Le Stretching Global Actif est issu de la Rééducation Posturale Globale, méthode de kinésithérapie considérée encore aujourd'hui comme révolutionnaire.
Si outre Atlantique le stretching a été immédiatement utilisé dans le monde sportif, en France c'est en réhabilitation que les bienfaits de l'étirement musculaire furent expérimentés.
Cette tendance s'est affirmée au cours des années au point d'acquérir un savoir faire reconnu en la matière.
C'est pourquoi, fort de cette expérience acquise dans le domaine complexe de la pathologie, l'auteur peut prétendre, à juste titre, apporter une contribution originale à la préparation sportive.
La globalité des étirements, la contraction isométrique qui les accompagne, la participation constante de la respiration, les postures d'allongement des muscles spinaux sont autant de révolutions apportées au stretching traditionnel.
Le caractère spectaculaire des résultats justifie à lui seul la pratique du stretching global actif.
L'auteur Ph. E. SOUCHARD, après avoir consacré quinze ans à la recherche bio-mécanique, a créé la Rééducation Posturale Globale.
Auteur de douze livres, il enseigne en France, à Saint-Mont (Gers) et dans neuf autres pays.
Sa méthode, considérée comme révolutionnaire, est pratiquée par près de cinq mille kinésithérapeutes.
Considérant que qui peut le plus, peut le moins, il délaisse provisoirement le domaine complexe de la rééducation fonctionnelle pour apporter des solutions originales (oh combien !) aux problèmes des sportifs. -
New Avenues to Efficient Chemical Synthesis
P.H. Seeberger, T. Blume
- Springer
- 2 Juin 2007
- 9783540708490
In modern drug discovery and development, chemical synthesis is one of the key technologies. For the rapid preparation of new test compounds and drug development candidates, several innovative technologies with great potential have emerged: Microreactor chemistry; Nanotechnology and catalysis research; Microwave-assisted organic synthesis; New developments in solid supported synthesis.
This book covers lectures about the theory, use, scope and limitations of these new technologies in chemical synthesis. It provides a useful overview for scientists in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in academic institutions interested in chemical synthesis for drug discovery and development. -
Metal Nanoparticles in Pharma
Ph.D Mahendra Rai, Ph.D Ranjita Shegokar
- Springer
- 14 Novembre 2017
- 9783319637907
Completely dedicated to the biomedical applications of metal nanoparticles, this book covers the different toxicity problems found in healthcare situations and also provides comprehensive info on the use of metal nanoparticles in treating various diseases. Metal Nanoparticles in Pharma is the first edited volume to set up the discussion for a clinical setting and to target a pharmaceutical audience of academic and industry-based researchers.
Advanced Materials for Integrated Optical Waveguides
Xingcun Colin Tong Ph.D
- Springer
- 17 Octobre 2013
- 9783319015507
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to integrated optical waveguides for information technology and data communications. Integrated coverage ranges from advanced materials, fabrication, and characterization techniques to guidelines for design and simulation. A concluding chapter offers perspectives on likely future trends and challenges. The dramatic scaling down of feature sizes has driven exponential improvements in semiconductor productivity and performance in the past several decades. However, with the potential of gigascale integration, size reduction is approaching a physical limitation due to the negative impact on resistance and inductance of metal interconnects with current copper-trace based technology. Integrated optics provides a potentially lower-cost, higher performance alternative to electronics in optical communication systems. Optical interconnects, in which light can be generated, guided, modulated, amplified, and detected, can provide greater bandwidth, lower power consumption, decreased interconnect delays, resistance to electromagnetic interference, and reduced crosstalk when integrated into standard electronic circuits. Integrated waveguide optics represents a truly multidisciplinary field of science and engineering, with continued growth requiring new developments in modeling, further advances in materials science, and innovations in integration platforms. In addition, the processing and fabrication of these new devices must be optimized in conjunction with the development of accurate and precise characterization and testing methods. Students and professionals in materials science and engineering will find Advanced Materials for Integrated Optical Waveguides to be an invaluable reference for meeting these research and development goals.
