Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation
Joseph S. Wholey, Harry P. Hatry, Kathryn E. Newcomer
- Jossey-Bass
- 10 Août 2015
- 9781118893692
The leading program evaluation reference, updated with the latest tools and techniques The Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation provides tools for managers and evaluators to address questions about the performance of public and nonprofit programs. Neatly integrating authoritative, high-level information with practicality and readability, this guide gives you the tools and processes you need to analyze your program's operations and outcomes more accurately. This new fourth edition has been thoroughly updated and revised, with new coverage of the latest evaluation methods, including: Culturally responsive evaluation Adopting designs and tools to evaluate multi-service community change programs Using role playing to collect data Using cognitive interviewing to pre-test surveys Coding qualitative data You'll discover robust analysis methods that produce a more accurate picture of program results, and learn how to trace causality back to the source to see how much of the outcome can be directly attributed to the program. Written by award-winning experts at the top of the field, this book also contains contributions from the leading evaluation authorities among academics and practitioners to provide the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference on the topic. Valid and reliable data constitute the bedrock of accurate analysis, and since funding relies more heavily on program analysis than ever before, you cannot afford to rely on weak or outdated methods. This book gives you expert insight and leading edge tools that help you paint a more accurate picture of your program's processes and results, including: Obtaining valid, reliable, and credible performance data Engaging and working with stakeholders to design valuable evaluations and performance monitoring systems Assessing program outcomes and tracing desired outcomes to program activities Providing robust analyses of both quantitative and qualitative data Governmental bodies, foundations, individual donors, and other funding bodies are increasingly demanding information on the use of program funds and program results. The Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation shows you how to collect and present valid and reliable data about programs.
Improving Performance is recognized as the book that launched the Process Improvement revolution. It was the first such approach to bridge the gap between organization strategy and the individual. Now, in this revised and expanded new edition, Gary Rummler reflects on the key needs of organizations faced with today's challenge of managing change in today's complex world. The book shows how to apply the three levels of performance and link performance to strategy, move from annual programs to sustained performance improvement, redesign processes, overcome the seven deadly sins of performance improvement and much more.
Using Cases in Higher Education
James P. Honan, Cheryl Sternman Rule
- Jossey-Bass
- 15 Octobre 2002
- 9780787964818
Using Cases in Higher Education: A Guide for Faculty and Administrators is an essential resource created for faculty and administrators who utilize case studies to analyze, assess, and respond to the complex and difficult issues facing higher education leaders. While this volume will prove useful with any case study, it is specifically designed to complement the series of casebooks and teaching notes, starting with Casebook I: Faculty Employment Policies and Teaching Notes to Casebook I: Faculty Employment Policies.
From the CEO of Umpqua Bank, the essential leadership practices that allowed the West Coast's largest independent community bank to emerge from the economic crisis even stronger than before In this follow-up to the successful Leading for Growth, Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis shares the tactics and strategies that have allowed Umpqua to grow and succeed in the toughest economic environment. The results are clear: despite years of economic uncertainty, Umpqua has continued its upward trajectory-expanding from five locations in 1994 to more than 200 today. Davis's approach can help leaders recalibrate their approaches, no matter what the industry or market upheaval they face. In Leading Through Uncertainty, Davis shares a concise set of smart, actionable leadership practices that leaders can use to navigate their businesses and teams through difficult times. These include focusing on honesty and transparency, motivating and inspiring employees, building an outstanding corporate reputation, paying attention to details, and more. By showing leaders how to maintain a clear value proposition and strong leadership, Leading Through Uncertainty will help any company secure a lasting foothold in any economy.
How any business leader can create an atmosphere of competitiveness for exceptional growth When Ray Davis took over the local 40-person South Umpqua Bank in 1994, many people in the industry poked fun at his insistence that employees answer the phone with a cheery "World's Greatest Bank." Eleven years, $7 billion in assets, and 128 branches (or " bank stores" in Umpqua lingo) later, the moniker seems quite apt. Other banks scratched their heads when Davis sent his tellers to Ritz-Carlton to learn customer service and were intrigued when he hired a cutting-edge design firm to completely re-think retail layout. Now, with a top design award under their belt, a name change (there never was a North Umpqua bank), and a completely new definition of the banking business, Umpqua has become the darling of the entrepreneurial press and a growth powerhouse. The New York Times calls Umpqua "Starbucks with tellers." Ray Davis (Portland, OR), named by U.S. Banker as one of the 25 most influential people in the financial industry in 2005, is President and CEO of Umpqua Holdings Corporation. Alan Shrader (Moraga, CA) is an experienced writer and editor of business books.
Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health
Miguel A. PÉ, Rez, Helda Pinzon-Perez
- Jossey-Bass
- 17 Juin 2016
- 9781118880456
Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective provides a critical analysis of non-allopathic healing practices, including their uses, limitations, and scientific basis. The evidence-based discussion explores complementary, alternative, and integrative health (CAIH) across various cultural and ethnic groups both in the U.S. and internationally, to give you a greater understanding of the different modalities-including a literature-backed examination of proven methods and questionable practices within a cross-cultural framework. Each chapter highlights the scientific analysis of the practices relevant to each group, and guides you toward independent analysis of the risks and benefits of the practices discussed. Emphasizing the student as a future health professional, this book includes case studies, examples, questions, and discussion problems that underscore the role of health educators in educating consumers about CAIH practices.
How any business leader can create an atmosphere of competitiveness for exceptional growth When Ray Davis took over the local 40-person South Umpqua Bank in 1994, many people in the industry poked fun at his insistence that employees answer the phone with a cheery "World's Greatest Bank." Eleven years, $7 billion in assets, and 128 branches (or " bank stores" in Umpqua lingo) later, the moniker seems quite apt. Other banks scratched their heads when Davis sent his tellers to Ritz-Carlton to learn customer service and were intrigued when he hired a cutting-edge design firm to completely re-think retail layout. Now, with a top design award under their belt, a name change (there never was a North Umpqua bank), and a completely new definition of the banking business, Umpqua has become the darling of the entrepreneurial press and a growth powerhouse. The New York Times calls Umpqua "Starbucks with tellers." Ray Davis (Portland, OR), named by U.S. Banker as one of the 25 most influential people in the financial industry in 2005, is President and CEO of Umpqua Holdings Corporation. Alan Shrader (Moraga, CA) is an experienced writer and editor of business books.
Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion
Miguel A. PÉ, Rez, Raffy R. Luquis
- Jossey-Bass
- 17 Décembre 2013
- 9781118450185
Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion, 2nd edition, examines the importance of ethnic and cultural factors for community health practice. Edited and written by a stellar list of contributors who are experts in field, this book describes essential theories, models, and practices for working with race, ethnicity, gender, and social issues. The authors cover a wide range of topics including demographics, disparities, complementary and alternative medicine, spiritually grounded approaches, multicultural populations, culturally competent needs assessment and planning, communication, workforce, program planning, aging, sexual orientation, and future challenges. This edition has substantially expanded coverage on working with diverse groups, social determinants of health, spirituality, theoretical models for multicultural populations, planning and program evaluation, and aging, with new content includes coverage of disability and health literacy. This edition also reflects the latest standards for Certified Health Education Specialist certification and national standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), from Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health
In this book Michael P. Leiter and Christina Maslach, the leading experts on job burnout prevention and authors of the landmark book The Truth About Burnout, outline their revolutionary new program for helping everyone in the workplace overcome everyday stress and pressures and achieve their career goals. Banishing Burnout includes the authors' unique and highly effective Work Life self-assessment test and a customized plan for action that will help transform the individual's relationship with work and overcome job burnout. The authors outline their proven action plan, which shows how to establish core values, set a personal direction, engage other people, initiate a realistic plan of action, make an impact, and achieve career goals. The book is filled with illustrative case examples from a wide variety of organizations, including corporations, health care institutions, universities, and nonprofit organizations. Each case demonstrates how the use of the Work Life self-survey and the individualized action plan can result in dramatic changes in the daily workplace experience and advance career development.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer
Lucie Lapovsky, Mary P. Mckeown-Moak
- Jossey-Bass
- 28 Janvier 2010
- 9780470643433
With demands for improved quality, increasing competition for state and federal funds, and the challenges of integrating technology into the curriculum, higher education faces greater economic uncertainties than ever before. The chief financial officer (CFO) of any higher education institution stands squarely in the middle of this maelstrom. This issue of New Directions for Higher Education offers CFOs proven strategies for balancing the operating and capital budgets, maximizing net enrollment revenues, containing costs, planning for the resource needs of technology, identifying and managing risks, and investing the endowment wisely. The contributors discuss how CFOs can build positive relationships with key players in the campus?s financial planning and budget, including admissions and financial aid staff, state legislatures, and the board investment committee. This is the 107th issue of the quarterly journal New Directions for Higher Education.
