- Slingshot Books LLC (30)
- Springer (17)
- Palgrave Macmillan (11)
- Gallimard Jeunesse (5)
- Wiley (5)
- Wiley-Blackwell (5)
- Saga Egmont (4)
- Polity (3)
- Wiley-Interscience (3)
- Everest Media LLC (2)
- Jossey-Bass (2)
- Le Cavalier Bleu (2)
- Praxis (2)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Lettres modernes) (1)
- Grasset (1)
- Les Éditions Cap-aux-Diamants inc. (1)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers (1)
- Presses universitaires de France (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Rare Treasure Editions (1)
- SAGE Publications Ltd (1)
- SensePublishers (1)
- Versant Sud (1)
- Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1)
- Wiley-Scrivener (1)
- Wiley-VCH (1)
- Éditions Actes Sud (1)
- Éditions MultiMondes (1)
Jean Burgess
A Companion to New Media Dynamics
John Hartley, Jean Burgess, Axel Bruns
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 9 Janvier 2013
- 9781118321638
A Companion to New Media Dynamics presents a state-of-the-art collection of multidisciplinary readings that examine the origins, evolution, and cultural underpinnings of the media of the digital age in terms of dynamic change Presents a state-of-the-art collection of original readings relating to new media in terms of dynamic change Features interdisciplinary contributions encompassing the sciences, social sciences, humanities and creative arts Addresses a wide range of issues from the ownership and regulation of new media to their form and cultural uses Provides readers with a glimpse of new media dynamics at three levels of scale: the 'macro' or system level; the 'meso' or institutional level; and 'micro' or agency level
YouTube is one of the most well-known and widely discussed sites of participatory media in the contemporary online environment, and it is the first genuinely mass-popular platform for user-created video. In this timely and comprehensive introduction to how YouTube is being used and why it matters, Burgess and Green discuss the ways that it relates to wider transformations in culture, society and the economy.
The book critically examines the public debates surrounding the site, demonstrating how it is central to struggles for authority and control in the new media environment. Drawing on a range of theoretical sources and empirical research, the authors discuss how YouTube is being used by the media industries, by audiences and amateur producers, and by particular communities of interest, and the ways in which these uses challenge existing ideas about cultural `production' and `consumption'.
Rich with both concrete examples and featuring specially commissioned chapters by Henry Jenkins and John Hartley, the book is essential reading for anyone interested in the contemporary and future implications of online media. It will be particularly valuable for students and scholars in media, communication and cultural studies. -
Everyday Data Cultures
Jean Burgess, Rowan Wilken, Kath Albury, Anthony Mccosker
- Polity
- 8 Juin 2022
- 9781509547579
The AI revolution can seem powerful and unstoppable, extracting data from every aspect of our lives and subjecting us to unprecedented surveillance and control. But at ground level, even the most advanced `smart' technologies are not as all-powerful as either the tech companies or their critics would have us believe.
From gig worker activism to wellness tracking with sex toys and TikTokers' manipulation of the algorithm, this book shows how ordinary people are negotiating the datafication of society. The book establishes a new theoretical framework for understanding everyday experiences of data and automation, and offers guidance on the ethical responsibilities we share as we learn to live together with data-driven machines.
Everyday Data Cultures is essential reading for students and researchers in digital media and communication, as well as for anyone interested in the role of data and AI in society. -
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media
Jean Burgess, Thomas Poell, Alice E. Marwick
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 20 Novembre 2017
- 9781473995796
The world is in the midst of a social media paradigm. Once viewed as trivial and peripheral, social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and WeChat have become an important part of the information and communication infrastructure of society. They are bound up with business and politics as well as everyday life, work, and personal relationships.
This international Handbook addresses the most significant research themes, methodological approaches and debates in the study of social media. It contains substantial chapters written especially for this book by leading scholars from a range of disciplinary perspectives, covering everything from computational social science to sexual self-expression. Part 1: Histories And Pre-Histories
Part 2: Approaches And Methods
Part 3: Platforms, Technologies And Business Models
Part 4: Cultures And Practices
Part 5: Social And Economic Domains -
La vie de Nico, entre un père violent et une mère alcoolique, est devenue intolérable. Il décide de fuir et entraîne avec lui son amie Gemma. Mais comment survivre dans la rue quand on n'a que quatorze ans? Ils rejoignent un squat, sont pris dans l'engrenage de la drogue. Une descente aux enfers qui fait d'eux des junkies.
