Energy Citizenship
Breffni´ Lennon, Alexandra Revez, Bin Bin J. Pearce
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 21 Décembre 2024
- 9783031701535
This open access book develops a deeper understanding of an increasingly applied term across policy cycles and academic discourses, `energy citizenship'. It provides the reader with five distinct chapters, with each in turn examining a specific aspect of the concept and how it has manifested in public discourses.
Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie
Dirk W. Sommerfeldt
- Springer
- 7 Septembre 2024
- 9783662673539
Alle wichtigen Verletzungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen sind systematisch beschrieben mit detaillierten Informationen und vielen praktischen Tipps zu Klassifikation, Diagnostik, Therapieoptionen und Therapiewahl, Nachbetreuung und mglichen Komplikationen. Dargestellt sind nicht nur Unfallfolgen des Bewegungsapparats, sondern auch Schädel-, Thorax- und Bauchverletzungen, Weichteil-, Geburts- und thermische Traumen. Über 1200 Abbildungen zeigen typische Befunde und Therapieanwendungen. Für die 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel aktualisiert und zum Teil neu verfasst. Neu hinzugekommen ist ein Kapitel über Bildgebung und Klassifikation der Verletzungen.
Die umfassende Grundlage für eine differenzierte und fundierte Behandlung verletzter Kinder und Jugendlicher! -
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Everything and Quantum Information Processing
Valentina E. Balas, Kolla Bhanu Prakash
- Springer
- 5 Septembre 2024
- 9783031619298
This book constitutes the Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Everything and Quantum Information Processing (IEQIP-2023), held on 24-25 November 2023 in Andhra Pradesh, India. This edition was organized in hybrid mode by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, and sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, India.
The Internet of Things (IoT) and Quantum Computing are technological phenomena that are shaping businesses and industries. Moreover, integrating IoT and Quantum Computing solutions evolves ecosystems to offer optimum commercial practices. The emergence of these two phenomena offers revolutionary advancements. Further, Quantum Computing introduces avant-garde encryption algorithms for resilient security solutions in IoT systems. Papers presented at this conference showed how the Internet of Everything (IoE) combines sensing, computation, information extraction, and communication functionalities together in a device. IoE allows different electronic devices with different capabilities to sense the environment and to communicate for data exchange. Further, the challenge now is to identify, monitor, and ensure quality in IoT security. Moreover, there is a significant rise in data and information transfer due to a rise in the number of devices. Hence, there is a requirement for responsive, scalable, analytical, and efficient solutions.
The conference papers included in this book contain topics in the following areas of research:
· Artificial Intelligence
· Quantum Computing
· Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and Data Science
· Machine learning
· Deep learning
· Image, text, and signal processing
· Disruptive technologies.
This book provides helpful information to professors, researchers, and graduate students in the area of Quantum Computing and IoT, and all find this collection of papers inspiring, informative, and valuable. -
Fluid flow for the practicing chemical engineer
Louis Theodore
- Wiley-AIChE
- 6 Décembre 2011
- 9781118215715
This book teaches the fundamentals of fluid flow by including both theory and the applications of fluid flow in chemical engineering. It puts fluid flow in the context of other transport phenomena such as mass transfer and heat transfer, while covering the basics, from elementary flow mechanics to the law of conservation. The book then examines the applications of fluid flow, from laminar flow to filtration and ventilization. It closes with a discussion of special topics related to fluid flow, including environmental concerns and the economic reality of fluid flow applications.
Quantitative Conservation of Vertebrates
Michael j. Conroy
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 20 Septembre 2011
- 9781444356496
This book provides a hands-on introduction to the construction and application of models to studies of vertebrate distribution, abundance, and habitat. The book is aimed at field biologists, conservation planners, and advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students who are involved with planning and analyzing conservation studies, and applying the results to conservation decisions. The book also acts as a bridge to more advanced and mathematically challenging coverage in the wider literature.