Molecular Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer
Ph.D. Kevin M. Haigis
- Springer
- 2 Octobre 2013
- 9781461484127
Colorectal cancer has for more than two decades served as the paradigm for the multi-step concept of cancer initiation and progression. Perhaps more than any other organ site, cancer of the colon is extensively characterized at the molecular level. We are now entering a time when molecular classification, rather than histologic classification, of cancer subtypes is driving the development of clinical trials with emerging targeted therapies. The book will focus on the progression from the identification of mutations that drive colorectal cancer initiation and progression to the search for novel therapies to treat the disease.
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Genes in Lipid Metabolism
Ph.D. James M. Ntambi
- Springer
- 15 Août 2013
- 9781461479697
Obesity and diabetes develop as a complex result of genetic, metabolic and environmental factors and are characterized by increased lipogenesis and lipid accumulation in many tissues. Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) genes are a critical regulator of lipogenesis and catalyzes the synthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), mainly oleoyl- (18:1n9) and palmitoleoyl-CoA (16:1n7). These MUFAs are the major fatty acid substrates for the synthesis of triglycerides, cholesterol esters, wax esters and membrane phospholipids. There are 4 SCD isoforms (SCD1-4) in mice and two (hSCD1 and hSCD5) expressed in humans. At first glance, stearoyl-CoA desaturase enzyme would be considered a housekeeping enzyme because it synthesizes oleate a well-known fatty acid that is abundant in many dietary sources. However numerous studies have shown that SCD is a very highly regulated enzyme that features in so many physiological processes ranging from fat differentiation, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, inflammation and cancer. The editor's studies using stearoyl-CoA desaturase knockout (SCD1-/-) mice and studies of other investigators using pharmacological approaches to reduce SCD1 expression in mouse tissues have all established that the expression of SCD1 gene isoform represents a key step in partitioning of lipids between storage and oxidation. High SCD expression favors fat storage leading to obesity while reduced SCD expression favors fat burning and leanness. Although these studies clearly illustrated that SCD1 expression is involved in the development of obesity and insulin resistance, questions remain in the elucidation of the mechanisms involved and role of SCD1. This book includes chapters by leading researchers on SCD Genes in the brain, heart, muscle, liver metabolism, Colitis, and more. ?
Neurobiological Studies of Addiction in Chronic Pain States
Carolyn A. Fairbanks, Ph.D. Thomas J. Martin
- Springer
- 14 Novembre 2014
- 9781493918560
Using rodent models, this volume explores the basic neurobiology of the relationship among chronic pain, opioid pharmacology, and addiction.
History of Schooling
Carla Aubry, Johannes Westberg Ph.D.
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 24 Juin 2014
- 9783653047431
The relationship between education policy and local practices is at the core of research pertaining to the history of education. In this volume, the authors examine this issue from a multitude of perspectives, presenting a broad and comprehensive picture of schooling on international, national and local levels. Three issues of great significance, both in the history of schooling, and for educational policy - «School Finance», «School Reform» and «School Media» - are discussed in relation to five European countries by addressing topics such as textbook supply in the eighteenth century, the spread of monitorial education, the rise of educational expenditure during the nineteenth century, and the internationalization of educational policy during the twentieth century.
Nordic Prosody
Eva Liina Asu-Garcia Ph.D., Partel Lippus Ph.D.
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 4 Décembre 2013
- 9783653030471
This volume contains the revised texts of papers given at the Nordic Prosody XI conference that was held at the University of Tartu, Estonia, in August 2012. The 42 contributions deal mainly with the prosody of Scandinavian and Finno-Ugric languages, but also of some other languages spoken within and even beyond the Baltic Sea area. The three languages that receive most attention are Swedish, Finnish and Estonian. The themes cover a wide array of aspects of prosodic research from phonetic and phonological analyses of stress, word accents, quantity, intonation and rhythm to the study of discourse functions of prosody, neurophysiological processing of prosodic features, prosodic transfer in second language acquisition, sign language prosody, and emotional and multimodal facets of prosody.