Dessiner sur les murs : une histoire de Keith Haring
Matthew Burgess, Josh Cochran
- Versant Sud
- 4 Mars 2022
- 9782930938493
Keith Haring était un peintre et un homme hors du commun, au trait vibrant, qui abordait ses oeuvres avec une spontanéité et un talent constants. De son enfance heureuse en Pennsylvanie, entouré de ses trois petites soeurs, à sa fulgurante carrière artistique dans le New-York des années 80, cet album retrace sa vie avec tendresse et enthousiasme, en évoquant avec délicatesse sa relation avec Juan DuBose ou la terrible maladie qui l'emporta à l'âge de 31 ans. Le récit de Matthew Burgess permet aux enfants de découvrir le parcours de ce muraliste d'une grande générosité, qui savait si bien s'adresser à eux. Josh Cochran utilise une ligne noire et épaisse dans ses illustrations qui saisissent pleinement le sens du mouvement et la fluidité de l'oeuvre de Haring. Un hommage joyeux et vibrant qui appelle à la créativité.
Lady ; ma vie de chienne
Melvin Burgess
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Pôle Fiction
- 21 Novembre 2019
- 9782075135887
Depuis quelque temps, Sandra fait n'importe quoi: garçons, nuits blanches, vodka... à volonté. Un jour, au cours d'une dispute avec un clochard, elle se retrouve brusquement transformée... en chienne! Celle que l'on appelle désormais Lady découvre sa nouvelle condition: une vie qui fonctionne à l'instinct... Une vraie vie de chienne!
Traquée, Béa ne sait plus à qui faire confiance, ni où elle est en sécurité. Elle a des visions étranges, entend des voix... et se découvre un pouvoir très rare, celui d'invoquer les esprits. Lars, le mystérieux, le séduisant skateur avec qui elle s'est entraînée pendant l'été, connaît son secret et la prend au piège d'une relation toxique. Manipulée, elle se met à douter de tout -sauf des conséquences de ses actes.
Géopolitique de l'IA : les relations internationales à l'épreuve de la mise en données du monde
Jamal Atif, John peter Burgess, Isabelle Ryl
- Le Cavalier Bleu
- Géopolitique de...
- 25 Août 2022
- 9791031805528
Si l'intelligence artificielle a bouleversé notre quotidien, elle a
également profondément transformé les relations internationales en abolissant les frontières « classiques » au profit de l'espace cyber et en introduisant une nouvelle ressource clé, la donnée, et les usagers qui la produisent.
Elle a également fait émerger de nouveaux acteurs, les géants du numérique, qui se hissent au rang de quasi-États avec lesquels il faut désormais compter.
Elle modifie enfin les possibilités d'affrontement entre États en produisant de nouvelles armes ou en intervenant dans certaines élections.
Au travers de nombreux exemples, les auteurs montrent combien l'intelligence artificielle transforme la géopolitique, ses acteurs et ses territoires, et quels sont les enjeux d'une gouvernance de cette technologie hors-norme. -
La contre-nature des choses
Tony Burgess
- Éditions Actes Sud
- Exofictions
- 7 Février 2018
- 9782330097974
Au bout du compte, l'apocalypse zombie aura surtout généré un gigantesque problème de gestion des déchets. Les brûler dans des fours géants ? Ça rappelle trop de mauvais souvenirs. Les enterrer ? On a bien essayé, mais pour se retrouver avec des hectares de boue grouillante. La seule réponse possible était d'envoyer ces millions d'automates immortels en orbite. Mais voilà, l'entrelacs des corps se met à filtrer la lumière du soleil, génère des maladies de peau et des désordres psychiques que personne n'avait vu venir. De l'hypochondrie agressive, des troubles dépressifs chroniques, des poussées suicidaires irrésistibles, et bientôt des ados se suicident en masse pour rejoindre l'éternité orbitale. Petit à petit, la Terre est devenue invivable. Et la mort n'est plus une issue. Un roman d'une noirceur sidérante à l'imagerie traumatiquement poétique.
La récession dure depuis des décennies. Alors que le chômage et la pauvreté dominent chez les jeunes, qui ne croient plus en l'avenir, une drogue révolutionnaire appelée le Raid déferle sur Manchester. Elle offre une vie de rêve et tous les possibles pendant 7 jours puis conduit inexorablement à la mort. Quand la rock star Jimmy Earle meurt sur scène en plein concert après avoir ingéré la fameuse gélule, c'est le déclic pour des milliers de fans dont Adam, 17 ans, qui est dans la foule avec sa copine, Lizzie. Mais le garçon ne tarde pas à regretter son geste...
