Jeff Parker
Les aventures des Avengers Tome 1 : Les maîtres du mal
Jeff Parker, Tony Bedard, Manuel Garcia, Shannon Gallant
- Panini
- Marvel Kids
- 3 Avril 2024
- 9791039125468
Quand une menace surgie du passé de Captain America réapparaît, les Avengers font front ! Iron Man, Hulk, Giant-Girl, Tornade, Wolverine et Spider-Man s'unissent autour de la Légende Vivante pour affronter le Baron Zémo, mais aussi les Maîtres du Mal, Fin Fang Foom et les U-Foes !
Refonte de la gamme MARVEL ADVENTURES, qui propose des histoires adaptées au public le plus jeune. Les Avengers sont de la partie, avec un casting élargi qui accueille aussi bien Wolverine que Spider-Man ! -
Les aventures des Avengers Tome 3
Jeff Parker, Juan Santacruz, Leonard Kirk
- Panini
- Marvel Kids
- 4 Septembre 2024
- 9791039130028
Les Fils du Serpent déclarent la guerre aux Avengers ! Égo tombe amoureux de la planète Terre ! Janet Van Dyne raconte ses origines ! Et pour sauver la ligne temporelle, conquise par Kang, les Avengers doivent remonter le temps pour demander l'aide des Agents d'Atlas ! Une nouvelle fois, un casting original d'Avengers vous propose une série d'aventures stupéfiantes destinées à tous les publics. Les jeunes fans de super-héros n'auront plus à chercher des histoires pouvant leur convenir !
Ninjak Tome 1 : Ninjak superkillers
Jeff Parker, Javier Pulido
- Bliss Comics
- Valiant
- 31 Janvier 2025
- 9782375782798
Nouvel Arc Colin King est NINJAK, un ancien espion d'élite du MI6, le meilleur de sa génération. Il ne rate jamais sa cible et aucune mission n'est trop difficile pour lui. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque tous ses secrets sont dévoilés ? Une mystérieuse organisation, Daylight, a fait fuiter l'identité de tous les agents du MI6 ! C'est le monde du crime tout entier qui se tourne vers Ninjak pour régler ses comptes... Comment survivre à cette chasse à l'homme lorsqu'il ne reste nulle part où se cacher ?
Venom Tome 3 : le cercle des quatre
Rick Remender, Jeff Parker, Rob Williams, Collectif
- Panini
- Marvel Dark
- 28 Juin 2017
- 9782809464191
Flash Thompson est parti à Las Vegas afin de remplir la mission qui lui a été confiée. Cependant, l'enfer va littéralement dévorer la ville et Venom va avoir besoin de l'aide de Hulk, Ghost Rider et X-23 pour sauver la cité du jeu.
Hulk Tome 3 : la planète rouge
Jeff Parker, Carlos Pagulayan, Gabriel Hardman
- Panini
- Marvel Deluxe
- 11 Avril 2018
- 9782809468939
Le Hulk rouge revient en force. Il a fort à faire puisqu'il doit gérer trois menaces en même temps ! Il est traqué par son ancien lieutenant, le Major Fortean, il doit affronter une ennemie qu'il a contribué à créer : Zero/One et il lui faut aussi repousser la menace Omegex.
Deadpool Team up Tome 2 : amis pour la vie
Jeff Parker, Cullen Bunn, Nick Dragotta
- Panini
- 16 Janvier 2013
- 9782809461336
Retrouvons la série qui associe Deadpool aux plus étonnants héros Marvel. Au programme de ce numéro : des héros appréciés mais rares tels que Machine Man,et des superstars ! Ainsi, Deadpool fait un match de catch avec la Chose, s'envole aux côtés de Thor, et apprend le karaté avec Iron Fist. Chaque épisode est réalisé par une équipe artistique différente.
Les aventures des Avengers Tome 2 : Un vrai fléau !
Jeff Parker, Tony Bedard, Juan Santacruz, Shannon Gallant
- Panini
- Marvel Kids
- 5 Juin 2024
- 9791039126137
Les Avengers face au Fléau, au Démolisseur, aux U-Foes et à bien d'autres menaces ! L'équipe de héros la plus éclectique au monde revient, comprenant aussi bien des Avengers reconnus comme Captain America et Iron Man que des héros plus inattendus comme Wolverine, Spider-Man et Tornade !