Part I provides a basic background in population and community modeling. It introduces statistical models, and familiarizes the reader with important concepts in the design of monitoring and research programs. These programs provide the essential data that guide conservation decision making. Part II covers the principal methods used to estimate abundance, occupancy, demographic parameters, and community parameters, including occupancy sampling, sample counts, distance sampling, and capture-mark-recapture (for both closed and open populations). Emphasis is placed on practical aspects of designing and implementing field studies, and the proper analysis of data. Part III introduces structured decision making and adaptive management, in which predictive models are used to inform conservation decision makers on appropriate decisions in the face of uncertainty-with the goal of reducing uncertainty through monitoring and research. A detailed case study is used to illustrate each of these themes. Numerous worked examples and accompanying electronic material (on a website - - and accompanying CD) provide the details of model construction and application, and data analysis. -
Timescales of magmatic processes ; from core to atmosphere
Anthony Dossato, James a. Van orman
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 24 Juin 2011
- 9781444348262
Quantifying the timescales of current geological processes is critical for constraining the physical mechanisms operating on the Earth today. Since the Earth's origin 4.55 billion years ago magmatic processes have continued to shape the Earth, producing the major reservoirs that exist today (core, mantle, crust, oceans and atmosphere) and promoting their continued evolution. But key questions remain. When did the core form and how quickly? How are magmas produced in the mantle, and how rapidly do they travel towards the surface? How long do magmas reside in the crust, differentiating and interacting with the host rocks to yield the diverse set of igneous rocks we see today? How fast are volcanic gases such as carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere? This book addresses these and other questions by reviewing the latest advances in a wide range of Earth Science disciplines: from the measurement of short-lived radionuclides to the study of element diffusion in crystals and numerical modelling of magma behaviour. It will be invaluable reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as igneous petrologists, mineralogists and geochemists involved in the study of igneous rocks and processes.
1884. Après plusieurs années de nomadisme imposé par son apostolat, le pasteur Wright s'installe à Dayton. A sa mort, ses deux fils, Orville et Wilbur, fondent une imprimerie et une fabrique de vélos qui deviennent vite les entreprises les plus prospères de la région. Cette réussite n'empêche pas les deux frères de développer leur goût de la mécanique et plus particulièrement leur passion pour les plus lourds que l'air. Ils sont absolument convaincus que l'homme pourra un jour voler.
Following on from the phenomenal success of NECRONOMICON comes ELDRITCH TALES. Howard Phillips Lovecraft died at the age of 47, but in his short life he turned out dozens of stories which changed the face of horror. His extraordinary imagination spawned both the Elder God Cthulhu and his eldritch cohorts, and the strangely compelling town of Innsmouth, all of which feature within these pages. This collection gathers together the rest of Lovecraft's rarely seen but extraordinary short fiction, including the whole of the long-out-of-print collection FUNGI FROM YOGGOTH. Many of these stories have never been available in the UK!
Stephen Jones, one of the world's foremost editors of dark fiction, will complete the Lovecraft story in his extensive afterword, and award-winning artist Les Edwards will provide numerous illustrations for this must-have companion volume to NECRONOMICON. -
Vital Norms : Canguilhem's "The Normal and the Pathological" in the Twenty-First Century
Methot P-O.
- Hermann
- 4 Novembre 2020
- 9791037013538
Medicine exists "as the art of life" because individuals have come to identify certain states as being in need of correction "in relation to the dynamic polarity of life." Written in wartime by French philosopher Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995), The Normal and the Pathological offers a powerful and unparalleled critique of biological and medical thought.
Drawing on the OEuvres complètes and on unpublished manuscripts, this collection of new essays situates The Normal and the Pathological in its own philosophical, scientific, and cultural context and brings Canguilhem's writings into conversation with pressing epistemological issues in the biological and the social sciences. It also articulates his critique of norms and normality within current debates in the philosophy of medicine and medical humanities. Exploring the richness of Canguilhem's philosophy, Vital Norms demonstrates how fertile his work remains for our understanding of health, disease, and illness in the twenty-first century.