Géopolitique du risque : de la possibilité du danger à l'incertitude de la menace
John peter Burgess, Sarah Perret
- Le Cavalier Bleu
- Géopolitique de...
- 24 Mars 2022
- 9791031805245
Sécurité, environnement, finance, santé, énergie, numérique...
le risque et sa gestion ont intégré de nombreux pans de notre
société, tant au niveau des disciplines que des acteurs.
Cette culture du risque, qui s'est accrue avec l'intensification de
la mondialisation et la démultiplication de solutions technologiques, a fait émerger de nouvelles problématiques qui impliquent non seulement les acteurs étatiques et internationaux, mais aussi désormais ceux d'un secteur privé de plus en plus florissant.
C'est ce panorama complexe et ses enjeux géopolitiques nouveaux qu'analysent ici Sarah Perret et J. Peter Burgess. -
Many readers will doubtless be astonished to learn that animals were being fired aloft in U.S. and Soviet research rockets in the late 1940s. In fact most people not only believe that the Russian space dog Laika was the first canine to be launched into space, but also that the high-profile, precursory Mercury flights of chimps Ham and Enos were the only primate flights conducted by the United States. In fact, both countries had sent literally dozens of animals aloft for many years prior to these events and continued to do so for many years after. Other latter-day space nations, such as France and China, would also begin to use animals in their own space research.
Animals in Space will explain why dogs, primates, mice and other rodents were chosen and tested, at a time when dedicated scientists from both space nations were determined to establish the survivability of human subjects on both ballistic and orbital space flights. It will also recount the way this happened; the secrecy involved and the methods employed, and offer an objective analysis of how the role of animals as spaceflight test subjects not only evolved, but subsequently changed over the years in response to a public outcry led by animal activists. It will explore the ways in which animal high-altitude and space flight research impacted on space flight biomedicine and technology, and how the results - both successful and disappointing - allowed human beings to then undertake that same hazardous journey with far greater understanding and confidence.
This book is intended as a detailed yet highly readable and balanced account of the history of animal space flights, and the resultant application of hard-won research to space technology and astrobiology. It will undoubtedly become the ultimate authority on animal space flights. -
Mais les blondes préfèrent-elles les hommes ?
Anthony Burgess
- Grasset
- Les Cahiers Rouges
- 30 Avril 2014
- 9782246808794
L'auteur de L'Orange mécanique n'était pas seulement un romancier génial, il était aussi un essayiste inattendu. Dans ce recueil de ses meilleurs articles, on croisera Sophia Loren, Yves Saint Laurent, Graham Greene, George Orwell ; on y lira des fabuleuses critiques de Fitzgerald, d'Hemingway, de Steinbeck, de Simenon, de Joyce, de Nabokov. Burgess aborde toutes les formes d'art, la littérature, mais aussi la musique, le cinéma et l'art contemporain. On y découvre un conteur passionné, intelligent, érudit, provocateur, flegmatique.
John E. Burgess Douglas
- Wiley
- 26 Mars 2013
- 9781118421536
Praise for Crime Classification Manual "The very first book by and for criminal justice professionals in the major case fields. . . . The skills, techniques, and proactive approaches offered are creatively concrete and worthy of replication across the country. . . . Heartily recommended for those working in the 'front line' of major case investigation."
?John B. Rabun Jr., ACSW, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children "[CCM] is an outstanding resource for students pursuing forensic science degrees. It provides critical information on major crimes, which improve the user's ability to assess and evaluate."
?Paul Thomas Clements, PhD, APRN-BC, CGS, DF-IAFN Drexel University Forensic Healthcare Program The landmark book standardizing the language, terminology, and classifications used throughout the criminal justice system Arranged according to the primary intent of the criminal, the Crime Classification Manual, Third Edition features the language, terms, and classifications the criminal justice system and allied fields use as they work to protect society from criminal behavior. Coauthored by a pioneer of modern profiling and featuring new coverage of wrongful convictions and false confessions, the Third Edition: Tackles new areas affected by globalization and new technologies, including human trafficking and internationally coordinated cybercrimes Expands discussion of border control, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and Homeland Security Addresses the effects of ever-evolving technology on the commission and detection of crime The definitive text in this field, Crime Classification Manual, Third Edition is written for law enforcement personnel, mental health professionals, forensic scientists, and those professionals whose work requires an understanding of criminal behavior and detection. -
EXTRAITS - Romans incontournables Gallimard Jeunesse
K.a. Applegate, Ann Brashares, Melvin Burgess, Michael Grant, Derek Landy, Erik L'Homme, L. a. Weatherly, Renniso
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- 19 Décembre 2012
- 3260050693011
Retrouvez dans ce dossier les premiers chapitres de huit romans incontournables des éditions Gallimard Jeunesse : K.A. Applegate (Animorphs T.1 - L'invasion), Ann Brashares (Quatre filles et un jean T.1 - Le premier été), Melvin Burgess (Kill all enemies), Michael Grant (BZRK T.1), Derek Landy (Skully Fourbery T.1), Erik L'Homme (A comme Association T.1 - La pale lumière des ténèbres), Louise Rennison (Le journal de Georgia Nicolson T.1 - Mon nez, mon chat, l'amour et moi) et L.A. Weatherly (Angel T.1).