M&A durch private Familienunternehmen
Maximilian Ph. Muller
- Springer Gabler
- 11 Août 2015
- 9783658111465
Maximilian Ph. Müller führt eine quantitative vergleichende Untersuchung der langfristigen Performance von Akquisitionen privater deutscher Familienunternehmen anhand von Jahresabschlüssen durch. Er zeigt, dass Mergers & Acquisitions trotz häufig diskutierter hoher Komplexität und Misserfolgsraten eine erfolgversprechende Alternative zu organischen Wachstumsstrategien darstellen knnen. Seine Befunde aus Käuferperspektive sind Indizien für die langfristig positive und stabilisierende Wirkung von Akquisitionen sowie eine bereits vor dem Zusammenschluss überdurchschnittliche Unternehmensperformance. Der Datensatz der empirischen Untersuchung berücksichtigt im Gegensatz zu herkmmlichen Performance-Studien nicht brsennotierte Unternehmen in Privatbesitz und beinhaltet Informationen des externen Rechnungswesens Bilanz-, Gewinn- und Verlustrechnungsdaten sowie der Kapitalflussrechnung.
Patiëntenvoorlichting en mondgezondheid
M.P.M.A. Duyx, M.A.J. Eijkman, A.Ph. Visser
- Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
- 13 Janvier 2015
- 9789031395095
Voorlichting geven aan patiënten is een belangrijke taak binnen de gezondheidszorg. De opkomst van internet heeft het karakter van de voorlichting drastisch veranderd. Het studieboek Patiëntenvoorlichting en mondgezondheid is daarom volledig herzien en geactualiseerd. In deze nieuwe uitgave komt de rol van internet bij patiëntenvoorlichting uitgebreid aan bod.Patiëntenvoorlichting en mondgezondheid biedt een pragmatisch overzicht van situaties op het gebied van patiëntenvoorlichting uit de tandheelkundige praktijk. Aan de hand van patiëntengeschiedenissen en brieven worden diverse ervaringen en vragen behandeld. Het boek koppelt zo op heldere wijze theorie en praktijk van patiëntenvoorlichting.Het boek bestaat uit vier delen. In het eerste deel gaan de auteurs in op de maatschappelijke betekenis van voorlichting. In het tweede deel staat het onderwerp communicatie centraal: aan de orde komen gespreksvaardigheden, gespreksmodellen en non-verbaal gedrag. In het derde deel wordt ingegaan op de drie kernelementen van patiëntenvoorlichting: de informatie aan patiënten, de instructie en de begeleiding. In het vierde deel gaan de auteurs in op de relatie tussen voorlichting en massamedia. Het boek wordt afgesloten met enige ethische kanttekeningen en vraagstellingen. Ter verheldering is een korte verklarende lijst met tandheelkundige begrippen toegevoegd.Patiëntenvoorlichting en mondgezondheid is in eerste instantie bestemd voor mondhygiënisten en tandartsen. Maar het boek is ook uiterst nuttig voor mensen die werkzaam zijn binnen andere disciplines in de gezondheidszorg of op het gebied van voorlichtingskunde.
This book lays the groundwork for a new field of study and research in the intersection between science and diplomacy. It will review the multi-disciplinary research in this burgeoning area in providing the scientific foundation for the application of psychological principles to understanding and facilitating political decisions in an international context. Focusing on how people think, act, and feel on both individual and collective levels, this book takes into account a realistic perspective from which transformative processes can emerge. It follows the ongoing debate in the EU and the world in providing a better understanding of the tools that can be deployed to improve communication and cooperation between scientists, politicians, and diplomats in this field. The failure of communication in this COVID-19 planetary crisis has not been about whether or not objectives have been achieved, but about the ability of major actors to cooperate to forge links with people. The way policymakers and scientists will manage their interpersonal negotiations will be of great importance in fostering international cooperation and coordinated problem-solving behaviours. Otherwise, science diplomacy will lose sight of its most important purpose: that of helping to solve problems, conflicts, and diplomatic processes for the sake of humanity.
Get an in-depth introduction to the Go programming language and its associated standard runtime libraries. This book is targeted towards programmers that already know the Java programming language and uses that Java knowledge to direct the learning of Go. You will get a deep understanding of the Go language and obtain a good introduction to the extensive Go standard libraries.
This book teaches Go through clear descriptions of Go features, contrasting them with similar Java features and via providing extensive code examples. After reading this book you will be knowledgeable enough about Go and its libraries to begin doing effective programming using the Go language.
Go for Java Programmers is structured more like a tutorial than a reference document. It covers key features of Go, but not every little detail as a reference might. Its goal is to get you competent enough in Go and its runtime that you can begin to effectively writeGo programs.
