Palgrave Macmillan
Energy Citizenship
Breffni´ Lennon, Alexandra Revez, Bin Bin J. Pearce
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 21 Décembre 2024
- 9783031701535
This open access book develops a deeper understanding of an increasingly applied term across policy cycles and academic discourses, `energy citizenship'. It provides the reader with five distinct chapters, with each in turn examining a specific aspect of the concept and how it has manifested in public discourses.
Cyberfiction: After the Future explores a world where cybernetics sets the terms for life and culture - our world of ubiquitous info-tech, instantaneous capital flows, and immanent catastrophe. Economics fuses with technology to create a new kind of speculative fiction: cyberfiction. Paul Youngquist reveals the ways in which J. G. Ballard, Philip K. Dick, Samuel Delany, Octavia Butler, and William Gibson, among others, map a territory where information reigns supreme and the future is becoming a thing of the past.
Through a shrewd analysis of the historical experience of imperialism and settler colonialism, Limbrick draws new conclusions about their effect on cinematic production, distribution, reception and filmic discourse.
The Road from Authoritarianism to Democratization in Indonesia
P. Carnegie
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 7 Juin 2010
- 9780230107748
This book establishes that a tension exists between how we frame democratisation and the conclusions we arrive at. It demonstrates how and why interpreting ambiguity matters in the study of Indonesia's post-authoritarian settlement and highlights the need for dialogue with proponents of social conflict theory.
Public Theology in an Age of World Christianity
P. Chung
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 26 Avril 2010
- 9780230106550
This book aims to rearticulate and reinterpret a Christian concept of God's mission and evangelization in light of the universal, irregular, and transversal horizon of God's narrative as it pertains to the realities of public sphere.
American Higher Education, Leadership, and Policy
P. Pasque
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 7 Juin 2010
- 9780230107755
In this critical look at contemporary higher education, Pasque argues that if a more thorough understanding of leaders' perspectives is not offered, then the dominant perspectives within academic discourse will continue to perpetuate the current ideas of higher education's relationship with society.
Bilingual Public Schooling in the United States
P. Ramsey
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 29 Mars 2010
- 9780230106093
This history of one of the most contentious educational issues in America examines bilingual instruction in the United States from the common school era to the recent federal involvement in the 1960s and 1970s. Drawing from school reports, student narratives, legal resources, policy documents, and other primary sources, the work teases out the underlying agendas and patterns in bilingual schooling during much of America s history. The study demonstrates clearly how the broader context - the cultural, intellectual, religious, demographic, economic, and political forces - shaped the contours of dual-language instruction in America between the 1840s and 1960s. Ramsey s work fills a crucial void in the educational literature and addresses not only historians, linguists, and bilingual scholars, but also policymakers and practitioners in the field.
The State Economic Handbook is a new annual reference book profiling the economy, demography, political environment, and business climates for each of the 50 states. This information, gathered from a variety of sources and clearly presented in one volume, will be of great value to researchers, businesses, news media, and government agencies.
Crisis, Call, and Leadership in the Abrahamic Traditions
W. Johnson
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 9 Novembre 2009
- 9780230101357
Sixteen Muslim, Jewish, and Christian scholars sought to answer one question: 'Do our three scriptures unite or divide us?' Each essay examines scriptural sources as read in the classical and medieval traditions, addressing issues including how each tradition addresses the 'other' within its tradition and without, and the challenges of modernity.
By re-examining the central themes of Reformation theology, Chung clearly and carefully describes the fundamental shape of Reformation thinking and introduces the reader to what was and is at stake in the Reformation's insistence on the centrality of the Gospel.
This book offers a critical study of the cultural and social phenomena of war in the French and French-speaking world through a number of lenses, including memory, gender, the arts, and intellectual history.
This book offers a social and cultural history of American culture in the formative years of the twentieth century, examining forms such as vaudeville, early film, popular songs, modernist art, and many others in the context of contemporary social changes.
Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education
T. Ream
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 23 Novembre 2009
- 9780230101494
This book offers examples from both Christian and secular democratic institutions of higher education and then responds to possible criticisms about how moral education in a comprehensive humanist moral tradition may short change diversity, autonomy and critical thinking.
The idea of education as therapy goes back to ancient times. Today, it is understood that the role of the teacher comprises aspects of therapy directed towards the child. But to what extent should this relationship be developed, and what are its concomitant responsibilities? This book offers a challenging philosophical approach to these issues.
In light of the events of 2011, Real-Time Diplomacy examines how diplomacy has evolved as media have gradually reduced the time available to policy makers. It analyzes the workings of real-time diplomacy and the opportunities for media-centered diplomacy programs that bypass governments and directly engage foreign citizens.