Vous pouvez accéder directement à chaque extrait par la table des matières de ce dossier ou lire les extraits à la suite. Tous ces livres numériques sont en vente chez votre libraire. -
Secret Portland, Oregon ; the unique guidebook to Portland's hidden sites, sounds, and tastes
Ann carroll Burgess
- 26 Septembre 2011
- 9781554905867
Portland, the secret gem of the West coast, is almost too good to be true. Imagine a city where a bookstore occupies an entire city block. A city where brewing beer has been elevated to an art form; a city containing both the world's smallest dedicated park and largest forested city wilderness. No sales tax, old-fashioned gas stations, the only volcano within city limits, and a world-renowned transit system. You would have to be imagining Portland, and you wouldn't be dreaming. Secret?Portland is the only guide that takes the time to explore the city's scores of lesser-known treasures - the secrets that make it a place worth dreaming about. Leading you to the spots that only locals know, Secret?Portland is readable, quirky and intimate, exposing little-known histories and legends, the best ethnic eateries, chicest cheap hotels, and locally favored nightspots.
Don't miss the opportunity to watch the weather machine in Pioneer Courthouse Square, choose a favorite blossom at the International Rose Test Garden, ride the only three-door elevator west of the Mississippi, or embark on an epic pub-crawl to the city's celebrated microbreweries. Let Secret?Portland show you a side of the city you'll never forget.
Secret?Portland is the latest in the acclaimed and award-winning Secret Guides series. To date, we've unlocked the secrets to New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Providence and Newport, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montréal.
Death, Drugs, & Muscle
Gregg Valentino, Tony Burgess, Dave Thompson, Gregg Valentino And Nathan Jendrick, Nathan Jendrick
- 26 Septembre 2011
- 9781554906802
Death, Drugs, & Muscle is the story of a man who lived decades on the right side of the law before making the dangerous choice to enter the dark and dangerous world of drug dealing. After reaching the top and living a lavish lifestyle where sex, drugs, and money were in plentiful supply at all hours of the day, it all came crashing down in one harrowing instant. This is the story of Gregg Valentino, a man who had everything, lost it all, and fought his way back to the top.
The book describes Valentino's involvement with bodybuilding and its association with steroids and underground behaviour, including the sex and muscle worship trade. Valentino eventually begins dealing drugs himself, and details the dangers and the fallout - including the death of his girlfriend, his arrest, and his rise as an unlikely celebrity.
The story is uncensored, no-nonsense, and spares no expense to give the reader a true account of a life marred with murder, tragedy, sex, drugs, and sports.
Pontypool Changes Everything
Tony Burgess, William a. Urseth
- 26 Septembre 2011
- 9781554908813
The compelling, terrifying story of a devastating virus. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to kill someone? Wondered, in your darkest secret thoughts, about the taste of human flesh? What if you woke up and began your morning by devoting the rest of your life to a murderous rampage, a never-ending cannibalistic spree? And what if you were only one of thousands who shared the same compulsion? Well, today's your lucky day: in fact, by this afternoon, the predators will outnumber the prey.
Pontypool Changes Everything includes a new afterword by Tony Burgess abotu the adaptation and filming of the motion picture Pontypool.