What You Will Learn
Examine the key Go Runtime libraries and how they compare to Java libraries
See when it is appropriate to use the Go language instead of the Java language Read and understand programs written in Go Write many programs in GoDetermine when Go is an appropriate language to develop applications inDiscover how the Go and Java languages and development experience compare and contrast Who This Book Is For
Primarily existing professional Java programmers or students that already know something about Java. A basic understanding of Java is expected. Some basic programming experience with imperative languages is expected. -
This book is an exploration of the integration-differentiation dynamics that result in a drive, or impulse, toward human sociality, arguing that our need to connect with other people is as fundamental as our need for food and shelter. In The Social Impulse: The Evolution and Neuroscience of What Brings Us Together, Jaime Pineda presents the evidence that social cohesion is a complementary force to natural selection, the Darwinian drive for differentiation and diversity. The book addresses the distinctive aspects of social behavior that arise from integration principles and seeks to answer the following questions: (1) Why does social cohesion arise? (2) What is the history of social dynamics? (3) How does social cohesion work? (4) When do the developmental aspects of social dynamics arise? A final section of the book addresses the value of sociality and social cohesion. By exploring the differences, similarities, and, most important, the interactivity between natural selection and social cohesion, this unique book provides a wealth of interesting, challenging, and unexpected insights.
Nous avons tous dans notre entourage une personne qui souffre d'un trouble mental grave, comme la dépression, le trouble bipolaire ou la schizophrénie. Bien souvent, on ne sait pas comme agir avec un ami ou un proche qui souffre d'un tel trouble. « Dois-je lui donner des conseils »? « Puis-je la prendre dans mes bras? » « Que faire si mon amie présente des idées délirantes? ».
Dans ce petit livre, Dre Tania Lecomte nous présente les comportements à adopter pour aider un ami proche ou un proche qui souffre d'un trouble mental grave. Elle nous propose aussi une liste des comportements à éviter pour ne pas nuire au rétablissement de notre ami ou proche et pour garder intact le lien qui nous unit.
Ce petit guide deviendra, j'en suis certaine, LE livre à garder sur soi quand on aide un ami ou un proche qui souffre d'un trouble mental grave pour qu'il aille mieux, sans non plus se mettre trop de poids sur les épaules pour sauvegarder notre propre santé mentale.
Sonia Lupien, Ph. D. Chercheure scientifique
Éditrice en chef, les Éditions Va Savoir -
Dieses Buch legt den Grundstein für ein neues Studien- und Forschungsgebiet an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Diplomatie. Es gibt einen Überblick über die multidisziplinäre Forschung in diesem aufstrebenden Bereich und liefert die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für die Anwendung psychologischer Prinzipien zum Verständnis und zur Erleichterung politischer Entscheidungen in einem internationalen Kontext. Das Buch konzentriert sich darauf, wie Menschen auf individueller und kollektiver Ebene denken, handeln und fühlen, und berücksichtigt eine realistische Perspektive, aus der heraus transformative Prozesse entstehen knnen. Es folgt der laufenden Debatte in der EU und weltweit, um ein besseres Verständnis der Instrumente zu vermitteln, die zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaftlern, Politikern und Diplomaten in diesem Bereich eingesetzt werden knnen. Beim Scheitern der Kommunikation in dieser COVID-19-Planetenkrise ging es nicht darum, obdie Ziele erreicht wurden oder nicht, sondern um die Fähigkeit der Hauptakteure, zusammenzuarbeiten, um Verbindungen zu den Menschen herzustellen. Die Art und Weise, wie Politiker und Wissenschaftler ihre zwischenmenschlichen Verhandlungen führen, wird von großer Bedeutung für die Frderung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und eines koordinierten Verhaltens bei der Problemlsung sein. Andernfalls wird die Wissenschaftsdiplomatie ihren wichtigsten Zweck aus den Augen verlieren: die Unterstützung bei der Lsung von Problemen, Konflikten und diplomatischen Prozessen zum Wohle der Menschheit.
Cloud-IoT Technologies in Society 5.0
Kamta Nath Mishra Ph.D., Subhash Chandra Pandey Ph.D.