"Vital Norms breaks new grounds in the philosophical and historical study of Georges Canguilhem's masterpiece, The Normal and the Pathological. Collecting a series of engaging and insightful essays, it analyses Canguilhem's rich and complex thought using archival material and published sources, and shows its enduring relevance for challenges posed by contemporary life sciences and medicine." Camille Limoges (CIRST) -
De simoen dja, de wind die je huid losrukt, is gaan liggen. Weinigen
hebben hem overleefd. Erger nog: sommige van hen zijn gebrandmerkt
door de qua?dj, de demon! Deze weeft zijn vernietigende web, terwijl
tegennatuurlijke verbonden worden gesloten om Hiërus Alem te doen
vallen. Alleen Gauthier van Vlaanderen probeert aan deze waanzin te
ontkomen door het kwaad in de wortel aan te tasten. Maar daarvoor
moet hij de spiegel van Syria, die het innerlijk van de kijker toont,
zien te bemachtigen. En Syria is al in handen van veel te menselijke
demonen... -
Design and Development of Efficient Energy Systems
Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Suman Lata Tripathi, Dushyant Kumar Singh
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 16 Mars 2021
- 9781119761792
There is not a single industry which will not be transformed by machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT). IoT and machine learning have altogether changed the technological scenario by letting the user monitor and control things based on the prediction made by machine learning algorithms. There has been substantial progress in the usage of platforms, technologies and applications that are based on these technologies. These breakthrough technologies affect not just the software perspective of the industry, but they cut across areas like smart cities, smart healthcare, smart retail, smart monitoring, control, and others. Because of these "game changers," governments, along with top companies around the world, are investing heavily in its research and development. Keeping pace with the latest trends, endless research, and new developments is paramount to innovate systems that are not only user-friendly but also speak to the growing needs and demands of society. This volume is focused on saving energy at different levels of design and automation including the concept of machine learning automation and prediction modeling. It also deals with the design and analysis for IoT-enabled systems including energy saving aspects at different level of operation. The editors and contributors also cover the fundamental concepts of IoT and machine learning, including the latest research, technological developments, and practical applications. Valuable as a learning tool for beginners in this area as well as a daily reference for engineers and scientists working in the area of IoT and machine technology, this is a must-have for any library.
Nanocrystals and Their Mesoscopic Organization is an up-to-date monograph on an important aspect of nanoscience and technology. It opens with an elegant introduction including a brief historical account. Emphasis is then given to diverse synthetic methods, both chemical and physical, in addition to modern hybrid methods. The orientation shifts gradually to properties of nanocrystals that evolve with size; detailed discussions are to be found on mesoscalar assemblies in different dimensions, special cases of core-shell and magic nuclearity nanocrystals. The authors also address applications of nanocrystals, carefully separating out potential applications and those that have already emerged, and cite around 900 references from the literature, most from the last decade. Tables providing information at a glance and schematic diagrams at relevant places, make the monograph appealing to read. Occasionally, the reader is reminded of the contributions of celebrated past masters such as Michael Faraday. In summary, the monograph serves as a general introduction as well as a handy reference for the entire community of researchers and practitioners.
Pediatric Urology: Surgical Complications and Management, 2nd edition focuses 100% on the most common problems that can occur during pediatric urologic surgery, and how best to resolve them, ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient. As well as being thoroughly revised with the latest in management guidelines, brand new to this edition are a host of clinical case studies highlighting real-life problems during urologic surgery and the tips and tricks used by the surgeon to resolve issues faced. These will be invaluable for urology trainees learning their trade as well as for those preparing for Board or other specialty exams. Chapters will include problem solving sections as well as key take-home points. In addition, high-quality teaching videos showing urologic surgery in action will be included via the companion website - again proving an invaluable tool for all those seeking to improve their surgical skills. Edited by an experienced and international trio of urologists, they will recruit the world's leading experts, resulting in a uniform, high-quality and evidence-based approach to the topic. Pediatric Urology: Surgical Complications and Management, 2nd edition is essential reading for all urologists, especially those specialising in pediatric urology and urologic surgery, as well as general surgeons.
The book analyzes the basic problems of oscillation processes and theoretical aspects of noise and vibration in friction systems. It presents generalized information available in literature data and results of the authors in vibroacoustics of friction joints, including car brakes and transmissions. The authors consider the main approaches to abatement of noise and vibration in non-stationary friction processes. Special attention is paid to materials science aspects, in particular to advanced composite materials used to improve the vibroacoustic characteristics of tribopairs The book is intended for researchers and technicians, students and post-graduates specializing in mechanical engineering, maintenance of machines and transport means, production certification, problems of friction and vibroacoustics.