Secret Portland ; the unique guidebook to Portland's hidden sites, sounds, and tastes ;
Ann carroll Burgess, Tom Burgess
- 26 Septembre 2011
- 9781554909247
Portland, the secret gem of the West Coast, is almost too good to be true. Imagine a city where a bookstore occupies an entire city block. A city where brewing beer has been elevated to an art form; a city containing both the world's smallest dedicated park and largest forested city wilderness. No sales tax, old-fashioned gas stations, the only volcano within city limits, and a world-renowned transit system. You would have to be imagining Portland, and you wouldn't be dreaming. Secret Portland is the only guide that takes the time to explore the city's scores of lesser-known treasures - the secrets that make it a place worth dreaming about. Leading you to the spots that only locals know, Secret Portland is readable, quirky, and intimate, exposing little-known histories and legends, the best ethnic eateries, chicest cheap hotels, and locally favoured nightspots.
Don't miss the opportunity to watch the weather machine in Pioneer Courthouse Square, choose a favourite blossom at the International Rose Test Garden, ride the only three-door elevator west of the Mississippi, or embark on an epic pub-crawl to the city's celebrated microbreweries. Let Secret Portland show you a side of the city you'll never forget.
Secret Portland is the latest in the acclaimed and award-winning Secret Guides series. To date, we've unlocked the secrets to New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Providence and Newport, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, and Montréal.
The Show That Smells is the most SHOCKING story ever shown on the silver screen! It's also the tale of Jimmie, a country music singer dying of tuberculosis, and Carrie, his wife, who tries to save him by selling her soul to a devil who designs HAUTE COUTURE CLOTHING! Elsa is a powerful Parisian dress designer, and a vampire. She wants to make Carrie look beautiful, smell beautiful - AND THEN SHE WANTS TO EAT HER! Will Carrie survive as her slave? Will Jimmie be cured? Starring a host of Hollywood's brightest stars, including Coco Chanel, Lon Chaney and the Carter Family, The Show That Smells is a thrilling tale of HILLBILLIES, HIGH FASHION, AND HORROR!
[Directed by Tod Browning (Freaks) from a screenplay by Derek McCormack. Black and white. 79 minutes.]
Wasps in a Golden Dream Hum a Strange Music
Asher Ghaffar, Tony Burgess
- 26 Septembre 2011
- 9781554908547
?"In the age of increasing surveillance of borders, the border is where every thing significant occurs; map the border and you begin to understand the pulse of a nation," Asher Ghaffar writes in the introduction to wasps in a golden dream hum a strange music, his debut collection of poetry. In 2003, he was stopped at the Wagah border post, where hundreds gather to watch the spectacle of the aggressive flag-lowering ceremony on both the Indian and Pakistani side.
Deploying the Wagah border literally and metaphorically, Ghaffar movingly describes the affective dimensions of "race" from the position of second-generation Canadian-born Muslim immigrant, deftly interrogating media depictions of the War on Terrorism. As Ghaffar writes: "I saw an ocean between two worlds / where flowers burst like paper rage."
He also documents, in a series of cascading questions, the multiple ways that he came to understand the aftermath of the July 7th suicide bombings. At times the poetry is productively conflicted between narrative and verse, and the text opens up a fertile space where multiple genres flourish and jest.
In the spirit of anti colonial poets like Aimé Césaire and Mahmoud Darwish and more recent experimental writers like the late Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and Nathalie Stephens, Asher Ghaffar documents a restless and often beautiful search for a rich and complex anti colonial poetics for our times, without falling into comfortable dogmas: "I sought a form for the body in crisis, the body in alliance with the flight of bees. I searched the archive for the voice which would break the density further. I sought the drive that was not the drive for death, but the drive for everlasting life in fervor." -
Recovery of Byproducts from Acid Mine Drainage Treatment
Christian Wolkersdorfer, Elvis Fosso-Kankeu, Jo Burgess
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 30 Septembre 2020
- 9781119620136
Recent developments have provided the opportunity to recover valuable materials from AMD treatment; this is a sustainable approach that allows to reduce waste while generating incomes that balance the cost of the treatment. This book provides insights to innovative and affordable routes for AMD valorisation that can certainly motivate the mining industry to effectively manage their wastes and minimize environmental impact while generating jobs opportunities.
Old Mother West Wind
Thornton W. Burgess
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 29 Octobre 2020
- 9789176393994
A racoon awakes from his winter nap to find his tree being chopped down. An old frog decides that now is the time to see more of the world. A mouse gets upset because his tail is short - and because an owl wants to eat him for dinner. With his love and respect for nature and animals at his fingertips, Thornton W. Burgess' created some of the world's best children's stories with his first collection, `Old Mother West Wind' (1910). Each story has relatable characters and a subtle moral that is not at all preachy. This collection introduces some of Burgess' famous characters that would pop up in his later books, like Peter Rabbit and Bobby Raccoon.