Examines the alternative belief systems which contemporary organizational actors live by and through which they seek to find meaning within the dominant (neo)capitalist social order. This volume marks an attempt to move the study of belief forward within management and organization studies.
This collection of essays by major scholars analyze the religious diversity in Chinese religion, bringing together topics from traditional and contemporary contexts and Chinese religions' encounters with Western religion.
Current Perspectives in Media Education
J. Wardle
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 12 Septembre 2013
- 9781137300218
This book emerged from the online project 'A Manifesto for Media Education' and takes forward its starting points by asking some of the original contributors to expand upon their view of the purpose of media education and to support their perspective with accounts of practice.
Literary and Cultural Relations between Brazil and Mexico
P. Da Luz Moreira
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 17 Décembre 2013
- 9781137377357
Joining a timely conversation within the field of intra-American literature, this study takes a fresh look at Latin America by locating fragments and making evident the mostly untold story of horizontal (south-south) contacts across a multilingual, multicultural continent.
Disaster Management for 2030 Agenda of the SDG
R. Lalitha S. Fernando, V. K. Malhotra
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 26 Septembre 2020
- 9789811543241
This book shows how specifically each goal of Sustainable Development Goals could be incorporated in country wise developmental programmes set to transform the world. It highlights how a combination of initiatives on mitigation of disasters and a robust progress could build a resilient society. The book discusses multidimensional processes such as administrative, financial and social challenges which can mitigate disasters and help in an advancement towards SDG Goals. It highlights the embeddedness of SDGs in disaster mitigation as they tend to be linked and interdependent. By linking sustainable development to disaster mitigation one gets a strong justification for investment into preparedness as a guarantee or insurance against loss and damages due to unforeseen disasters.
Development in Coastal Zones and Disaster Management
R. Lalitha S. Fernando, Amita Singh
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 13 Octobre 2020
- 9789811542947
In the last two decades, coastal regions have relatively endured some of the fiercest oceanic and geophysical disasters than the earlier decades. Yet, disaster management governance fails to match the human, nonhuman and environmental calamity which is unfolding in its most frequent and unpredictable pattern. Between the Asian Tsunami of 2004 to the devastating Chennai and Kerala floods of 2018 the socio-industrial-livelihood impact alerts governments towards a greater and more serious compliance to laws for coastal conservation. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) in 2018 had shocking statistics to share as the deaths and damages related to only Tsunami disaster at the coasts to 251,770 and US$280 billions respectively in the last 20 years (1998-2017) as compared to 998 and US$ 2.7 billion in the previous 20 years (1978-1997). Coastal conservation is no more a question of casual governance but has become a need for survival. The region of South Asia whichranks much higher in its vulnerability, weak resilience and relatively undersupplied governance structures ought to take this responsibility on a priority. The spirit of Hyogu Declaration and the Sendai Framework for Action suggests preparedness and resilience building as key approach areas in coastal governance.
The book is incomparable in its holistic and transdisciplinary social science based approach to disaster management which links conservation of marine flora and fauna, ecosystems and land management with decision making processes and coastal regulations. These grass root findings from the subcontinent are substantiated by a section on the most powerful court battle on the Kerala Floods as a guideline for readers to discerningly identify an `Act of God' often used as a veil to hide lack of preparedness, apathy and political greed. This book becomes indispensable reading for anyone involved in research, administration or any level of decision making for the mitigation and prevention of disasters. -
This edited volume presents case studies of the transformation of China's public services over the past decade in China. As the country has experienced fundamental changes in its demographic, economic, social and environmental structures, demands on public services have been increasing tremendously, and have become unprecedentedly diverse. In response, innovations to provide new services, expand service recipients, adopt new technologies, engage partners, and streamline service processes have been employed widely in China to increase service efficiency, enhance quality, enlarge coverage, and improve citizen satisfaction. This book examines prominent cases of public service innovations in China, disclosing their causes, patterns, diffusion, and effects. These cases provide interesting evidence about the nature and effectiveness of public service innovations in China while highlighting to what extent these innovations can be explained by accepted theories and whether new theory building is needed. This book will be of value to academics and policymakers seeking to understand the evolving Chinese political system.
This volume's aim is to provide an introduction to Carnap's book from a historical and philosophical perspective, each chapter focusing on one specific issue. The book will be of interest not only to Carnap scholars but to all those interested in the history of analytical philosophy.
This book tackles issues of globalization in the English Premier League and unpicks what this means to fan groups around the world, drawing upon a range of sociological theories to tell the story of the local and global repertoires of action emanating from the popular protests at Liverpool and Manchester United football clubs.