Oxide Materials at the Two-Dimensional Limit
Alessandro Fortunelli
- Springer
- 1 Avril 2016
- 9783319283326
This book summarizes the current knowledge of two-dimensional oxide materials. The fundamental properties of 2-D oxide systems are explored in terms of atomic structure, electronic behavior and surface chemistry. The concept of polarity in determining the stability of 2-D oxide layers is examined, charge transfer effects in ultrathin oxide films are reviewed as well as the role of defects in 2-D oxide films. The novel structure concepts that apply in oxide systems of low dimensionality are addressed, and a chapter giving an overview of state-of-the-art theoretical methods for electronic structure determination of nanostructured oxides is included. Special emphasis is given to a balanced view from the experimental and the theoretical side. Two-dimensional materials, and 2-D oxides in particular, have outstanding behavior due to dimensionality and proximity effects. Several chapters treat prototypical model systems as illustrative examples to discuss the peculiar physical and chemical properties of 2-D oxide systems. The chapters are written by renowned experts in the field.
Atom probe microscopy enables the characterization of materials structure and chemistry in three dimensions with near-atomic resolution. This uniquely powerful technique has been subject to major instrumental advances over the last decade with the development of wide-field-of-view detectors and pulsed-laser-assisted evaporation that have significantly enhanced the instrument's capabilities. The field is flourishing, and atom probe microscopy is being embraced as a mainstream characterization technique. This book covers all facets of atom probe microscopy-including field ion microscopy, field desorption microscopy and a strong emphasis on atom probe tomography.
Atom Probe Microscopy is aimed at researchers of all experience levels. It will provide the beginner with the theoretical background and practical information necessary to investigate how materials work using atom probe microscopy techniques. This includes detailed explanations of the fundamentals and the instrumentation, contemporary specimen preparation techniques, experimental details, and an overview of the results that can be obtained. The book emphasizes processes for assessing data quality, and the proper implementation of advanced data mining algorithms. Those more experienced in the technique will benefit from the book as a single comprehensive source of indispensable reference information, tables and techniques. Both beginner and expert will value the way that Atom Probe Microscopy is set out in the context of materials science and engineering, and includes references to key recent research outcomes. -
Geschichte und Theorie der Supraleiter
Rudolf P Huebener
- Springer Spektrum
- 7 Septembre 2017
- 9783658193836
Übersichtlich und kompakt stellt Rudolf P. Huebener das Forschungsgebiet der Supraleitung vor. Er schildert anschaulich, wie sich dieser Bereich seit Entdeckung der Supraleitung vor über 100 Jahren in viele Richtungen sehr lebendig entwickelt hat. Dies betrifft die Materialien, Experimente zu den physikalischen Grundlagen, das theoretische Verständnis sowie die technischen Anwendungen. Unter anderem geht das essential auf den Meissner-Ochsenfeld-Effekt, die magnetische Fluss-Quantisierung, den Josephson-Effekt, die BCS-Theorie sowie die Hochtemperatur-Supraleitung ein.
Goldene Regeln für das Talent Management
Klaus P. Stulle
- Springer Gabler
- 3 Février 2018
- 9783658209155
Klaus P. Stulle vereint in diesem essential zwei Herangehensweisen an ein sehr zeitgemäßes Thema: Zum einen beschreibt er entlang konkreter Ergebnisse ein Instrument, mit dem der Reifegrad des Talent Managements im Unternehmen erfasst werden kann. Im zweiten Teil werden als getrennte Checkpoints zehn goldene Regeln vorgestellt, mit denen das vorhandene Talent Management dann weiter optimiert werden kann. Insofern finden Praktiker sowohl in Großunternehmen und Konzernen, aber auch im Mittelstand ganz konkrete Hinweise, mit denen die jeweilige Unternehmensrealität hinterfragt und vorangebracht werden kann.