- Springer
- 21 Avril 2023
- 9783031287114
This book provides in-depth knowledge in the areas of convergence of cloud-IoT technologies and industry 4.0 with society 5.0, machine-to-machine communication, machine-to-person communication, techno-psychological perspective of society 5.0, sentiment analysis of smart digital societies, multi-access edge computing for 5G networks, discovery & location reporting of multi-access edge enabled clients/servers, m-health systems, enhancing the concert of M-health technologies in smart societies, supervising communication services in smart societies, life quality enhancement in smart city societies, multiple disease infection predictions, and societal opinion mining algorithms for smart cities societies using cloud-IoT integrated intelligent machine / deep learning technologies to the readers in the distributive environment. In this book, the authors have mandatorily discussed the implementation of cloud-IoT based machine learning technologies like clustering technique, Naïve Bayes classifier, artificial neural network (ANN), Firefly algorithm, Rough set classifiers, support vector machine classifier, decision tree classifier, ensemble classifier, random forest, and deep learning algorithms to analyze the behavior of intelligent machines and human habits using automated data scheduling and smart digital networks.At present, we live in a self-motivated and dynamic global society where technologies and challenges are unexpectedly changing overnight. These rapid changes in globalization and technological advances are creating new market forces every day. Therefore, day-to-day innovation is essential for any business or institution to survive and flourish in such an atmosphere. Though, innovation is no longer just to create value to do good to individuals, societies, or organizations. The utmost purpose of innovation is to create a smart futuristic society where people can enjoy the best quality of life using natural resources and manmade technologies including cloud-IoT technologies, and industry 4.0. Hence, the innovators and their innovations must search for intelligent solutions to tackle major socio-technical problems and remove barriers of rural, urban and smart city societies.The smart digitization and intelligent implementation of manufacturing development processes are the necessities for today's rural, urban, and smart city industries. All types of industries including development, manufacturing, and research are presently shifting from bunch production to customized production. The fast advancements in manufacturing technologies have an in-depth impact on all types of societies including societies of rural areas, urban areas, and smart cities. Industry 4.0 includes the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet, Smart Manufacturing, Cloud-based computing, and Manufacturing Technologies. The objective of this book is to establish linkage between the Industry 4.0 components and various rural, urban & smart city societies (including society 5.0) to bring actual prosperity where human values, peace of mind, human relations, man-machine-relations, and calmness will have utmost preference. These objectives can be achieved by the integration of human societal values, and social opinion mining (SOM) approaches with the existing technologies.
Frauenkoerper im Fokus
Filip Blaha Ph.D.
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 24 Avril 2013
- 9783653028713
Die Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Historisierung der Krper, vornehmlich des weiblichen Krpers, zu Krpervorstellungen und -praktiken sowie deren Wandel im deutschen und im tschechischen Turnmilieu. Der besondere Reiz dieser Thematik besteht in ihrer Mehrdimensionalität, die sie anschlussfähig macht für unterschiedliche historische Forschungsinteressen: für die noch junge Krpergeschichte, die längst etablierte Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, den Spezialzweig der Geschichte der Leibeserziehung und der Bewegungskultur (Turn- und Sportgeschichte) und die vielfältigen Studien zu Nationalbewegungen, Nationalismus und Militarismus im 19. Jahrhundert. Sie hat aber auch mit Schulgeschichte, Medizingeschichte und Geschichte der Fotografie zu tun.