The Truth About Burnout
Christina Maslach, Michael P. Leiter
- Jossey-Bass
- 2 Juillet 2008
- 9780470423561
Today's workforce is experiencing job burnout in epidemic proportions. Workers at all levels, both white- and blue-collar, feel stressed out, insecure, misunderstood, undervalued, and alienated at their workplace. This original and important book debunks the common myth that when workers suffer job burnout they are solely responsible for their fatigue, anger, and don't give a damn attitude. The book clearly shows where the accountability often belongs. . . .squarely on the shoulders of the organization.
The Jossey-Bass Reader on Contemporary Issues in Adult Education
Sharan B. Merriam, Andre P. Grace
- Jossey-Bass
- 23 Février 2011
- 9781118094174
THE JOSSEY-BASS READER ON Contemporary Issues in Adult Education With contributions from leading experts in the field, The Jossey-Bass Reader on Contemporary Issues in Adult Education collects in one volume the best previously published literature on the issues and trends affecting adult education today. The volume includes influential pieces from foundational authors in the profession such as Eduard C. Lindeman, Alain Locke, and Paulo Freire, as well as current work from authors around the world, including Laura L. Bierema, John M. Dirkx, Cecilia Amaluisa Fiallos, Peter Jarvis, Michael Newman, and Shirley Walters. In five sections, the book's thirty chapters delve into a wide range of compelling topics including: social justice, democracy, and activism diversity and marginalization human resource development lifelong learning ethical issues the meaning and role of emotions globalization and non-Western perspectives the role of mass media, popular culture, and "social learning" technology health, welfare, and environment Each piece is framed within its larger context by the editors, and each section is accompanied by helpful reflection and discussion questions.
THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH The Built Environment and Public Health explores the impact on our health of the environments we build for ourselves, and how public health and urban planning can work together to build settings that promote healthy living. This comprehensive text covers origins and foundations of the built environment as a public health focus and its joint history with urban planning, transportation and land use, infrastructure and natural disasters, assessment tools, indoor air quality, water quality, food security, health disparities, mental health, social capital, and environmental justice. The Built Environment and Public Health explores such timely issues as Basics of the built environment and evidence for its influences How urban planning and public health intersect How infrastructure improvements can address chronic diseases and conditions Meeting the challenges of natural disasters Policies to promote walking and mass transit Approaches to assess and improve air quality and our water supply Policies that improve food security and change how Americans get their food How the built environment can address needs of vulnerable populations Evidence-based design practices for hospitals and health care facilities Mental health, stressors, and health care environments Theories and programs to improve social capital of low-income communities How the built environment addresses issues of health equity and environmental justice This important textbook and resource includes chapter learning objectives, summaries, questions for discussion, and listings of key terms. Companion Web site:
The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations
John P. Glaser, Claudia Salzberg
- Jossey-Bass
- 16 Février 2011
- 9780470933466
This new edition of The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations offers a peerless guide for health care leaders to understand information technology (IT) strategic planning and implementation. Filled with illustrative case studies, the book explores the link between overall strategy and information technology strategy. It discusses organizational capabilities, such as change management, that have an impact on an organization's overall IT effectiveness, and a wide range of IT strategy issues. The book covers emerging trends such as personalized medicine; service-oriented architecture; the ramification of changes in care delivery models, and the IT strategies necessary to support public health. "Health information technology sometimes masquerades as an end in itself. The reality is that IT is a means to an end, an enabler of the strategic goals of health care organizations. This volume reminds us that shaping IT strategy and implementation to an organization's goals is the key to generating both economic returns and safer care for patients. You don't need an engineer to understand how to use IT to advance a health care organization's strategic agenda. You just need to read this book."? Jeff Goldsmith, PhD, president of Health Futures, Inc. "In this time of health care reform, nothing is more front and center than health IT. This book is an exceptional blueprint for the future, with a focus on the essential measures of success for any system implementation." ? Stephanie Reel, MBA, vice provost for information technology and chief information officer, The Johns Hopkins University "In this book, the authors answer the question that every health care leader should be asking: How do we unlock the promise of health information technology and fundamentally reshape our industry? This is a must-read for every person who wants to improve American health care." ? David Brailer, MD, PhD, chairman of Health Evolution Partners
Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Theodore H. Poister, Maria P. Aristigueta, Jeremy L. Hall
- Jossey-Bass
- 28 Août 2014
- 9781118958551
New edition of a classic guide to ensuring effective organizational performance Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations is a comprehensive resource for designing and implementing effective performance management and measurement systems in public and nonprofit organizations. The ideas, tools, and processes in this vital resource are designed to help organizations develop measurement systems to support such effective management approaches as strategic management, results-based budgeting, performance management, process improvement, performance contracting, and much more. The book will help readers identify outcomes and other performance criteria to be measured, tie measures to goals and objectives, define and evaluate the worth of desired performance measures, and analyze, process, report, and utilize data effectively. Includes significant updates that offer a more integrated approach to performance management and measurement Offers a detailed framework and instructions for developing and implementing performance management systems Shows how to apply the most effective performance management principles Reveals how to overcome the barriers to effective performance management Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations identifies common methodological and managerial problems that often confront managers in developing performance measurement systems, and presents a number of targeted strategies for the successful implementation of such systems in public and nonprofit organizations. This must-have resource will help leaders reach their organizational goals and objectives.