Das essential bietet einen Überblick zur Entstehung der Quantenphysik, beginnend bei Plancks Formulierung des Strahlungsgesetzes über die Weiterentwicklung durch Albert Einstein bis hin zur modernen Quantenmechanik auf der Basis der Arbeiten von Heisenberg, Born und Jordan. Die am Fortschritt der modernen Quantenphysik beteiligten Wissenschaftler werden vorgestellt, ihre Theorien und die historischen Zusammenhänge ausführlich erläutert. Der Leser erhält auf diese Weise einen fundierten Einblick in diesen hochwichtigen Teilbereich der Physik.
This book explores the interplay of farm mechanization, human factors and climatic and other environmental uncertainty in agriculture, using an ergonomics based approach to discuss solutions to the traditionally acknowledged vulnerability of the sector. It converges contemporary research documentation, case studies and international standards on agricultural ergonomics, engineering anthropometry, human factors, basic occupational health services, safety management, human performance and system sustainability to provide a handy reference to students and professionals working to optimize agricultural output while balancing the rational utilization of labour in agricultural practices and human well-being.
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 3
Mei Liao, Fengming Cui
- Springer
- 26 Mai 2020
- 9789811550058
This open access book brings together oral histories that record the experiences of individuals with intellectual disabilities in Shanghai as they participate in their careers. Employees with intellectual disabilities describe their experiences seeking, attaining, and maintaining employment. Their managers, colleagues, and family members also provide keen insight into the challenges and opportunities these individuals have encountered in the process of securing employment. An appendix provides a compilation of employment policies related to people with intellectual disabilities, particularly with respect to Shanghai.
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 2
Mei Liao, Fengming Cui
- Springer
- 25 Mai 2020
- 9789811551284
This open access book contains the oral histories that were inspired by the work of the Special Olympics in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of its founding. The foreword and prefatory materials provide an overview of the Special Olympics and its growth in the People's Republic of China. The sections that follow record interview transcripts of individuals with intellectual disabilities living in Shanghai. In addition to chronicling the involvement of these individuals and their families in the Special Olympics movement, the interview transcripts also capture their daily lives and how they have navigated school and work.
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 1
Mei Liao, Fengming Cui
- Springer
- 22 Mai 2020
- 9789811551321
This open access book is unique in presenting the first oral history of individuals with an intellectual disability and their families in China. In this summary volume and the two accompanying volumes that follow, individuals with an intellectual disability tell their life stories, while their family members, teachers, classmates, and co-workers describe their professional, academic, and family relationships. Besides interview transcripts, each volume provides observations and records in real time the daily experiences of people with an intellectual disability. Drawing on the methodologies of sociology and oral history, the summary volume provides an unprecedented account of how people with intellectual disabilities in China understand themselves while also examining pertinent issues of public policy and civil society that have ramifications beyond the field of disability itself.
X-Ray Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation
Stephen P. Cramer
- Springer
- 19 Novembre 2020
- 9783030285517
Synchrotron radiation has been a revolutionary and invaluable research tool for a wide range of scientists, including chemists, biologists, physicists, materials scientists, geophysicists. It has also found multidisciplinary applications with problems ranging from archeology through cultural heritage to paleontology.
The subject of this book is x-ray spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation, and the target audience is both current and potential users of synchrotron facilities. The first half of the book introduces readers to the fundamentals of storage ring operations, the qualities of the synchrotron radiation produced, the x-ray optics required to transport this radiation, and the detectors used for measurements. The second half of the book describes the important spectroscopic techniques that use synchrotron x-rays, including chapters on x-ray absorption, x-ray fluorescence, resonant and non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, nuclear spectroscopies, and x-ray photoemission. A final chapter surveys the exciting developments of free electron laser sources, which promise a second revolution in x-ray science.
Thanks to the detailed descriptions in the book, prospective users will be able to quickly begin working with these techniques. Experienced users will find useful summaries, key equations, and exhaustive references to key papers in the field, as well as outlines of the historical developments in the field. Along with plentiful illustrations, this work includes access to supplemental Mathematica notebooks, which can be used for some of the more complex calculations and as a teaching aid. This book should appeal to graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and senior scientists alike.