This guide for practicing statisticians, data scientists, and R users and programmers will teach the essentials of preprocessing: data leveraging the R programming language to easily and quickly turn noisy data into usable pieces of information. Data wrangling, which is also commonly referred to as data munging, transformation, manipulation, janitor work, etc., can be a painstakingly laborious process. Roughly 80% of data analysis is spent on cleaning and preparing data; however, being a prerequisite to the rest of the data analysis workflow (visualization, analysis, reporting), it is essential that one become fluent and efficient in data wrangling techniques.This book will guide the user through the data wrangling process via a step-by-step tutorial approach and provide a solid foundation for working with data in R. The author's goal is to teach the user how to easily wrangle data in order to spend more time on understanding the content of the data. By the end of the book, the user will have learned: How to work with different types of data such as numerics, characters, regular expressions, factors, and datesThe difference between different data structures and how to create, add additional components to, and subset each data structureHow to acquire and parse data from locations previously inaccessibleHow to develop functions and use loop control structures to reduce code redundancyHow to use pipe operators to simplify code and make it more readableHow to reshape the layout of data and manipulate, summarize, and join data sets
- 8%
Der aufsteigende Drache - Erfolgreich in Vietnam
Andreas Stoffers, Long Quang Ph?M
- Springer Gabler
- 11 Novembre 2021
- 9783658342395
Vietnam wird auch als das Land des "Aufsteigenden Drachen" bezeichnet. Und tatsächlich erlebt das Land seit seiner wirtschaftlichen Öffnung 1986 einen unaufhaltsamen Aufstieg. Vietnam wird immer mehr zu einem Magneten für Manager, Spezialisten und Studenten aus Deutschland, die sich diesem atemberaubenden Land zuwenden. - Das vorliegende Buch richtet sich an alle, die schon in Vietnam arbeiten oder demnächst in diesem boomenden südostasiatischen Land arbeiten wollen. Gleichzeitig ist es aber auch für jeden interessant, der in die faszinierende vietnamesische Kultur tiefer eintauchen mchte. Das Besondere an diesem Buch ist, dass es ausschließlich von Vietnamexperten geschrieben ist, die Jahre oder Jahrzente mit Vietnam zu tun hatten. Es ist aus der Praxis für die Praxis geschrieben. In insgesamt fünf Teilen werden allgemeines Wissen zu Land und Leuten vermittelt, Hinweise zur Gestaltung einer Karriere gegeben, der Umgang mit vietnamesischen Mitarbeitern thematisiert sowie Tipps zu Networking und Geschäftemachen gegeben. Ein ausführlicher Anhang mit Literaturempfehlungen, Netzwerkadressen und volkswirtschaftlichen Daten rundet diesen Managementguide ab. Willkommen in Vietnam.
This book explains the dynamics behind the economic transformation from the colonial era to the post-independence period in Indonesia and Vietnam. It analyses the different Vietnamese and Indonesian government approaches to the economic legacies of colonialism remaining in these countries after independence. It also demonstrates that despite critical differences between the two nation-states, the Vietnamese and Indonesian leaderships were pursuing similar long-term goals: to create a truly independent national economy. The book discusses the way in which the Indonesian government established complete economic control, resembling the socialist transformation of North Vietnam in the 1950s, and the various means by which the government of South Vietnam concentrated economic power in its own hands during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It also explores how the Indonesian government was determined remove the economic legacy of Dutch colonialism by placing the entire economy under strongstate control and ownership in accordance with the spirit of Guided Democracy and Guided Economy in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. This book is a point of reference for students, researchers and academics interested in a comparative analysis of the economic systems implemented by the colonial and fascist powers in Indonesia and Vietnam.
Johannes Ph. Backhaus applies the Model of Education Reconstruction (MER) to the context of a social accountability intervention in Cambodia. This book is not an evaluation but adopts a qualitative perspective on the learning approach applied by the researched intervention. The research found that the learning intervention does not systematically include learners' pre-existing social knowledge. It would potentially benefit from systematically harvesting and reinforcing pre-held convictions to sustainably motivate participation. It does not address potentially sensitive topics while interviewees show a sophisticated and holistic understanding of these. Finally, there are inconsistencies between the program's aims and objectives. In sum, the piloted approach offers pathways on how to beneficially include qualitative perspectives on similar development interventions.
The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment
Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews, Ph.D Donald H Saklofske
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 24 Juin 2008
- 9781446246061
This Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment 2-Volume Set constitutes an essential resource for shaping the future of the scientific foundation of personality research, measurement, and practice.
It reviews the major contemporary personality models (Volume 1) and associated psychometric measurement instruments (Volume 2) that underpin the scientific study of this important area of psychology.
With contributions from internationally renowned academics, this work will be an important reference work for a host of researchers and practitioners in the fields of individual differences and personality assessment, clinical psychology, educational psychology, work and organizational psychology, health psychology and other applied fields as well.
Volume 1: Personality Theories and Models.
Deals with the major theoretical models underlying personality instruments and covers the following broad topics, listed by section heading:
" Explanatory Models For Personality
" Comprehensive Trait Models
" Key Traits: Psychobiology
" Key Traits: Self-Regulation And Stress
" New Trait And Dynamic Trait Constructs
" Applications