This guide for practicing statisticians, data scientists, and R users and programmers will teach the essentials of preprocessing: data leveraging the R programming language to easily and quickly turn noisy data into usable pieces of information. Data wrangling, which is also commonly referred to as data munging, transformation, manipulation, janitor work, etc., can be a painstakingly laborious process. Roughly 80% of data analysis is spent on cleaning and preparing data; however, being a prerequisite to the rest of the data analysis workflow (visualization, analysis, reporting), it is essential that one become fluent and efficient in data wrangling techniques.This book will guide the user through the data wrangling process via a step-by-step tutorial approach and provide a solid foundation for working with data in R. The author's goal is to teach the user how to easily wrangle data in order to spend more time on understanding the content of the data. By the end of the book, the user will have learned: How to work with different types of data such as numerics, characters, regular expressions, factors, and datesThe difference between different data structures and how to create, add additional components to, and subset each data structureHow to acquire and parse data from locations previously inaccessibleHow to develop functions and use loop control structures to reduce code redundancyHow to use pipe operators to simplify code and make it more readableHow to reshape the layout of data and manipulate, summarize, and join data sets
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Der aufsteigende Drache - Erfolgreich in Vietnam
Andreas Stoffers, Long Quang Ph?M
- Springer Gabler
- 11 Novembre 2021
- 9783658342395
Vietnam wird auch als das Land des "Aufsteigenden Drachen" bezeichnet. Und tatsächlich erlebt das Land seit seiner wirtschaftlichen Öffnung 1986 einen unaufhaltsamen Aufstieg. Vietnam wird immer mehr zu einem Magneten für Manager, Spezialisten und Studenten aus Deutschland, die sich diesem atemberaubenden Land zuwenden. - Das vorliegende Buch richtet sich an alle, die schon in Vietnam arbeiten oder demnächst in diesem boomenden südostasiatischen Land arbeiten wollen. Gleichzeitig ist es aber auch für jeden interessant, der in die faszinierende vietnamesische Kultur tiefer eintauchen mchte. Das Besondere an diesem Buch ist, dass es ausschließlich von Vietnamexperten geschrieben ist, die Jahre oder Jahrzente mit Vietnam zu tun hatten. Es ist aus der Praxis für die Praxis geschrieben. In insgesamt fünf Teilen werden allgemeines Wissen zu Land und Leuten vermittelt, Hinweise zur Gestaltung einer Karriere gegeben, der Umgang mit vietnamesischen Mitarbeitern thematisiert sowie Tipps zu Networking und Geschäftemachen gegeben. Ein ausführlicher Anhang mit Literaturempfehlungen, Netzwerkadressen und volkswirtschaftlichen Daten rundet diesen Managementguide ab. Willkommen in Vietnam.
This book explains the dynamics behind the economic transformation from the colonial era to the post-independence period in Indonesia and Vietnam. It analyses the different Vietnamese and Indonesian government approaches to the economic legacies of colonialism remaining in these countries after independence. It also demonstrates that despite critical differences between the two nation-states, the Vietnamese and Indonesian leaderships were pursuing similar long-term goals: to create a truly independent national economy. The book discusses the way in which the Indonesian government established complete economic control, resembling the socialist transformation of North Vietnam in the 1950s, and the various means by which the government of South Vietnam concentrated economic power in its own hands during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It also explores how the Indonesian government was determined remove the economic legacy of Dutch colonialism by placing the entire economy under strongstate control and ownership in accordance with the spirit of Guided Democracy and Guided Economy in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. This book is a point of reference for students, researchers and academics interested in a comparative analysis of the economic systems implemented by the colonial and fascist powers in Indonesia and Vietnam.
Johannes Ph. Backhaus applies the Model of Education Reconstruction (MER) to the context of a social accountability intervention in Cambodia. This book is not an evaluation but adopts a qualitative perspective on the learning approach applied by the researched intervention. The research found that the learning intervention does not systematically include learners' pre-existing social knowledge. It would potentially benefit from systematically harvesting and reinforcing pre-held convictions to sustainably motivate participation. It does not address potentially sensitive topics while interviewees show a sophisticated and holistic understanding of these. Finally, there are inconsistencies between the program's aims and objectives. In sum, the piloted approach offers pathways on how to beneficially include qualitative perspectives on similar development interventions.
The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment
Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews, Ph.D Donald H Saklofske
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 24 Juin 2008
- 9781446246061
This Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment 2-Volume Set constitutes an essential resource for shaping the future of the scientific foundation of personality research, measurement, and practice.
It reviews the major contemporary personality models (Volume 1) and associated psychometric measurement instruments (Volume 2) that underpin the scientific study of this important area of psychology.
With contributions from internationally renowned academics, this work will be an important reference work for a host of researchers and practitioners in the fields of individual differences and personality assessment, clinical psychology, educational psychology, work and organizational psychology, health psychology and other applied fields as well.
Volume 1: Personality Theories and Models.
Deals with the major theoretical models underlying personality instruments and covers the following broad topics, listed by section heading:
" Explanatory Models For Personality
" Comprehensive Trait Models
" Key Traits: Psychobiology
" Key Traits: Self-Regulation And Stress
" New Trait And Dynamic Trait Constructs
" Applications