Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Developments in Buddhist Thought
Roy C. Amore
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press
- SR Supplements
- 30 Octobre 2010
- 9780889207011
Nine Canadian scholars of Buddhism consider philosophical and cultural issues in Buddhist thought. Part I, "On Being," discusses the philosophical problem of Being in the school of the Middle Way, Madhyamika Buddhism, and in the Tantric School of Mahayana Buddhism. Part II, "On the Indian Milieu," surveys Hindu views of Buddhism and explores Buddhism's relationship with other Indian religious and philosophical traditions. Part III, "On the Chinese Milieu," analyzes developments in Buddhist thought in China.
Listening Up, Writing Down, and Looking Beyond
Susan Gingell
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press
- 31 Juillet 2012
- 9781554583935
Listening Up, Writing Down, and Looking Beyond is an interdisciplinary collection that gathers the work of scholars and performance practitioners who together explore questions about the oral, written, and visual. The book includes the voices of oral performance practitioners, while the scholarship of many of the academic contributors is informed by their participation in oral storytelling, whether as poets, singers, or visual artists. Its contributions address the politics and ethics of the utterance and text: textualizing orature and orality, simulations of the oral, the poetics of performance, and reconstructions of the oral.
The essays that comprise this volume clearly demonstrate that coalitions have dramatically altered the shape of war. Paul Kennedy's overview of coalitions over the past century shows that, with coalitions firmly established as viable in the minds of strategists, wars have become markedly lengthier, bloodier, and much more expensive. Three of the essays focus on explicitly military aspects of the two world wars: Norman Stone's on the Austro-German Alliance, 1914-18; Ulrich Trumpener's on the German-Ottoman Coalition, 1914-18; and Ian Nish's on the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere. J. L. Granatstein pursues a contrasting, though equally enlightening, course, focussing on Hume Wrong, the "functional principle," and the difficulties inherent in Canada's role in the diplomacy of the post-World War II era. In keeping with the immediacy of Granatstein's concerns is John Erickson's lucid presentation of Soviet military philosophy, a matter of crucial and immediate concern.
This book will be of interest to military historians,
political scientists, and the more general reader intrigued
by military history and philosophy.
These essays, edited and compiled by Keith Neilson and Roy Prete, who teach in the Department of History at the Royal Military College, Kingston, were presented at the Eighth Royal Military College Military History Symposium. -
Indhold: Military Occupations: Some Reflections from Recent and More Distant History( Hugh Seton-Watson); The British Army of Occupation in the St. Lawrence Valley 1760-74: The Conflict Between Civil and Military Society(Fernand Ouellet); The Regime du Sabre-West African Style: The French Marines in the Western sudan, 1880-99(A.S.Kanya-forstner); Whites and Reds in South Russia, 1917-20(Peter Kenez); The German Occupation of Poland During the First and Second World Wars: A Comparison(Antony Polonsky); The German Occupation of Norway in World War II(Olav Riste); The American Occupation of Japan, 1945-52(Gordon Daniels).