The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations
John P. Glaser
- Jossey-Bass
- 1 Mars 2004
- 9780787962821
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations offers health care executives and managers a balanced analysis of health care information systems. Written by John Glaser-a renowned expert in the field of health care information technology-this important resource shows health care professionals how to use IT to reduce costs, respond to the demands of managed care, develop a continuum of care, and manage and improve the quality of service to patients, payers, and physicians.
Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning
Kathleen P. King
- Jossey-Bass
- 10 Février 2017
- 9781119051015
A comprehensive exploration of technology's role in adult learning Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning introduces educators and students to the intersection of adult learning and the growing technological revolution. Written by an internationally recognized expert in the field, this book explores the theory, research, and practice driving innovation in both adult learning and learning technology, and illuminates a powerful approach to recognize and leverage these opportunities. Building on current trends and research in technology and its use, each chapter illustrates the need, opportunities, and examples of current and future technologies that scaffold adult learning, and provides comprehensive coverage of both current and emerging challenges. Many adult learning faculty, practitioners, and students realize that technology presents a growing and ever-present set of issues, yet few feel confident in identifying the opportunities that arise with each step forward. This book clarifies the interplay between adult learning and learning technology, and characterizes the cyclic exchange of information and opportunities that link these fields now and in the future. Understand the critical issues currently affecting adult learning Learn how technology is presenting both opportunities and challenges for the teaching and learning of adults in different contexts Examine recent research on learning technology for adult learners Discover how technological innovation can be applied now and how it will continue to shape the future of learning Adult learning is on the rise, and there is no mistaking technology's role; whether they're learning with or about technology, today's adult learners come with unique sets of needs and skills that demand specialized approaches. Traditional pedagogical techniques don't transfer directly, and learning technology requires its own unique approach to development and use. Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning equips practitioners to further adult learning and shape the future of the field, while providing a rich perspective for classroom inquiry and research.
Maker-Centered Learning
Edward P. Clapp, Jessica Ross, Jennifer O. Ryan, Shari Tishman
- Jossey-Bass
- 8 Novembre 2016
- 9781119263661
The Agency by Design guide to implementing maker-centered teaching and learning Maker-Centered Learning provides both a theoretical framework and practical resources for the educators, curriculum developers, librarians, administrators, and parents navigating this burgeoning field. Written by the expert team from the Agency by Design initiative at Harvard's Project Zero, this book Identifies a set of educational practices and ideas that define maker-centered learning, and introduces the focal concepts of maker empowerment and sensitivity to design. Shares cutting edge research that provides evidence of the benefits of maker-centered learning for students and education as a whole. Presents a clear Project Zero-based framework for maker-centered teaching and learning Includes valuable educator resources that can be applied in a variety of design and maker-centered learning environments Describes unique thinking routines that foster the primary maker capacities of looking closely, exploring complexity, and finding opportunity. A surge of voices from government, industry, and education have argued that, in order to equip the next generation for life and work in the decades ahead, it is vital to support maker-centered learning in various educational environments. Maker-Centered Learning provides insight into what that means, and offers tools and knowledge that can be applied anywhere that learning takes place.
Contemplative Practices in Higher Education
Daniel P. Barbezat, Mirabai Bush
- Jossey-Bass
- 30 Octobre 2013
- 9781118646922
Contemplative pedagogy is a way for instructors to: empower students to integrate their own experience into the theoretical material they are being taught in order to deepen their understanding; help students to develop sophisticated problem-solving skills; support students' sense of connection to and compassion for others; and engender inquiries into students' most profound questions. Contemplative practices are used in just about every discipline-from physics to economics to history-and are found in every type of institution. Each year more and more faculty, education reformers, and leaders of teaching and learning centers seek out best practices in contemplative teaching, and now can find them here, brought to you by two of the foremost leaders and innovators on the subject.
