A Toolkit of Motivational Skills
Catherine Fuller, Phil Taylor, Kath Wilson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 29 Mai 2019
- 9781118510254
A Toolkit of Motivational Skills, Third Edition, draws on the latest research to show how the Motivational Interviewing approach can be effectively utilized to draw out and sustain an individual's internal motivation for behavioral change.
Updated with a wide range of applications and practical examples of motivational techniques which have effectively helped others to change Updated with a wide range of applications and practical examples of motivational techniques which have effectively helped others to change Features a variety of supplemental resources including 16 online video examples of MI in action, with a workbook chapter that helps readers analyse each video in detail Includes new illustrations and diagrams designed to amplify the text and make it an engaging and enjoyable reading experience -
International Handbook of Inter-religious Education
Kath Engebretson, Marian De Souza, Gloria Durka, Liam Gearon
- Springer
- 17 Août 2010
- 9781402092602
This Handbook is based on the conviction of its editors and contributing authors that understanding and acceptance of, as well as collaboration between religions has essential educational value. The development of this Handbook rests on the f- ther assumption that interreligious education has an important role in elucidating the global demand for human rights, justice, and peace. Interreligious education reveals that the creeds and holy books of the world's religions teach about sp- itual systems that reject violence and the individualistic pursuit of economic and political gain, and call their followers to compassion for every human being. It also seeks to lead students to an awareness that the followers of religions across the world need to be, and to grow in, dialogical relationships of respect and understa- ing. An essential aim of interreligious education is the promotion of understanding and engagement between people of different religions and, therefore, it has great potential to contribute to the common good of the global community. Interreligious education has grown from the interfaith movement, whose beg- ning is usually identi?ed with the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. This was the ?rst time in history that leaders of the eastern and we- ern religions had come together for dialogue, and to consider working together for global unity.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People (LGBT) and the Criminal Justice System
Charlotte Knight, Kath Wilson
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 23 Mai 2016
- 9781137496980
This book explores the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities as victims, offenders and staff within the criminal justice system. It draws on both emerging and existing LGBT research and campaigns to identify and explore issues relevant to the criminal justice system, including: agencies of the criminal justice system, victimisation, domestic violence and abuse, transgender experiences, LGBT people as offenders, international perspectives and the personal experiences of LGBT people.Charlotte Knight and Kath Wilson trace the legislative journey toward equal treatment before and after the Wolfenden Report. They consider why, for example, lesbians are over represented on death row in the US, how the prosecution characterises them and what part homophobia might play in offending and in sentencing. They raise important questions about the causes of, and responses to, same-sex domestic violence and abuse and how the system delivers justice to trans people. Sodomy laws and the treatment of LGBT people worldwide are also considered and models of good practice are offered. Their insights will be of interest to practitioners, policy makers and scholars of the criminal justice system, particularly those concerned with the rights of LGBT communities.
Visibility matters in contemporary societies; online, in the media and in the public eye. But who is seen and how? Are women still seen through a male gaze? This book explores the politics of looking and being looked at, and the relationship between actual and virtual worlds, for example in sport, art and cinema.
With reference to traditional film theory and frameworks drawn from fields such as screenwriting studies and anthropology, this book explores the challenges and opportunities for both practitioners and viewers offered by the 360-degree storytelling form. It focuses on cinematic virtual reality (CVR), a format that involves immersive, high quality, live action or computer-generated imagery (CGI) that can be viewed through head mounted display (HMD) goggles or via online platforms such as YouTube. This format has surged in popularity in recent years due to the release of affordable high quality omnidirectional (360-degree) cameras and consumer grade HMDs. The book interrogates four key concepts for this emerging medium: immersion, presence, embodiment and proximity through an analysis of innovative case studies and with reference to practitioner interviews. In doing so, it highlights the specificity of the format and provides a critical account of practitioner approaches to the concept development, writing and realisation of short narrative CVR works. The book concludes with an account of the author's practice-led research into the form, providing a valuable example of creative practice in the field of immersive media.
Everyday Data Cultures
Jean Burgess, Rowan Wilken, Kath Albury, Anthony Mccosker
- Polity
- 8 Juin 2022
- 9781509547579
The AI revolution can seem powerful and unstoppable, extracting data from every aspect of our lives and subjecting us to unprecedented surveillance and control. But at ground level, even the most advanced `smart' technologies are not as all-powerful as either the tech companies or their critics would have us believe.
From gig worker activism to wellness tracking with sex toys and TikTokers' manipulation of the algorithm, this book shows how ordinary people are negotiating the datafication of society. The book establishes a new theoretical framework for understanding everyday experiences of data and automation, and offers guidance on the ethical responsibilities we share as we learn to live together with data-driven machines.
Everyday Data Cultures is essential reading for students and researchers in digital media and communication, as well as for anyone interested in the role of data and AI in society. -
Data for Social Good
Kath Albury, Anthony Mccosker, Jane Farmer, Amir Aryani
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 29 Octobre 2022
- 9789811955549
This open access book provides practical guidance for non-profits and community sector organisations about how to get started with data analytics projects using their own organisations' datasets and open public data. The book shares best practices on collaborative social data projects and methodology. For researchers, the work offers a playbook for partnering with community organisations in data projects for public good and gives worked examples of projects of various sizes and complexity.
