5 produits trouvés
Scarlett's Strike Force
Aubrey Sitterson, Paul Allor, Nelson Daniel, Corey Lewis
- Vestron
- Revolution
- 26 Mai 2023
- 9782383730378
Dinosaures ! Reptiliens ! Mitrailleuses ! ACTION !! Le monde est redevenu magique, et un empire du mal qu'on croyait hors d'état de nuire renaît de ses cendres : Cobra. Sous l'impulsion de son nouveau leader, des reliques antédiluviennes sont réunies pour provoquer le nouvel avènement d'une force démoniaque colossale. Une équipe de soldats menée par la téméraire Scarlett est chargée d'empêcher la fin du monde... Mais des événements se déroulant à des milliards de kilomètres et dans une autre réalité viendront perturber leur mission et provoquer plusieurs futurs ! Scarlett's Strike Force est une histoire dingue écrite, probablement sous emprise, par Aubrey Sitterson (No One Left to Fight, The Worst Dudes), illustrée par Nelson Daniel (The Cape, TMNT, Judge Dredd) et complétée par deux fins alternatives de Paul Allor (Les Gardiens de la Galaxie) et Corey Lewis (X-Men: Nation-X). BOoOoOm !
Road rage
Stephen King, Richard Matheson, Joe Hill, Chris Ryall, Nelson Daniel
- Panini
- 100% Fusion Comics
- 22 Mai 2013
- 9782809431117
Quand en 1971, le jeune Steven Spielberg a adapté Duel, une nouvelle de Richard Matheson, personne ne l'attendait au tournant.
Et pourtant ! Cette aventure oppressante a immédiatement fait de Spielberg un réalisateur à suivre. L'histoire originelle est si passionnante, que presque 40 ans plus tard, le maître de l'horreur Stephen King et son fils Joe Hill, ont eu l'idée d'écrire Throttle, un hommage à Duel. Voici l'adaptation en BD de ces deux histoires, scénarisées par Chris Ryall.
Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils
John D. Nelson, Kuo Chieh Chao, Daniel D. Overton, Erik J. Nelson
- Wiley
- 10 Février 2015
- 9781118415290
Your guide to the design and construction of foundations on expansive soils Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils fills a significant gap in the current literature by presenting coverage of the design and construction of foundations for expansive soils. Written by an expert author team with nearly 70 years of combined industry experience, this important new work is the only modern guide to the subject, describing proven methods for identifying and analyzing expansive soils and developing foundation designs appropriate for specific locations. Expansive soils are found worldwide and are the leading cause of damage to structural roads. The primary problem that arises with regard to expansive soils is that deformations are significantly greater than in non-expansive soils and the size and direction of the deformations are difficult to predict. Now, Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils gives engineers and contractors coverage of this subject from a design perspective, rather than a theoretical one. Plus, they'll have access to case studies covering the design and construction of foundations on expansive salts from both commercial and residential projects. Provides a succinct introduction to the basics of expansive soils and their threats Includes information on both shallow and deep foundation design Profiles soil remediation techniques, backed-up with numerous case studies Covers the most commonly used laboratory tests and site investigation techniques used for establishing the physical properties of expansive soils If you're a practicing civil engineer, geotechnical engineer or contractor, geologist, structural engineer, or an upper-level undergraduate or graduate student of one of these disciplines, Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils is a must-have addition to your library of resources.
The Handbook of World Englishes
Cecil L. Nelson, Zoya G. Proshina, Daniel R. Davis
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 22 Novembre 2019
- 9781119147268
The definitive reference work on World Englishes-fully revised, expanded, and updated The Handbook of World Englishes is a collection of articles on the cross-cultural and transnational linguistic convergence and change of the English language. Now in its second edition, this Handbook brings together multiple theoretical, contextual, and ideological perspectives, and offers new interpretations of the changing identities of world Englishes (WE) speakers and examines the current state of the English language across the world. Thematically integrated contributions from leading scholars and researchers explore the expansion, modification, and adaptation of English in various settings and discuss the role of English in local, regional, and global contexts. This highly regarded text has been fully updated throughout the new edition to reflect the current conditions, contexts, and functions of major varieties of English across the world. Significant revisions to topics-such as an overview of the varieties of modern world Englishes and the First Diaspora in Wales and Ireland-reflect expanded scholarship in the field and new directions of research. Each chapter from the first edition has been updated in content and citations, while 11 new chapters cover subjects including world Englishes testing and Postcolonial theory, as well as world Englishes in South America, Russia, Africa, China, Southeast Asia, the United States, and Canada. Examines both traditional and contemporary perspectives on World Englishes Written by international authors, experts in their respective fields Emphasizes the historical development of the English language through a series of diasporas Highlights research into a wide range of sociolinguistic contexts and processes including code switching, newly established WE varieties, and new data on Chinese and Russian Englishes Explores future directions in WE research, development, and application The Handbook of World Englishes is an essential resource for academics, researchers, practitioners, and advanced students in fields including applied linguistics, language teaching, the history of the English language, world literatures, and related social and language sciences.
La cooperation juridique internationale des democraties occidentales - en matiere de lutte contre le
Nelson Daniel N.
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Droit et Sociétés
- 19 Novembre 2010
- 9782296417915
L'ouvrage cherche à cerner les obstacles à une collaboration efficace des Etats, face au problème du terrorisme international: les organisations internationales sont composées de pays très opposés dans leur conception des droits de l'homme ; il n'existe pas de consensus sur la notion de terrorisme ; en outre, les démocraties, dont les libertés et les droits sont un des fondements, ne peuvent prendre des mesures qui remettraient en cause leur existence en tant que telles. Ce livre est l'un des rares à aborder la question de la lutte contre le terrorisme, sous l'angle juridique.