Ricardo lopez Ortiz
Hit-Girl Tome 1 : Hit-Girl en Colombie
Mark Millar, Ricardo lopez Ortiz
- Panini
- Best Of Fusion
- 10 Octobre 2018
- 9782809474053
Hit-Girl reprend du service mais elle ne veut plus travailler seule. Comme Dave Lizewski a rangé le costume de Kick-Ass, la jeune Mindy recrute le plus violent des tueurs à gages de Colombie !
Que feriez-vous s'il ne vous restait plus que six jours à vivre ? C'est la question que se pose Brenton Demm, l'un des treize agents du groupe d'intervention Horizon, lorsque l'énergie dévastatrice du Broyeur menace d'atomiser la Terre. Le problème, c'est que depuis le jour où il a survécu à une catastrophe dont il était lui-même responsable, Demm se fiche pas mal du sort de la planète...
Biosurfactants and Sustainability
Silvio Silverio Da Silva, Paulo Ricardo Franco Marcelino, Antonio Ortiz Lopez
- Wiley
- 4 Mai 2023
- 9781119854388
Biosurfactants and Sustainability A timely and authoritative collection of resources on the sustainable production of biosurfactants In Biosurfactants and Sustainability, a team of distinguished researchers presents emerging themes in the rapidly evolving field of biosurfactants. The editors have chosen work that focuses on biosurfactants as eco-friendly and versatile compounds of interest in societies seeking sustainable forms of development. The book examines biosurfactants in the context of biorefineries and in the exploration of extremophilic microorganisms for biosurfactant production. The included works discuss biosurfactant production from different lignocellulosic and amylaceous raw materials, as well as oilseeds and other agro-industrial byproducts. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to microorganisms producing biosurfactants, as well as sustainable biosurfactant production in biorefineries Comprehensive explorations of the challenges of biosurfactant production in fermentation processes Practical discussions of bioreactors and metabolic engineering used in biosurfactant production Fulsome treatments of biosurfactant production using enzyme and novel biosurfactant applications in nanotechnology, health, agriculture, and environmental cleanup Perfect for researchers and professionals with an interest in biosurfactant application and biotechnology processes, Biosurfactants and Sustainability will also benefit academic researchers, industry scientists, and engineers in biotechnology, microbiology, biomass conversion, environmental science and engineering.