The Digital Global Condition
Julian C. H. Lee, Aiden Warren, Elizabeth Kath
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 21 Juin 2023
- 9789811999802
This book explores how globalization and ubiquity of digital technology combine to create specific global impacts, challenges and opportunities. Although globalization is already associated with the speeding up of interactions and change, digital globalization is characterized by immediacy. The utter pervasiveness opens new global vulnerabilities at international, national, social and personal levels. The Digital Global Condition examines the nature of digital globalization, enabling us to not only inhabit a digital world, but also to understand it, even to live well in it.
Screenwriting for Virtual Reality
Kath Dooley, Alex Munt
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 24 Avril 2024
- 9783031541001
This book is focused on screenwriting and development for virtual reality (VR). It explores a diverse range of creative approaches to the writing and screen development of VR stories and immersive audience experiences. Contributions from scholars and practitioners combine conceptual and practically orientated approaches for creating fictional and documentary media VR stories. The book evaluates, challenges and adapts existing screenwriting models and practices for immersive storytelling and grapples with the future of storytelling in the era of sophisticated computer visualization, AI and the online social metaverse. The book proposes new VR storytelling models, identifies altered relationships between creators, screen works and their audiences and demonstrates how interdisciplinary practices will be core to the future of screen storytelling.
This monograph delves into recent evolutions in virtual reality (VR) storytelling, focusing on entertainment-based works created or launched since 2020. Through various case studies, it showcases the increasing diversity and sophistication of recent narrative-based projects. Moving past the initial hype associated with the latest wave of VR, a number of innovative and affective works combining documentary-based or fictional storytelling with game mechanics, live theatre and other elements, have appeared at festivals or on distribution platforms in recent years. These interdisciplinary works have much to tell us about the future of VR storytelling but have yet to receive sustained analysis. This book aims to correct that.
Dooley argues that VR, as an interactive medium that places the user inside a storyworld in a visible or invisible virtual body, offers narratives that incorporate the user's body as a storytelling tool. This fosters user-centred stories that unfold in three-dimensional space. Adopting phenomenological and formal analysis methodologies, the monograph examines case studies through their approaches to narrative, style, and interactive devices. Key concepts that are explored include agency, direct address, environmental and spatial storytelling, embodiment and presence. By providing a much-needed analysis of works through a variety of theoretical lenses, the book illustrates how recent VR storytelling fosters powerfully transformative experiences. -
The Private Rental Sector in Australia
Alan Morris, Hal Pawson, Kath Hulse
- Springer
- 15 Mai 2021
- 9789813366725
This book explores the decline and growth of the private rental sector in Australia delving into the changing dynamics of landlord investment and tenant profile over the course of the twentieth century and into the present period. It explains why over one in four Australian households are now private renters and investigates the contemporary legal and regulatory frameworks governing the sector. The reform discourses in Australia and comparator countries, and debates around key concerns such as Australia's advantageous tax treatment of investors in rental property and the power imbalance between tenants and landlords are highlighted. The book draws on rich data: 600 surveys and close to 100 in-depth interviews with tenants in high, medium and low rent areas in Sydney and Melbourne and regional New South Wales. The book provides in-depth insights into this large and expanding component of Australia's housing market and shows how being a private renter shapes the everyday lives and wellbeing of people and households who rent their housing including short and long-term renters, those on low and higher incomes and older as well as younger people.
Health Care Ethics examines the way ethical dilemmas are played out in everyday clinical practice and argues for an approach to ethical decision-making which focuses more on patient needs than competing professional interests.
While advances in medical science and technology have improved the ability to save and prolong lives, they have also given rise to fundamental questions about what constitutes life and personhood, especially in the context of what are termed 'persistent vegetative state' and 'brain death'. Drawing on the example of intensive care where such questions feature strongly in everyday practice, Kath M Melia examines how decisions are taken within the context of multiprofessional teamworking, including
· whether to admit a patient and commence treatment
· what the aim of treatment should be (i.e. palliation, care or cure)
· when to limit, withhold or withdraw treatment
· when to donate organs.
As an area in which different professional groups work closely together, the author argues that there are lessons to be learnt from intensive care which can be applied to ethical decision making in all areas of health care for the greater good of patients.
The book makes a significant contribution to the literature on ethics in health care and to the development of ethical decision making which prioritises the needs of patients. It is essential reading for ethicists, sociologists and health care professionals. -
Organizing and Managing Your Research
Renata Phelps, Kath Fisher, Allan H Ellis
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 8 Février 2007
- 9781446233689
`As research guides go, this is probably the best, most readable and encouraging books for nurses that I have come across....I recommend this volume to students and researchers at all levels, and at all stages of their professional careers. It is an excellent read' - Nursing Standard '[This book] is an ideal reader for someone who is thinking about starting a research project with no or limited previous experience. This is because it outlines the whole research process from start to finish. It also provides useful tips for those who are more experienced' - Nurse Researcher Organizing and Managing Your Research: A Practical Guide for Postgraduates deals with the practical, day-to-day aspects of managing and organizing research. Its focus is on strategies, skills, and systems that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of research practice across all research disciplines. Written in an accessible, non-technical style that speaks directly to the reader in a personal and collegial voice, this text gives practical advice and offers many tips and strategies gleaned from experienced researchers. The written text is accompanied by a website that provides downloadable templates and live links to appropriate sites. Key Features include: - Tips boxes to outline useful strategies and shortcuts based on day-to-day practice of experienced researchers. - Feature examples illustrate the practical application of some of the concepts covered - `Want to know more about ...?' boxes offer pointers to further sources of information - `Over to you' questions at the end of each chapter prompt the student to reflect on how the strategies and concepts can be applied to their own research project