This book presents background information and ideas for the practical application of contemplative practices across the academic curriculum from the physical sciences to the humanities and arts. Examples of contemplative techniques included in the book are mindfulness, meditation, yoga, deep listening, contemplative reading and writing, and pilgrimage, including site visits and field trips. -
Practical steps for making marriage last a lifetime Two noted relationship experts Wally Goddard and James Marshall offer down-to-earth advice for any couple who wants to strengthen their marriage and make it last a lifetime. In this important book the authors outline their six-step program-commit, grow, nurture, understand, solve, and serve-that has proven to be effective. Using a bountiful garden as a metaphor for a healthy marriage, the book encourages couples to invest time in growing their relationship, shine the light of encouragement on each other, deal with "bugs" and "thorns," and share time and resources to make the whole world blossom. Shows how to turn differences into blessings and transform difficult times into rewarding experiences Authors are part of the National Extension Marriage and Education Network An honest and accurate look at relationships that offers couples a solid foundation for nurturing and growing their love.
Leadership Theory
John P. Dugan, Natasha T. Turman, Amy C. Barnes
- Jossey-Bass
- 27 Janvier 2017
- 9781118864258
The facilitator's guide brings to life the content of the survey text, Leadership Theory. It offers instructive advice on how to prepare for the use of a critical perspective as well as providing practical resources to translate survey text content to practice. The facilitator's guide consists of: An overview of how to use the guide as well as recommended skills and reflection questions for educators prior to implementing material. Objectives, critical concepts, a chapter overview, and a chapter framework for each chapter from Leadership Theory Lesson plan "walk-throughs" containing 2-3 activities for each chapter of the survey text, with information for learning outcomes, activity setup, and additional notes for facilitation.
Finance for Strategic Decision-Making
M. P. Narayanan, Vikram K. Nanda
- Jossey-Bass
- 26 Avril 2004
- 9780787974190
Finance for Strategic Decision Making demystifies and clarifies for non-financial executives the basics of financial analysis. It shows how they can make important financial decisions that can critically enhance their institution's ability to respond to competitive challenges, undertake new projects, overcome financial setbacks, and most importantly, create shareholder value. Written by M. P. Narayanan and Vikram K. Nanda-two of the country's leading authorities on financial strategy-this book offers a practical guide for using financial analysis to enhance strategicdecision making. The book includes a coherent framework that outlines practical and intellectually sound guidance for executives who must make strategic decisions. Finance for Strategic Decision Making Explains the role of finance in corporate strategy Offers guidance on resource allocation decisions Explores how to determine the right balance of debt and equity capital to maximize firm value Demonstrates how to use payout policy as a strategic tool Clarifies if a merger, acquisition, or divestiture is in the best interest of an organization Shows how to manage risk Reveals how to measure value created and the effectiveness of upper level management
In Boardroom Excellence, author Paul Brountas, a corporate attorney with more than forty years experience, discusses the qualities and components of effective boards in today's post-Enron environment. Written in a concise format, the book is filled with informative practical advice for board members of private, public, and nonprofit organizations. Boardroom Excellence contains an informed discussion of fundamental corporate governance issues, including the duties and responsibilities of directors and the proper interaction of the board with the CEO and management. Brountas reveals how board members can be most effective when they are independent, possess integrity, are well-informed and involved, and are proactive. Boardroom Excellence offers timely information about Establishing the values and qualities that board members should possess Developing an environment in the boardroom where skepticism and serious discussion are encouraged Understanding what the CEO expects of the board and what the board expects of the CEO Creating effective independent audit, compensation, nominating, and governance committees Formulating guidelines for periodic evaluation of the performance of the board and individual board members
James Spillane, the leading expert in Distributed Leadership, shows how leadership happens in everyday practices in schools, through formal routines and informal interactions. He examines the distribution of leadership among administrators, specialists, and teachers in the school, and explains the ways in which leadership practice is stretched over leaders, followers, and aspects of the situation, including routines and tools of various sorts in the organization such as memos, scheduling procedures, and evaluation protocols. This book is a volume in the Jossey-Bass Leadership Library in Education-a series designed to meet the demand for new ideas and insights about leadership in schools.