Les plus jeunes lecteurs ont bien des choses à se mettre sous la dent ce mois-ci, entre notre nouveau trimestriel SPIDER-MAN GÉANT et les nouveaux volumes des MARVEL ADVENTURES nouvelle formule ! Des histoires accessibles et colorées pour faire découvrir les héros Marvel aux nouvelles générations ! -
Wireshark for Security Professionals
Jessey Bullock, Jeff T. Parker
- Wiley
- 28 Février 2017
- 9781118918227
Master Wireshark to solve real-world security problems If you don't already use Wireshark for a wide range of information security tasks, you will after this book. Mature and powerful, Wireshark is commonly used to find root cause of challenging network issues. This book extends that power to information security professionals, complete with a downloadable, virtual lab environment. Wireshark for Security Professionals covers both offensive and defensive concepts that can be applied to essentially any InfoSec role. Whether into network security, malware analysis, intrusion detection, or penetration testing, this book demonstrates Wireshark through relevant and useful examples. Master Wireshark through both lab scenarios and exercises. Early in the book, a virtual lab environment is provided for the purpose of getting hands-on experience with Wireshark. Wireshark is combined with two popular platforms: Kali, the security-focused Linux distribution, and the Metasploit Framework, the open-source framework for security testing. Lab-based virtual systems generate network traffic for analysis, investigation and demonstration. In addition to following along with the labs you will be challenged with end-of-chapter exercises to expand on covered material. Lastly, this book explores Wireshark with Lua, the light-weight programming language. Lua allows you to extend and customize Wireshark's features for your needs as a security professional. Lua source code is available both in the book and online. Lua code and lab source code are available online through GitHub, which the book also introduces. The book's final two chapters greatly draw on Lua and TShark, the command-line interface of Wireshark. By the end of the book you will gain the following: Master the basics of Wireshark Explore the virtual w4sp-lab environment that mimics a real-world network Gain experience using the Debian-based Kali OS among other systems Understand the technical details behind network attacks Execute exploitation and grasp offensive and defensive activities, exploring them through Wireshark Employ Lua to extend Wireshark features and create useful scripts To sum up, the book content, labs and online material, coupled with many referenced sources of PCAP traces, together present a dynamic and robust manual for information security professionals seeking to leverage Wireshark.
CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide
Michael Gregg, Jeff T. Parker
- Sybex
- 23 Janvier 2019
- 9781119477679
Comprehensive coverage of the new CASP+ exam, with hands-on practice and interactive study tools The CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide: Exam CAS-003, Third Edition, offers invaluable preparation for exam CAS-003. Covering 100 percent of the exam objectives, this book provides expert walk-through of essential security concepts and processes to help you tackle this challenging exam with full confidence. Practical examples and real-world insights illustrate critical topics and show what essential practices look like on the ground, while detailed explanations of technical and business concepts give you the background you need to apply identify and implement appropriate security solutions. End-of-chapter reviews help solidify your understanding of each objective, and cutting-edge exam prep software features electronic flashcards, hands-on lab exercises, and hundreds of practice questions to help you test your knowledge in advance of the exam. The next few years will bring a 45-fold increase in digital data, and at least one third of that data will pass through the cloud. The level of risk to data everywhere is growing in parallel, and organizations are in need of qualified data security professionals; the CASP+ certification validates this in-demand skill set, and this book is your ideal resource for passing the exam. Master cryptography, controls, vulnerability analysis, and network security Identify risks and execute mitigation planning, strategies, and controls Analyze security trends and their impact on your organization Integrate business and technical components to achieve a secure enterprise architecture CASP+ meets the ISO 17024 standard, and is approved by U.S. Department of Defense to fulfill Directive 8570.01-M requirements. It is also compliant with government regulations under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). As such, this career-building credential makes you in demand in the marketplace and shows that you are qualified to address enterprise-level security concerns. The CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide: Exam CAS-003, Third Edition, is the preparation resource you need to take the next big step for your career and pass with flying colors.
