Lagrangian Relaxation," "Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Job Shop Scheduling," and "Applying Column Generation to Machine Scheduling." The final chapter by François Vanderbeck, "Implementing Mixed Integer Column Generation," reviews how to set-up the Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation, adapt standard MIP techniques to the column generation context (branching, preprocessing, primal heuristics), and deal with specific column generation issues (initialization, stabilization, column management strategies).