Test your knowledge and know what to expect on A+ exam day CompTIA A+ Complete Practice Tests, Second Edition enables you to hone your test-taking skills, focus on challenging areas, and be thoroughly prepared to ace the exam and earn your A+ certification. This essential component of your overall study plan presents nine unique practice tests-and two 90-question bonus tests-covering 100% of the objective domains for both the 220-1001 and 220-1002 exams. Comprehensive coverage of every essential exam topic ensures that you will know what to expect on exam day and maximize your chances for success. Over 1200 practice questions on topics including hardware, networking, mobile devices, operating systems and procedures, troubleshooting, and more, lets you assess your performance and gain the confidence you need to pass the exam with flying colors. This second edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest best practices and updated exam objectives you will see on the big day. A+ certification is a crucial step in your IT career. Many businesses require this accreditation when hiring computer technicians or validating the skills of current employees. This collection of practice tests allows you to: Access the test bank in the Sybex interactive learning environment Understand the subject matter through clear and accurate answers and explanations of exam objectives Evaluate your exam knowledge and concentrate on problem areas Integrate practice tests with other Sybex review and study guides, including the CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide and the CompTIA A+ Complete Deluxe Study Guide Practice tests are an effective way to increase comprehension, strengthen retention, and measure overall knowledge. The CompTIA A+ Complete Practice Tests, Second Edition is an indispensable part of any study plan for A+ certification.
Improve your understanding of all Core 1 and Core 2 A+ exam objectives and prepare for a new career as a computer technician The Third Edition of the CompTIA A+ Complete Practice Tests: Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102 offers aspiring and practicing computer technicians essential and practical exam prep material for the industry favorite A+ certification. The hundreds of domain-by-domain practice questions cover all of the A+ exam objectives tested on the Core 1 and Core 2 exams, helping you prepare for success on the tests and in the real world. Just like the real exams, the practice questions contained within this resource cover mobile devices, networking, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing, hardware and network troubleshooting, operating systems, security, software troubleshooting, and operational procedures. These rigorous and realistic practice questions will get you ready for your first role as a computer technician and let you hit the ground running. This comprehensive set includes: Challenging questions designed to advance your understanding and comprehension of all covered exam domains Questions similar to those found on the real Core 1 and Core 2 A+ exams Access to the Sybex online test bank, with hundreds of questions and full-length practice exams Perfect for anyone prepping for the Core 1 and Core 2 A+ exams, CompTIA A+ Complete Practice Tests: Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102 is also an ideal resource for aspiring and early-career computer technicians who want to improve their understanding of some of the foundational concepts they rely on each day in the field. And save 10% when you purchase your CompTIA exam voucher with our exclusive WILEY10 coupon code.
CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide
Jeff T. Parker, Nadean H. Tanner
- Sybex
- 15 Septembre 2022
- 9781119803171
Prepare to succeed in your new cybersecurity career with the challenging and sought-after CASP+ credential In the newly updated Fourth Edition of CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide Exam CAS-004, risk management and compliance expert Jeff Parker walks you through critical security topics and hands-on labs designed to prepare you for the new CompTIA Advanced Security Professional exam and a career in cybersecurity implementation. Content and chapter structure of this Fourth edition was developed and restructured to represent the CAS-004 Exam Objectives. From operations and architecture concepts, techniques and requirements to risk analysis, mobile and small-form factor device security, secure cloud integration, and cryptography, you'll learn the cybersecurity technical skills you'll need to succeed on the new CAS-004 exam, impress interviewers during your job search, and excel in your new career in cybersecurity implementation. This comprehensive book offers: Efficient preparation for a challenging and rewarding career in implementing specific solutions within cybersecurity policies and frameworks A robust grounding in the technical skills you'll need to impress during cybersecurity interviews Content delivered through scenarios, a strong focus of the CAS-004 Exam Access to an interactive online test bank and study tools, including bonus practice exam questions, electronic flashcards, and a searchable glossary of key terms Perfect for anyone preparing for the CASP+ (CAS-004) exam and a new career in cybersecurity, CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide Exam CAS-004 is also an ideal resource for current IT professionals wanting to promote their cybersecurity skills or prepare for a career transition into enterprise cybersecurity.